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DemomanScoutSoldier  Div 4/Div 5 Skill, 6v6

Germany quintosh

Posted: | Last Online:

looking for an active German/English team for next season and more

currently available to play two evenings a week due to two running hl seasons, not playing highlander after that at all though

can usually play 4 evenings a week at least
can play anything but medic at a div 5 level at least
not going to wear clan avatars or clantags (ingame i will)

no british majorities please thx

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:89023517 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Joined I Think I Frag You [6v6] Fox
Joined open_squad [Highlander] mezzo
Left Wicked Lotus [Highlander] quintosh
Joined Wicked Lotus [Highlander] Kaylus
Left Team Nein! [Highlander] quintosh
Joined Team Nein! [Highlander] Der_Milchmann
Left Germany [National Highlander Team] mezzo
Left Cult of 256 Sponsored by Dummy [Highlander] CAR DOOR
Joined Cult of 256 Sponsored by Dummy [Highlander] Nyomo Reka
Left NO LAND FOR SOY PEOPLE [Highlander] quintosh
Joined NO LAND FOR SOY PEOPLE [Highlander] 1007
Left Plush [Highlander] quintosh
Joined Plush [Highlander] gilga
Left Almanische Front [6v6] danny
Left Winrar License Salesmen [Highlander] quintosh
Joined Almanische Front [6v6] danny
Left toptime [6v6] quintosh
Joined Winrar License Salesmen [Highlander] GibZ'
Left Team Nein! [Highlander] quintosh
Joined Team Nein! [Highlander] McCreeper
Left Tourettes Chessclub [Highlander] Kaylus
Joined toptime [6v6] Kucino
Left 3/6 [6v6] quintosh
Joined 3/6 [6v6] Deox
Joined Tourettes Chessclub [Highlander] Synrise
Left Team Nein! [Highlander] quintosh
Left Politically correct pander [6v6] Hildreth
Joined Politically correct pander [6v6] uubers
Joined Team Nein! [Highlander] Menty
Left Tourettes Chessclub [Highlander] quintosh
Joined Tourettes Chessclub [Highlander] cherryrendezvous
Left Tourettes Chessclub [Highlander] uubers
Joined Tourettes Chessclub [Highlander] cherryrendezvous
Left PremTech [Highlander] quintosh
Left Less Than Three [6v6] quintosh
Joined Team Nein! [LAN Team] quintosh
Left checkers [LAN Team] quintosh
Joined PremTech [Highlander] BAITO
Left Team Nein! [Highlander] quintosh
Joined Team Nein! [Highlander] McCreeper
Left Tourettes Chessclub [Highlander] quintosh
Joined Less Than Three [6v6] Chronos
Left International Oral Sex [6v6] quintosh
Joined Tourettes Chessclub [Highlander] Scissors
Left Tourettes Chessclub [Highlander] quintosh
Joined International Oral Sex [6v6] Deox
Joined Tourettes Chessclub [Highlander] Scissors
Left The Bureau [Highlander] quintosh
Left prtyboiz [6v6] Nagi
Joined The Bureau [Highlander] Chronos
Left Tourettes Chessclub [Highlander] quintosh
Joined Germany [National Highlander Team] smziii
Joined Tourettes Chessclub [Highlander] inso
Joined checkers [LAN Team] Scissors
Joined prtyboiz [6v6] alle
Left Germany [National Highlander Team] Solid
Left prtyboiz [6v6] Solid
Left Tourettes Chessclub [Highlander] Solid
Left addict! eSports [LAN Team] quintosh
Joined prtyboiz [6v6] alle
Left gamerbros [6v6] quintosh
Joined addict! eSports [LAN Team] ash
Left The One Lan Wonders [LAN Team] quintosh
Joined gamerbros [6v6] alle
Left addict! eSports [6v6] quintosh
Left Alex [6v6 Fun Team] quintosh
Joined Germany [National Highlander Team] basH.
Joined Tourettes Chessclub [Highlander] Scissors
Left Team Nein! [Highlander] quintosh
Left Das Airshodden [2v2] quintosh
Left Germany [National Highlander Team] basH.
Joined Das Airshodden [2v2] Switch
Joined The One Lan Wonders [LAN Team] Permzilla
Joined Alex [6v6 Fun Team] teej!
Joined addict! eSports [6v6] private_meta
Left quintosh [1v1] quintosh
Left Windtunnel Tactics [6v6] quintosh
Joined Team Nein! [Highlander] quintosh
Joined Germany [National Highlander Team] quintosh
Left Etf2lLearn2UnlocksPlease [2v2] quintosh
Left North Korea [National 6v6 Team] quintosh
Joined Windtunnel Tactics [6v6] quintosh
Left One Round Wonders [Highlander] quintosh
Left Erdnuckels 2 Black [6v6] MrFlausch
Joined quintosh [1v1] quintosh
Joined One Round Wonders [Highlander] quintosh
Left One Round Wonders [Highlander] quintosh
Joined One Round Wonders [Highlander] quintosh
Left Sandviches are Forever [Highlander] quintosh
Joined Erdnuckels 2 Black [6v6] quintosh
Left Quality Control. [6v6] quintosh
Left envy true instinct [1v1] quintosh
Joined North Korea [National 6v6 Team] quintosh
Joined Etf2lLearn2UnlocksPlease [2v2] quintosh
Joined Quality Control. [6v6] quintosh
Left Erdnuckels 2 Black [6v6] quintosh
Joined Erdnuckels 2 Black [6v6] quintosh
Left DoublePlusGood 2 [6v6] quintosh
Joined envy true instinct [1v1] quintosh
Joined Sandviches are Forever [Highlander] quintosh
Left One Round Wonders [Highlander] quintosh
Joined One Round Wonders [Highlander] quintosh
Left Swedish Outhouse Mafia [Highlander] quintosh
Joined DoublePlusGood 2 [6v6] quintosh
Left vier // green [6v6] Setsul
Joined vier // green [6v6] quintosh
Joined Swedish Outhouse Mafia [Highlander] quintosh

