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Soldier  Div 3/Div 4 Skill, 6v6

Denmark Beetle

Posted: | Last Online:

Roamer! :D
I'm 24, really keen and good comms
Add me on steam.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:7535963 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left Denmark [National Highlander Team] sinr
Left Lithuanian Rhapsody [6v6] Tercio
Left Inactive [Highlander] TheMasterOfDisaster
Joined Inactive [Highlander] Silver
Left Danish Community Swingers [Highlander] Beetle
Joined Lithuanian Rhapsody [6v6] tuja
Left Idea [6v6] Beetle
Joined Idea [6v6] Silver
Left Lithuanian Rhapsody [6v6] Beetle
Joined Lithuanian Rhapsody [6v6] Tercio
Left Reason [6v6] Beetle
Joined Reason [6v6] Silver
Left Denmark [National 6v6 Team] Dr. Phil
Left sleep gang [6v6] Beetle
Joined De Danske [6v6 Fun Team] Blanc
Joined sleep gang [6v6] binkkye
Left Lithuanian Rhapsody [6v6] Beetle
Left Cake Clan [6v6 Fun Team] Beetle
Joined Lithuanian Rhapsody [6v6] Tercio
Left ZERO ELO DEMO [6v6] Beetle
Joined ZERO ELO DEMO [6v6] letto
Left Lithuanian Rhapsody [6v6] Tercio
Joined Lithuanian Rhapsody [6v6] Tercio
Left LEGO [6v6] Dr. Phil
Joined LEGO [6v6] Dr. Phil
Left Ace of Spades [6v6] Beetle
Joined Denmark [National 6v6 Team] Dr. Phil
Joined Ace of Spades [6v6] Tornf4lk
Left UCAP eSports [6v6] Beetle
Joined Beetle :D [1v1] Beetle
Joined Denmark [National Highlander Team] Beetle
Joined UCAP eSports [6v6] Beetle
Joined Cake Clan [6v6 Fun Team] Beetle
Left tB Trolling Bunnies PINK [6v6] Beetle
Joined Danish Community Swingers [Highlander] Beetle
Joined tB Trolling Bunnies PINK [6v6] Beetle
Left vier // green [6v6] Setsul
Joined vier // green [6v6] Beetle
Left TBA 2 [6v6] Netsky
Left Trolling Bunnies Team JESUS [Highlander] Netsky
Joined Trolling Bunnies Team JESUS [Highlander] Beetle
Joined TBA 2 [6v6] Beetle
Left TBA 2 [6v6] Beetle
Joined TBA 2 [6v6] Neep

Previous Recruitment Posts

View Skill Classes Views Added
View High 1 349
View Div 3/Div 4 24 882
View Div 4 4 529


  1. Ch3Vy: FjK said:

    And not a bad roamer at all. Gl mate ^^

  2. Ezygnum: 1.61803... said:

    Dat Beetle, always drinking coffee and beer, also likes pizza.
    One of the greatest guys I ever played with, gl beetle (in dat finnish pronounciation style)

  3. Markosen said:

    This man is funny haha! lol :D Pick him up fast =D

  4. Cerber_: <uND> said:

    good guy and decent soldier

  5. Pennyfarming said:

    “and i haz a job.”

    How is this relevant to your post or why people should pick you?

  6. Hallow: P.O.P said:

    It means he can’t play that much and might get a moved shift so that he can’t play at all. Losing the job might lead to him not playing at all because being without a home or depressed. Next time try “I’m living for free with my parents and play videogames all days!”

  7. LaMqTa: fenneks said:

    Great player with decent gamesense and skills! Div4 for sure, probably low div3 with the right team! Good luck mate <3

  8. DuPe: [9mm] - HHH said:

    Has magic homing rockets that always target me on DM servers

  9. Switchan: duplo said:

    div 4 not div 3

  10. Tw!Kz: xoxo - Drunk said:

    He sucks

  11. Tw!Kz: xoxo - Drunk said:

    He sucks ;)

  12. Neep: 1.61803... said:

    Best drunk comms ever <3
    Nahh, he's sober most of the time ^^
    Really great community guy that kept BaN alive for just about a year. When he's not mixing, you'll see him in jump maps followed by a whole crowd of fanbois. Beetle is a great roamer that doesn't rage, and most definitely deserves a good and stable team <3

  13. Muffinbaskets said:

    Nice guy and deserves stable team, gl with your search! :3