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Medic  Div 4 Skill, 6v6

Portugal Bets!

Posted: | Last Online:

Hai there… didn't saw you!! ( L-O-L )

So I'm Bets!, a Medic from Portugal. Well not literally medic because otherwise I would be at an hospital and not here… but you get the point :P (plus I'm 19y so.. a bit too soon for that also)

My time zone has a bit of a trouble for me: I can play 4 days per week, on a normal week but Unniversity is at top, so exams will always prevent me from playing. Still the biggest problem is the time: I can NEVER play between 21-22CET, but despite that… well I am here 'till 2AM CET.
Because of this I was at first looking to sub for a team but I can always play as "main" Medic.
I asked because I don't want to harm the team in anyway, because I can't be online one of the days.

I will always be up for long hours talks and pub try-harding if needed. I got a little stream of my own going on just for me to have fun that if you want you can check it here: http://pt.twitch.tv/betspt

I didn't played last season because I was about to play for TB Black team but then I had to leave due to time shedule and decided to stay one out.
I can main call if you ask nicely and I really love playing medic so I promise I won't go offclass during the matches ( waaait what??)

Above all the try-harding jokes and stupid stuff, I am really commited to the team I'm in, and always thinking of the best for the team. Outside and Inside game. I do not rage, never and always in for a laught. My idea of a team is not only a buch of guys aiming for a first place but also friends that are in game to have a good time and laugh a bit :)
My english level is quite ok… I think.

Well… thats it :) Add me so we can talk and make childreeeeeen…. or just talk.. its really up to you!!
Just to be a sub medic or "main" Medic, let me know :)

Hugssss <3

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:86501355 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left Kaneco eSports [6v6] Bets!
Joined Kaneco eSports [6v6] Bets!
Left Team Laconic. [6v6] Bets!
Joined Team Laconic. [6v6] Bets!
Left Team Laconic. [6v6] Bets!
Joined Team Laconic. [6v6] Bets!
Left Iraocumata [Highlander] Bets!
Left Evolution Virtual Cry [6v6] Bets!
Joined Evolution Virtual Cry [6v6] Bets!
Left Name with no team [6v6] Bets!
Joined Iraocumata [Highlander] Bets!
Left Verdadeira Legiao Highlander [Highlander] Bets!
Joined Name with no team [6v6] Bets!
Joined Verdadeira Legiao Highlander [Highlander] Bets!

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  1. X_DIAS: TTS - A4 said:

    Bets Best!

  2. limedE: |LP| - Nave said:


    Nah, good fellow to have at your side :3

  3. Bets! said:

    Lemme just bump this for you :P

  4. choey said:

    c00l dude

  5. LasT said:

    good player, and good guy..

    gl bets

  6. sky.pt: TTS said:

    good medic ! take him !

  7. k3l4b: k-prest. said:

    gud medic, funny gay O.o


  8. ChoryGordon said:

    Nice medic, pick him! :>

  9. Dark: A4 said:

    Good medic, true indeed ^

  10. Bets! said:

    Bump *.*

  11. FakemasterPT: Barroliano - Nave said:

    good medic good guy

  12. Bets! said:

    Bump v1.3

  13. darkbruno said:

    good medic

  14. Nacho: TTS said:

    really friendly guy, and plays med pretty well

    get him :P

  15. rusk0: |LP| said:

    hi :)

  16. Bets! said:

    Hello :)

  17. Bets! said:

    Bumpy Bump <3