ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


Soldier  Div 3/Div 4 Skill, 6v6

European Furaribi

Posted by korken: | Last Online:

Hello, looking for a backup roamer that has experience. cuz kairuga might just might not be able to play this is a precation for the upcoming season.

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  1. arc: iSlam said:

    very good bög pojajakakrnarkana

  2. maidos: 000 said:

    no dont contact me. Contact korken. im english is insufficent to communicate orally and keyboard

  3. vani: F! said:

    korken is div 4, idk about the rest of them

  4. korken said:

    vani is div 3 stil plays prem :3

  5. Markosen said:

    Still looking!!

  6. Dahlbeck said:

    Korken told me to write here

  7. zen1th: Pander - LEGO said:

    bump bump,

    must be prem to replace Beef :3

  8. Neophyte_Potatoninja said:


  9. Sasuke: ORACLE said:

    they have maidos must be good

  10. maidos: 000 said:


  11. Dennia: FAINT said:

    maidos is a 12år jijijruujrujhuehueh

  12. sing8d: RIP BaR RIP BaR said:

    good teem except for konken aheuhae

  13. sing8d: RIP BaR RIP BaR said:

    good teem except for konken, brb ska skriva till alla mina polare så de kommenterar dåliga saker.

  14. KKR said:

    Don’t be mad mate.

  15. Kirby: BCR said:

    Hello, I’m great at pushing and keeping control in big battles. I prefer playing Scout and Soldier, but also Medic if neccesary.

    I do own a mic and can talk english fluently, perhaps not with the best vocabulary though.
    Anyhow I’m interested in a trial date.

    Regards Kirby

  16. maidos: 000 said:

    dennia has 2 penis

  17. PLEYA: Capri said:

    this is happy place

  18. KKR said:

    Great guys, kairuga laughs 24/7, korken is always “meh”, maidos is awesome demo mentor and Sarah has smexy voice <333

  19. Katerfas: FSVL said:

    Good luck, they are good guys.

  20. Sarah said:

    korken links weirdo videos and he thinks they’re funny, also this team is cool only cause they got me.