Previous Recruitment Posts

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View Mid 11 741
View Prem 9 787
View Prem 11 485
View Prem 12 745
View Prem 16 950
View Div 2 21 1981
View Div 2 25 1341
View Prem/Div 1 47 2562
View Div 1 29 926
View Div 2 0 266
View Div 2/Div 3 1 271
View Div 6 0 337
View Prem 0 259
View Div 4 6 400
View Div 4 3 592
View Div 5/Div 6 11 703
View Div 5/Div 6 4 583


  1. OsZ said:

    Really good and nice player. someone pick him up, you’d be missing out otherwise

  2. ninya: Team said:

    fucking nazi jew who can hit pipes and is pretty funny, worth giving him a trial.

  3. ninya: Team said:

    fail comment
    welp, isn’t looking for demo, but still a solid solider.

  4. M4RK said:

    Nice demo, can go huge when he wants to, div 4 will be ez for him

  5. Tonsil: up. said:

    PICK HIM! <3

  6. quintosh: ITIFY - op_sqd said:

    not lft as demo anymore mark

  7. pajer0 said:

    can easily go even div3 as solider

  8. Katerfas: FSVL said:

    Frank Sinatra on a profile picture = good man.

  9. quintosh: ITIFY - op_sqd said:

    still lft

    can trial any day but monday before 8 cet, friday the whole day

    also if possible i’d like to get trialed with this guy:

  10. Droodl3: TSM said:

    pretty awesome guy, will mix well with any team

  11. cube said:

    seems like a good guy

  12. Rei said:

    he is a faggot but we luv him <3

    anneni dövcem

  13. broesel: LAME said:

    screenshot from a mix: https://i.imgur.com/yy9htsD.jpg

    No further comments from my side, I leave it to the respective team leaders to judge if they really want such an immature kid in their team.

  14. cube said:

    delete my first comment. seems like a fag

  15. quintosh: ITIFY - op_sqd said:

    this was like half a year ago? LOL

    i dont even have the objector anymore

  16. quintosh: ITIFY - op_sqd said:

    und du weißt ich hab n match complaint deswegen bekommen, ich denk ich hab meine lektion gelernt :)

  17. Disaster: addict! - [CWC] said:

    There just is no excuse for having Nazi symbols anywhere in public.
    I don’t see any reason for this in tf2 unless someone’s completely out of his mind, like who’s going to say “oh that symbol looks pretty, gonna get this on my tf2 item” when with just little knowledge of history you can tell that it’s just inappropriate.
    If you act out any stuff related to the Nazi regime, such as wearing stuff with a swastika on it in germany you can go to jail.
    especially since you’re german this is just a disgrace for me and probably many other germans, since there are still plenty of people who accuse germans to be nazis and this just strenghtens that prejudice.
    for me, there is no apology for this

  18. chAos: addict! - [CWC] said:

    As if Disaster wasn’t racist and sexist enough… lol
    On a more serious note, even for my standards of stupidity and my level of bad and not well thought through jokes, this is just ridiculous.
    Not even with good friends, making fun about this topic is… Wait Disaster did the blaming part anyway, fuck this!
    Just get into that corner and be ashamed

  19. quintosh: ITIFY - op_sqd said:

    less qq here please

    also the pot shouldn’t call the cattle black disaster

  20. quintosh: ITIFY - op_sqd said:

    it just seems entertaining when i have jewish friends that laugh about it and on the other side people like you that cry packets of tissues straight through the whole argument when you can just get over it, next time less hypocrisy involved disaster and i might actually agree with you

  21. Disaster: addict! - [CWC] said:

    showing stuff like that in a closed environment – as in “amongst your jewish friends” – might be funny if everyone knows your intention, yet, showing it publically, you WILL meet people that get offended about it because strangers dont know if its “just a joke” or not.
    Just pointing out that it’s your own fault that you get such a feedback about it. That’s it from my side. I will think of it when i see people calling germans nazis.
    still, i wish you best luck finding a team that shares your sense of humour.

  22. quintosh: ITIFY - op_sqd said:

    yes thats why i deleted it already :)

    if you still want to argue about it add me on steam

  23. Disaster: addict! - [CWC] said:

    “That’s it from my side” yes – i want to argue about it some more ..

  24. quintosh: ITIFY - op_sqd said:

    i wasn’t talking to you specifically

  25. svins: alus - P.O.P said:

    Youre a trader

  26. JacquesLEB: hi im dog said:

    He’s a good player, pick him up.

  27. Swann: said:

    Very friendly guy and a good soldier. I know him as pocket mainly, and he does his pocket job really well.

  28. Tuto: 8-) said:

    He can play soldier. I can’t judge what level he is at. But I can say that, if you want to bring your team a bad rep, recruit quintosh. He’s a very big troll.

  29. quintosh: ITIFY - op_sqd said:

    hey look who said it

  30. Tuto: 8-) said:

    Also he’s talking about having “jewish” friends and they’re laughing about the “nazi sign” lol. It’s funny, I could tell all the stories about what he hates most in his country. Muslims, Jews, Foreigners. Okay, I think I have said enough already. Good luck with the bad reputation for the team :)

  31. Tuto: 8-) said:

    And not to mention all the people you scam for items, and come to chat and tell me everything about it :) Good guy and a nice person they said.

  32. quintosh: ITIFY - op_sqd said:

    you dont need to spread more lies just because i removed you
    sad you couldn’t deal with that :D

  33. quintosh: ITIFY - op_sqd said:

    add me on steam i’ll help you out