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Demoman  Div 2/Div 3 Skill, 6v6

Finland iikq

Posted: | Last Online:

Looking for main demoman spot for 6v6 team as soon as possible to div2~ team. My last team folded and I really like to build team play and make (steal) tactics.
Can't surely say that I would be div2 just now but doing pretty much work for it and I want team which motivates me to make better and better work day after day.

– Can, and want to play 5 days a week (sun – thu) and 4 maps per day like 20:00 cest – 22:30 cest
– I would like to schedule pcws
– Available 19cest to 23cest usually
– I want stable team
– Open for criticism and giving it, I like to hear everyones opinion and think those
– Improving DM alot, I'm mad for myself when I can't hit those easy pipes
– Decent gamesense, I usually think alot what I'm doing and can I get better position
– Watching lot STV demos
– Mixing lot and playing pickups
– Sometimes can't hear things and you should maybe call me twice
– Not raging, sometimes I might say things bit anger if you're playing stupidly all the time
– Not the best english, I may be a bit quiet in first days and sometimes my pronouncing is pretty finnish but I'm getting better with it all the time
– I speak alot about what I am doing, who is taking damage and how much and when I need heals to push
– Wrong word choices surely incoming and stupid jokes when I know people better
– I'm usually playing pretty passive, not usually taking lots of damage and got feedback from some people that I'm not playing right 'cause I'm dying sometimes less than own medic
– I don't care about cap points and frags, leaving them to better finishing classes and focusing to make more damage
– I don't care about highlander, I still have HL team with great people and I might play few games with them if they need me in HL season
– Want to play with people who has same priorities and want to improve

Add me in Steam or /q iikq in quakenet

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:83943068 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Joined Lentavat Sirkkelit [6v6] Turboapina
Left Professional Disney Fangirls [6v6] iikq
Left Finland [National 6v6 Team] Bloodis
Joined Professional Disney Fangirls [6v6] Seal
Left Planet Express [6v6] iikq
Joined Finland [National 6v6 Team] Cauthon
Joined Planet Express [6v6] sheepy dog's hand
Left lucker dogs [6v6] iikq
Joined lucker dogs [6v6] MEGAMIDDIE
Left Equinox [6v6] iikq
Left Hello Kitteh Ninjas! Highlander [Highlander] iikq
Left Eastham Windmill [6v6 Fun Team] iikq
Joined Eastham Windmill [6v6 Fun Team] Vitilumi
Joined Hello Kitteh Ninjas! Highlander [Highlander] ari
Joined Equinox [6v6] ari
Left Remnant [6v6] django
Joined Remnant [6v6] django
Left Euphoria [6v6] iikq
Joined Euphoria [6v6] tonmas
Left iikq [1v1] iikq
Left hePPa [Highlander] iikq
Left Poorly Raised [6v6] iikq
Joined Poorly Raised [6v6] shötZ
Left Lutuset [6v6] iikq
Joined Lutuset [6v6] Santtu
Left BigBluntGaming [6v6 Fun Team] iikq
Left gr [2v2] iikq
Joined BigBluntGaming [6v6 Fun Team] rag!
Left rib [6v6] iikq
Joined hePPa [Highlander] iikq
Joined gr [2v2] iikq
Joined iikq [1v1] iikq
Joined rib [6v6] iikq

Previous Recruitment Posts

View Skill Classes Views Added
View High/Prem 19 1495
View High 17 1256
View High 10 882
View Mid/High 17 1343
View Div 2/Div 3 14 821
View Div 2/Div 3 18 1213
View Div 2/Div 3 14 1330
View Div 2/Div 3 16 1230


  1. Goala: [hePPa] said:

    solid demoman, talks english like pro, TAKE THIS SEXY BASTARD!!!

  2. mrwhizz said:

    He is pretty good

  3. hans: brz said:

    nice guy and also pretty good demo, good pick for stable team looking for demo.

  4. Godof said:

    pretty good, gl

  5. sidestep: (ETF2L Donator) - bobs said:

    has a sexy finnish accent

  6. BAITO: ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡9 said:

    Does awesome work with the black guy, people plz take him before somebody else does it!!!

  7. Caeli: #T4F said:

    Grandma may smell funny, but hug her anyway. Accept her stinky kisses and then go out and play. But she’s got all the money so you might just wanna stay, oh! Grandma may smell funny, but hug her anyway!

  8. Golden said:

    <3 this guy. Rly good demoman

  9. svins: alus - P.O.P said:

    Trains a lot in dm. Pick him up

  10. Kurates: prly - [hePPa] said:

    Sucks @ quake

  11. Jukspa: chumtoad. said:

    tatu is dabes

  12. Monkeh: .:ne:. - .:ne:. said:

    Seemed to be one of the stand out players from his last team when we played this season.

    Good luck.

  13. Jose: Lutunen said:

    Too passive demoman what i have heard <3

  14. xzr said:

    good demo!

  15. kasabubu said:

    nice guy , should handle

  16. Dusti said:

    The most active player I’ve ever met, eager to get better. You should recruit him before he’s too good ;d

  17. shötZ: prly said:

    Great demomaaan :)

  18. Caeli: #T4F said:


  19. SiTeHBu0mbb: DOWN said:

    Stanley Ipkiss – The Mask. 1994.

    Seems like a nice guy, haven’t played much vs him but seems alright!

  20. iikq: sirkkels said:


  21. Caeli: #T4F said: