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Scout  Div 4/Div 5 Skill, 6v6

Netherlands Melvin

Posted: | Last Online:

Yo guys, i'm Melvin and i wanna get a new team,
Basically i was a merc for season 13 i was merc for steel HL team.
season 14 i was main on div6, 6v6 team.
season 15 i was main on div6 6v6 team.
i got like 320 lobby's and alot of mixes, pick-ups, if u want i can play Medic and Roamer ( pocket is not a big problem but i prefer roaming, and of course were i'm looking for scout also I'm Dutch (the Netherlands).
My hobby's are TF2 and doing the Harlem Shake, invite me or post me a message on ETF2L, or add me please.


User Profile | SteamID: U:1:44324320 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left Synergy Gaming [6v6] Solioneder
Joined Synergy Gaming [6v6] Yuval
Left Symbol of the Fatherland's Unification [6v6] Melvin
Joined Symbol of the Fatherland's Unification [6v6] django
Left Synergy Gaming [6v6] Melvin
Joined Synergy Gaming [6v6] django
Left Stigma Zeta [Highlander] Melvin
Left EZ [6v6] ISpotnikz
Joined EZ [6v6] ISpotnikz
Joined Stigma Zeta [Highlander] Unii
Left Educated Animals [6v6] Melvin
Joined Educated Animals [6v6] Melvin
Left Interstellar overdrive [6v6] Melvin
Joined Interstellar overdrive [6v6] Melvin
Left MILF [6v6] Marmite
Joined MILF [6v6] Melvin
Left AttackMasters [6v6] Melvin
Joined AttackMasters [6v6] Melvin
Left AttackMasters [6v6] Melvin
Joined AttackMasters [6v6] Melvin

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  1. Marmite: 9 ☆ said:

    Probably the best player in etf2l

  2. JudiciousClown: C-Lak said:

    Hands down the best medicI’ve ever had the privilege of playing with, you want to be picking this guy up; The fact he can offclass as roamer is only a bonus

  3. Dazrovia said:

    Your hobbies seems very interesting Melvin. Anyway he’s one of the best medic (if not the best!) I ever had the occasion to play with.


  4. PIPSQUEAK: Strejk said:

    This guy…. i mean what can i say this is probably the best medic i know!