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Soldier  Div 3/Div 4 Skill, 6v6

Denmark Beetle

Posted: | Last Online:

Looking for a stable team.
i play alot.
Prefer roaming, but i'd do fine as pocket.
Good comms and gamesense.

Hit me up?

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:7535963 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left Denmark [National Highlander Team] sinr
Left Lithuanian Rhapsody [6v6] Tercio
Left Inactive [Highlander] TheMasterOfDisaster
Joined Inactive [Highlander] Silver
Left Danish Community Swingers [Highlander] Beetle
Joined Lithuanian Rhapsody [6v6] tuja
Left Idea [6v6] Beetle
Joined Idea [6v6] Silver
Left Lithuanian Rhapsody [6v6] Beetle
Joined Lithuanian Rhapsody [6v6] Tercio
Left Reason [6v6] Beetle
Joined Reason [6v6] Silver
Left Denmark [National 6v6 Team] Dr. Phil
Left sleep gang [6v6] Beetle
Joined De Danske [6v6 Fun Team] Blanc
Joined sleep gang [6v6] binkkye
Left Lithuanian Rhapsody [6v6] Beetle
Left Cake Clan [6v6 Fun Team] Beetle
Joined Lithuanian Rhapsody [6v6] Tercio
Left ZERO ELO DEMO [6v6] Beetle
Joined ZERO ELO DEMO [6v6] letto
Left Lithuanian Rhapsody [6v6] Tercio
Joined Lithuanian Rhapsody [6v6] Tercio
Left LEGO [6v6] Dr. Phil
Joined LEGO [6v6] Dr. Phil
Left Ace of Spades [6v6] Beetle
Joined Denmark [National 6v6 Team] Dr. Phil
Joined Ace of Spades [6v6] Tornf4lk
Left UCAP eSports [6v6] Beetle
Joined Beetle :D [1v1] Beetle
Joined Denmark [National Highlander Team] Beetle
Joined UCAP eSports [6v6] Beetle
Joined Cake Clan [6v6 Fun Team] Beetle
Left tB Trolling Bunnies PINK [6v6] Beetle
Joined Danish Community Swingers [Highlander] Beetle
Joined tB Trolling Bunnies PINK [6v6] Beetle
Left vier // green [6v6] Setsul
Joined vier // green [6v6] Beetle
Left TBA 2 [6v6] Netsky
Left Trolling Bunnies Team JESUS [Highlander] Netsky
Joined Trolling Bunnies Team JESUS [Highlander] Beetle
Joined TBA 2 [6v6] Beetle
Left TBA 2 [6v6] Beetle
Joined TBA 2 [6v6] Neep

Previous Recruitment Posts

View Skill Classes Views Added
View High 1 349
View Div 4 4 528
View Div 3/Div 4 13 434


  1. ynaz said:

    sick jumping skills and cool guy :)
    also hits nice airrockets

    gl m8

  2. Sarah said:

    brb coffee

    get him, he’s a great guy :*

  3. amppis: DTR said:

    Good solly and a nice guy :)

  4. riddlern said:

    Pretty cool guy and a very good solly ^^

  5. Will said:

    One of the nicest guys out there in the TF2 community. Taught me a lot about TF2 when I first started as well.

    Would be a great addition to any team

  6. Drem: fgt said:

    One of the best soldiers I’ve played with , really solid. Easy div3 man.

  7. svins: alus - P.O.P said:

    Sad you havent played above div3, Drem.

  8. GodOfFail said:

    svins seriously stop being so fucking useless,and as i can see you’ve never won a div 3 game as well.

  9. Socky: RG-eSports said:

    This guy is good :)

  10. KKR said:


  11. Konna: drops said:

    easy d3, best rocket jumper

  12. Glitch said:

    Cool guy ,10/10 would add to team .

  13. Griffin said:

    Beetle 2strong! easily d3 roamer, also best r.jumper eu :D gl man

  14. raiku: STR said:

    really nice chatty guy, sad I couldn’t speak alot with him(mah english is bad)

    A good roamer, get’s key picks constantly. If you’re considering to picking him up, you better let him roam, his jumping ability is amazing :3

  15. Beetle said:

    bump :O

  16. Cam00 said:

    We had a double mix earlier and he got a sikk arishot in pre game dm.

  17. Sarah said:

    K !

  18. Beetle said:


  19. Battery said:

    Prem guy

  20. Rei said:

    pretty good.

  21. Katerfas: FSVL said:

    Nice one, good luck, man. :)

  22. m1k said:


  23. choey said:

    beetle is an incredibly nice guy to have around, very experienced in jumps and bombing, decent offclassing as sniper, typically what u want from a solly, with his skill he would fit as a pocket just fine.
    and the part u wanna hear is he didnt assist the hacking in any aspect, he is just too nice to be involved into it.

  24. Blinky said:

    Great guy with great gamsense, aim dm and jump skills.

    try him out u won’t regret for sure.