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ScoutSoldier  Div 3/Div 4 Skill, 6v6

European Hakuna Matata

Posted by greenrab: | Last Online:


We won div 5 last season only dropping 1 map. However since then our pocket soldier and scout have moved on to create a team with some friends. So we are looking to replace them. We will probably be going div 4 next season but maybe div 3 if we get some really good players.

You need to be able to handle div 4 as we want to do fairly well but most important is your attitude. Willing to play games, get better and just be enjoyable to play with.

Has been requested that i put some requirements
– Fluent English
– Some Div 4 experience

Add http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198000501922 if you are interested.

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View Div 4/Div 5 4 413
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View Div 4/Div 5 22 1013


  1. pollos: B4P - SONS said:

    Added you. For soldier/scout trial

  2. Solid Speerlaiye: who is? - itsallgood said:

    Only join if you can stand Timon’s huge ego, Stoner’s attitude and the fact that you’re gonna play 5.5 v 6 most of the time. Other than that they have a cute frenchman and a friendly scot.

  3. Rex said:

    Douche alert.

  4. Flood said:

    To be honest, he has every right to post about his opinions on a team that he has played on, else how would anyone make a fair decision without having to talk to the person. But yeah, they have potential but it is ruined by personal traits of some people on the team. Never talked to their medic but I hear good things about him and their roamer’s a really nice guy. But the other two almost let it down in the way they act at times. Effectively seconding solid here.

  5. Rex said:

    I think people can make their own decisions when they come and play with us. :)

    You were kicked from the team for pretending you could actually commit to a team but actually spent almost all of your online time playing highlander and also feigning you understand 6v6.

    Solid left the team in a childish fit of rage because of an argument on mumble by removing everyone’s leader rights, kicking me from the team and laughing about the fact I gave him a scattergun.

    Sure you can make your comments about what you think is the case but evidently the problem child in the team has left and people can make their own decisions when they come play with us. I’d be more worried about your own rec posts. ;)

  6. Flood said:

    Don’t see why we should be considering we’re both happily in a team and trying to get on with it the best way we can. If I was here to cause trouble I would have given my honest opinion on my time spent in the team, but I don’t care so i’m not saying anything.
    Also why are you insulting me for doing little-nothing wrong here, I merely just expanded on Solid’s point in a nicer way.
    Good luck in whatever you decide to do, but really just tone it down. I know you’re frustrated having spent so much time on tf2 but not achieving much above div 5.

    People feel free to join this team if you want to, you’ll have a good mentor in sideshow.

    But please, for the sake of etf2l. Just shut up commenting on mine and other people’s rec posts when you blatantly can’t take the same on yours.



  7. Rex said:

    I’m not bothered about you posting, you can do all you like, I never stated you couldn’t share your views. I just said you might want to worry about your own recruitment as given solid’s previous antics I think this is mainly just another childish attempt to make things more difficult for people that actually helped him learn to play rather than any care for potential recruits.

    I wasn’t intending to insult you, I was simply explaining why the two of you would have negative views about playing with us. Of course you would, although I don’t think anyone else actually in the team has any problem?

    Perhaps I was harsh on you then, I’m sorry, it must be hard playing reserve medic in a highlander team? :D

    “For the sake of etf2l” – oh my, the internet! Just for etf2l!

  8. Solid Speerlaiye: who is? - itsallgood said:

    “Solid left the team in a childish fit of rage because of an argument on mumble by removing everyone’s leader rights, kicking me from the team and laughing about the fact I gave him a scattergun.”

    So I acted childish after you said “Yea you might aswell search for a new team now” and then banned me from mumble “in a childish fit of rage”? K.

  9. greenrab: tf said:

    Some people on this team have fairly strong characters. However I have no major problems with anyone of them or those who have chosen to move on.

    I can confirm that I enjoy playing with this team and have learnt a lot whilst having fun.

    Ps. Can we please just leave this argument here, both sides have said plenty and neither are completely in the right. People shouldn’t be discouraged from trialling with us as I am sure you can make up your own mind on whether you like us.

  10. lazybear: MUUQ - itsallgood said:

    i’m sure kicking your massive carry was a wonderful idea

  11. Rex said:

    Pretty sure green wasn’t kicked. ;) Nobody is irreplaceable. :)

  12. Mads said:

    Green is a strong medic + top lad

    Will do well next season!

