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Demoman  Div 2 Skill, 6v6

Netherlands add

Posted: | Last Online:


Unfortunately the results of my previous team weren't good and we folded due to inactivity and leavers. However, I do believe that it had nothing to do with my individual skill level, but just because we were unable to scrim. So I wasn't able to show my full potential.

But to the point:

– Have improved alot
– LANable, i49 booked
– Can play EVERY day and all evening – as long as it's efficiëntly; I'm very motivated
– DM is at solid div 2 and gamesense getting there (or is already there, but can't say for sure), practising really hard to improve as fast as possible
– I'm fine with making a whole new team since it's such a long period until Season 16, but I prefer established teams
– Looking for a team that goes through STV/Demos etc and everything else to reach the top
– I speak English pretty much fluently and I'm 18 years old

Hit me up on Steam if you're interested in trialing me


User Profile | SteamID: U:1:62590625 Add Friend

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  1. bagaren said:

    really much experience from div 2…

  2. Admirael said:

    If you’re being sarcastic, what team history did you have before joining BAGPIPES? Only div 5? Maybe div 4?? It doesn’t always have to say everything..

  3. Dennia: FAINT said:

    but bagaren is a beast )))))))

  4. maidos: 000 said:

    bagaren bake his way up to div

  5. Ond kaja: .:[aAa]:. said:

    You’re not very credible when you’re claiming to be div 2, after failing both div 4, and then div 3 even harder.

  6. Fallen: TC said:

    But it wasnt his fault that he lost div4 or div3 guys. Jesus, read the post.

  7. carnifex said:

    bagaren is random spamming every single post, ignore him

  8. Admirael said:

    Ond kaja, I agree that it does not sound very credible, but as I wrote in my recruitment post, if you read it carefully, we only had 4 active players during the season because 2 players left just before the season, and 2 more players left during the season. The reasons why they left are not important, but I was not the reason. The point is that I can’t win a division when my team only has 4 active players. Look at TC Vibes, same case. So Fallen, stop talking nonsense please since you have no clue what really happened, thank you.

    My individual skill has improved all the time and I just need a team and serious comms in a game so I can show my potential.

  9. frixx: LG said:

    seriously give him a shot. fuck u haters

  10. taro said:

    I don’t get why people feel they have to shit talk in other people’s rec posts. If you haven’t played with the guy then you have no right to comment on his rec post.

    Fallen the highest div game you’ve won is div 4. So I don’t see how you can think it’s fair to go on a rec post, look at their history and say they’re not good enough.

    Bagaren you jumped from div 5 to div 2, yet you negatively comment on someone’s rec post about lack of official experience but has played in div 3 and wants to go div 2.

    I’m not sure if you guys are trolling or idiots blinded by elitism. Even if you are both good maybe you should consider helping someone who is keen to go up the divs, not by circlejerking, but by becoming more skilled at the game. Instead you shoot them down and (potentially) destroy their motivation to get better at the game.

    On to what really matters, Admirael is a solid div 3 demoman at the moment and is continuing to improve. Season 16 is several weeks and I think picking up a keen player like Ad will benefit any team in the long run. + He’s a super nice guy. Give him a shot!

  11. Leif said:

    Pls guy no mad they’re swedish so 14/15 comments are retarded :>
    Dont know you but good luck for your search.

  12. s0rex said:

    very good demoman take him fast

  13. Griffin said:

    2strong and keen demoman. pick him up div2 teams, bump!

  14. Admirael said:

    Still looking, also would be big + to make a team that can play at i49 aswell.

  15. Caeli: #T4F said:

    merced for his team a few times and he’s a really carry demo and vocal, which is very nice! gl mate :D

  16. Admirael said:

    Back from vacation, ready to play again

  17. Admirael said:


  18. Admirael said:


  19. kasabubu said:

    should fit mid-top div 3 , seems like a nice guy :) good luck

  20. Admirael said:

    ”should fit mid-top div 3” how do you conclude that if you literally played once with me… in a pickup lol, but thank you

  21. Admirael said:

    Still looking for more trials

  22. svins: alus - P.O.P said:

    Do you know what the speed and momentum is? If you have no clue what these things mean then there are free slots in trade plasa every day bro.