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Medic  Div 3/Div 4 Skill, 6v6

Portugal CalypsowWw

Posted: | Last Online:

Hi, Im a Portuguese Medic looking for a 6v6 team at Div4/3

17 year old.
Speak fluent english
Lots of experience on playing medic from past Seasons, pcw's, mixes and etc..

Looking for:
Div 4/3 Team
A team with nice and funny people :>
Willing to win!

My schedule right now is a bit complicated due to some personal problems, but trying to solve them atm :D

Add me so we can talk better, and maybe trial for your team

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:34886924 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left La Parodia [6v6] rusk0'
Joined La Parodia [6v6] Ducky
Left Iraocumata [Highlander] CalypsowWw
Left #roadtoi52 [6v6] CalypsowWw
Joined #roadtoi52 [6v6] Nacho
Left Talent Goes By [6v6] Nacho
Joined Talent Goes By [6v6] CalypsowWw
Left Team Laconic #2STRONK [6v6] Snowix
Joined Team Laconic #2STRONK [6v6] CalypsowWw
Left #Eleven [6v6] CalypsowWw
Joined #Eleven [6v6] CalypsowWw
Left Trolling Bunnies GREY [6v6] CalypsowWw
Joined Trolling Bunnies GREY [6v6] CalypsowWw
Left [K]arma Clan [6v6] CalypsowWw
Joined [K]arma Clan [6v6] CalypsowWw
Left [K]arma Clan [6v6] CalypsowWw
Joined Iraocumata [Highlander] CalypsowWw
Left Wanted Dogs (pt) [Highlander] CalypsowWw
Joined Wanted Dogs (pt) [Highlander] CalypsowWw
Joined [K]arma Clan [6v6] k3l4b
Left SharK Time [6v6] CalypsowWw
Joined SharK Time [6v6] Ducky

Previous Recruitment Posts

View Skill Classes Views Added
View Div 5/Div 6 1 203
View Div 6 0 145


  1. inti: uP | said:

    great medic, good overall knowledge of the game. may need some help in main calling, but aside from that he’s a keeper. Trial him fast!

  2. ducky: |LP| said:

    Coolest medic I’ve ever played with, doesn’t rage even if I let him die and he is pretty funny. He also as some balls and not afraid to use (very well) crossbow if needed.

  3. Fabio93: A4 said:

    best medic eu, best crossbow eu pick him fast!
    gl <3

  4. Dr.KriPtz: |LP| - A4 said:

    best crossbow eu! he can easily play d4! A great person and player,too! Pick him FAST!! :D

  5. k3l4b: k-prest. said:

    Very good medic, good guy and as said b4 really really good with crossbow

  6. xDiiVin3 said:


    Falo fluente ingles sou pt, queria um equipa no tf2 e so bom a jugar em varias classes!

    adicioname na steam para falarmos melhor! http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198049361044/