  13. lazybear: MUUQ - itsallgood said:

    Didn’t mean green but nevermind, good luck next season and i wish you all the best

  14. FLOWER: B4P said:

    I like how Rex is a douche on other ppls rec post, and now acts like this! Wp

  15. MAAAGGGGAAA said:

    ) solly

  16. Rex said:

    By douche you mean skill policing two people? I see they all made it into teams of the skill level they asked yeah? xD I love how the only people complaining are friends of said parties. Looks like nobody gives a fuck. :)

  17. Metal Gear said:

    Good team, but Rex seems to have a natural scent and attitude that attracts drama. See; most recruitment posts he comments on.
    The fact you would start and pursue an argument on your teams recruitment post rather than take it to steam is probably not a good idea. Just saying.

  18. Rex said:

    I commented on two as I said just to point out the obvious overestimation in skill? Am I right or are they currently in super strong teams as they asked for?

    Not taking it to steam, don’t have space on my friends for these guys xD If you read I was the one who requested they worry about their own teams. Still not a problem it seems, having to keep deleting people from my friends to cope with the trialists. Just saying. ;)

  19. Solid Speerlaiye: who is? - itsallgood said:

    “I commented on two as I said just to point out the obvious overestimation in skill? Am I right or are they currently in super strong teams as they asked for?”
    Honestly I’m exactly in the team I wanted to be in :)

    “Not taking it to steam, don’t have space on my friends for these guys xD”
    That’s why you had me on your friends list like 6hours ago and now(in a childish fit of rage you could almost say) you removed me? Lel.

  20. Josh: REMOVE - LEGO said:

    Div 5/4 gl

  21. Rex said:

    “Honestly I’m exactly in the team I wanted to be in :)”

    You’re that self absorbed that you think I was talking about you? Actually read what was said.

    I needed to remove people to make room for trials adding me. Why would I keep you on steam? Silly comments. Silly people.

    Maybe just drop me an email if you got a problem dude, think we trying to recruit here. :)

  22. Rex said:

    Oh hi Josh xD

  23. Solid Speerlaiye: who is? - itsallgood said:

    “You’re that self absorbed that you think I was talking about you?”
    You know that I am. Silly Rex.

  24. Sapphira said:

    Dont be silly josh. Timon wont leave div5:D
    Played against this team a few times, they are pretty good. But their demo is a laugh, and stoner has attitude issues, from what ive seen.

  25. Rex said:

    Where’s your rec post gone? Wanted to troll post that you get 3rd damage most games. :(

  26. fraac: JOHN - CENATION said:

    I lost my best that Rex’s team would fold while top of div5. It’s not inconceivable that the next iteration of his team could last long enough to do well in div4.

  27. fraac: JOHN - CENATION said:

    bet. damn. should doublecheck my backhanded compliments

  28. Sapphira said:

    I sorted it out with my team <3

    And thats not true D:

    I get 2nd

  29. Rex said:

    Pay up fraac. :D

  30. trevor said:

    yo added you for solly trial!

  31. Marvin: dogs.tf said:

    Rex likes to shit talk everyone except himself. Thinks too highly of his own skill, even though he’s evidently not the level he claims to be. After 4 years in ETF2L you’d expect him to be at a higher division than 5/4, and if not that, at least fix his attitude issue. He is too stuck up and doesn’t stop arguing about irrelevant things.
    Also, he is apparently being “held back” by his own team as he could “obviously go d2/3”

    If you want to be with him on a team, you’re going to need nerves of steel and a lot of luck.

  32. Marmite: 9 ☆ said:

    Playing with Rex would possibly be one of the hardest experiences of your life.. He has a huge personality issue which i wont go into as Solid and Marvin have already been through this. He is really too stuck up to improve himself. Good luck if you are joining his team!

  33. Rex said:

    Way to make up your own quotations…

    Sadly I think most people with half a brain will see through your obvious intent here. I called you out on your rec post as not being div3 capable so you’re having a hissy fit. Go outside and kick a ball around, it’s nice weather at the moment. :)

    For people actually reading through this tripe we are trialing people from Monday but we have quite a long list of people to get through at the moment. You can add me but most likely won’t get to trial until Wednesday/Thursday now unless you look particularly awesome.

  34. Ston3r. :7 said:


  35. Dennia: FAINT said:

    This thread gave me cancur #Div4/5Problems

  36. Ston3r. :7 said:

    Did you readed all of it ? :D

  37. Marvin: dogs.tf said:

    I can tell quite a lot of people dislike you, and it’s really funny. You know, watching people get upset over a video game they played for over 4 years now and still not being good at it.

