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Scout  Div 2 Skill, 6v6

Italy sphynx

Posted: | Last Online:

Playing dm and mge all days, it doesn't mean a shit but I just enjoy it and it's the only way I have to keep my aim on a decent level. I'm always willing to improve my gameplay and learn things with a good team/good ppl. I don't even know if I'm good enough for div2 but I won div3 in s14 and I'd like play on that level if it's possible as I think I'm enough dedicated to learn the job. I'm available from monday to thursday plus sunday @21 to 23 cet. Can play from 20cet before officials or so but usually I have some issues around that time. Not playing on Friday and Saturday as I feign to keep some real life. Add me on Steam if interested.


Mattia Dalle Carbonare.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:31514906 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left Italy [National Highlander Team] sphynx
Left Wolves of Anatolia [Highlander] sphynx
Left Italy [National 6v6 Team] sphynx
Left REEEEEEEEEEBIT [6v6] sphynx
Joined Wolves of Anatolia [Highlander] sphynx
Joined Italy [National 6v6 Team] sphynx
Joined REEEEEEEEEEBIT [6v6] sphynx
Joined Italy [National Highlander Team] sphynx
Left Animate [6v6] sphynx
Joined Animate [6v6] sphynx
Left eZ eSports [6v6] sphynx
Left ALBERT [6v6 Fun Team] nyx
Joined eZ eSports [6v6] sphynx
Left CLAssic Mixfag [6v6] sphynx
Joined CLAssic Mixfag [6v6] sphynx
Left Indica [6v6] sphynx
Joined Indica [6v6] sphynx
Joined ALBERT [6v6 Fun Team] sphynx
Left eZ eSports [6v6] sphynx
Joined eZ eSports [6v6] sphynx
Left I Don't Know? [6v6] Hist3rim
Joined I Don't Know? [6v6] sphynx
Left Italy [National 6v6 Team] Hist3rim
Left Audere Semper eSport Highlander [Highlander] sphynx
Joined Italy [National 6v6 Team] sphynx
Left Audere Semper eSports [6v6] sphynx
Joined Audere Semper eSport Highlander [Highlander] Sca
Joined Audere Semper eSports [6v6] sphynx
Left Audere Semper eSport Diamond TF2 team [6v6] sphynx
Joined Audere Semper eSport Diamond TF2 team [6v6] Croce
Left Team Redbyte [6v6] Nisa
Left Italy [National 6v6 Team] Nisa
Joined Team Redbyte [6v6] Nisa
Left enixe [6v6] sphynx
Joined enixe [6v6] Simonine
Joined Italy [National 6v6 Team] nophantasy
Left FOLDED : ( [6v6] sphynx
Joined FOLDED : ( [6v6] FunKi
Left ydiOma [6v6] sphynx
Joined ydiOma [6v6] sphynx
Left Smart Move [6v6] sphynx
Joined Smart Move [6v6] sphynx

Previous Recruitment Posts

View Skill Classes Views Added
View Div 2 13 744
View Div 3 20 666
View Div 2 10 373
View Div 2 18 805
View Div 2/Div 3 14 444
View Div 3 22 695
View Div 3/Div 4 15 736


  1. svins: alus - P.O.P said:

    Pretty good in mge

  2. Leif said:


  3. carnifex said:

    my favourite scout partner, fucking sick<3

  4. rockie said:


  5. Adrenaline said:

    Very good aim, sick dm, friendly and really nice person gl spinzio : )

  6. sphynx said:


  7. Aephage said:

    Sick man !

  8. nyx: -nobroder said:

    Used to be good.

  9. Golden said:

    Rly good scout and nice guy ofc

  10. Paria: Rob1 said:

    Cool dude.

  11. Croce said:

    He deserve to play at least in div 2, cool guy super aim, super in 1on1 and plz euro team for him

    fuck italy!

  12. Croce said:

    He deserve to play at least in div 2, cool guy super aim, super in 1on1 and plz euro team for him

    fuck italy!


  13. sphynx said:

    alcohol 1 croce 0

  14. mantas: 2puck said:

    pretty aim and warm testicles

  15. Zato1 said:

    sick dm,really nice scout. Take him for div 2. Gl friend ;)

  16. achy said:

    Best scout i have played with, really nice guy div2 easy. gl man

  17. Sarah said:

    he got a new supercute kitten, +1

  18. mantas: 2puck said:


  19. Hist3rim: eZ said:

    big bump because he truly believes in tf2. also super dedicated and “not to be underestimated” guy. GLGLGL

  20. BnB: pλ. said:

    great dm