  38. Rex said:

    How well I ever sleep at night xD

  39. Adrian said:

    Hello :) Can u trial me ?

  40. Adrian said:

    Hello. I add u ;) can trial ?

  41. Mayowa05: free - BuZzBuZz said:

    Cool guys + strong team. Will do really well in div 4

  42. Rex said:

    Whatever Mayo I am div2

  43. Leif said:

    Top div 5 team looking for a top div 4 player?
    You should at least provide evidences with some screens of being at least mid div 4 with some screenshot before looking for a a complete higher than your last. Noone will believe you.
    Even assuming you are the level you claim to be I struggle to believe any top div 4 player will join you, especially with all this interesting drama going on in this rec post.

  44. Ston3r. :7 said:

    http://i.qkme.me/3q0739.jpg soz Omnio nobody cares.

  45. Rex said:


    With a div6 demo offclassing to pocket and a div5 solly playing scout?

    If only people believed us! :(

  46. Ston3r. :7 said:

    owned :DDDD omnio 2x

  47. Punkka said:

    I suggest not to trial for this team. We agreed a time, then when i was ment to be playing, they didnt let me play, wait 30 mins, wasted 2 hours waiting. They didnt even answers. Good luck assholes.

  48. Rex said:

    Dude was afk set away on steam at the time so I got someone else. He left me a rage message on steam then pissed off. If you give a chance I made it clear to all of our trials that we have a fucking huge list to get through. If you calm your tits and readd me then we can sort it out.

  49. kronis: NASA - hi im dog said:

    Even Epsilon rec post didn’t have so much posts.

  50. dodgydogman: Panda said:

    Everyone on team pretty cool, nice atmosphere, rex is bad, sideshow helpin out, good team to join.

  51. .Peign - :3: snapeandjaptorc said:

    There are more bad words in this rec post than i can yell at my team during 30 mins badlands. So much fighting. “Strong characters”.

  52. Rex said:

    I’m not bad, am div2/3 self proclaimed (by Marvin). :D

    Anywho any people adding me won’t really get a reply until Weds/Thurs now, got RL shit to do. We will keep trailing after that but the list is growing faster than we can trial, especially scouts. Need more pockets plz.

  53. Alex_jj said:

    Maybe easy to just pick on of them and stop making the list? :|

  54. SoggyBreadFTW: CC:BB - cats.tf said:

    People be mad :D

  55. davemarsh said:

    tldr. Recruit me, go div 3, kthnxbi!

  56. ash: (Legend) - UNHINGED said:

    We need to make this into some kind of soap opera.

  57. basshead: mid said:

    i’m ashamed to be associated with this rec. post

  58. Happ: HKN! said:

    hey, I´m interested in trialing. add me if you guys still need a scout.

  59. Happ: HKN! said:

    aw btw I got no experience what so ever. But trialing me is worth the try

  60. cupceic said:

    I’m interested in scout spot. My team was going to play div 4 next season, and we did fairly well in pcws. However my teammates didn’t have time to play anymore so we folded. My dm is good, and my gamesense is improving constantly. As long as you don’t play horribly late you should try me.

  61. cupceic said:

    Just adding that I have no official experience in div 4, but we played PCWs before folding.

  62. davemarsh said:

    why am I not in your team yet?

  63. Muuki: sirkkels - GG said:

    it’s like a 9v9 rec post but the numbers upside down

  64. Happ: HKN! said:

    I got no etf2l experience but I got loads of pickup experience if that counts. add me for a scout trial :)

  65. Sideshow: (ETF2L Donator) - ft. - WiK? said:

    Goodness gracious what a shitfest of a rec post. Let’s calm down ladies.

    This team has the potential to go up divisions fairly quickly, if they recruit people who can actually think for themselves and listen to calls. A pocket and scout with good DM and the ability to think for themselves would boost this team so much but if you can just do one of the two you’ll still be fine if you listen.

    Rex/Timon is a good caller and knows how to play at this level perfectly really, just needs to work on his deathmatch/area control to progress. He’s the backbone of the team when it comes to organisation, calling, brains etc etc etc and I honestly think that most of the people who think he has a huge ego just can’t be bothered listening to him because they think he’s shit. He knows what he’s talking about. Shut up and listen.

    Good luck finding players, in my opinion this is one of the most awesome “community type” teams to be a part of and you’ll enjoy it. Just don’t be a retard.

  66. Rex said:

    whatever sideshow. MGE? ;)