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Medic  Div 4/Div 5 Skill, 6v6

Portugal Bets!

Posted: | Last Online:

Hey there! ;)

Im a medic currently playing on a div.5 team thats going to break up in the end of the season 12. Im that kind of guy that actually likes to play as a medic and try to be a better medic day after day.
Im from Portugal so my timezone is London (CET-1h), I'm 19 years old, extremely funny and SEXY. Always available for a good laught plus, I'm a no rage guy :)
Also i don't have any problems with English calls and speaking fluently so… just don't ask me to speak German!

I was looking for a bunch a guys like me, non-ragers, and happy with their lives :) I would rather join a team thats already has some tournaments made, or at least has a complete line-up but the times are hard so, just talk to me on steam to do some trial or something :)

I'm gonna leave here some of my old teams links, so you can take a look. The team I'm in right now, till the end of the season two its in 1st/2nd place of div5-E so take a look at it :)

Hope to hear back from you… sorry for the long text but I tend to speak a lot.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:86501355 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left Kaneco eSports [6v6] Bets!
Joined Kaneco eSports [6v6] Bets!
Left Team Laconic. [6v6] Bets!
Joined Team Laconic. [6v6] Bets!
Left Team Laconic. [6v6] Bets!
Joined Team Laconic. [6v6] Bets!
Left Iraocumata [Highlander] Bets!
Left Evolution Virtual Cry [6v6] Bets!
Joined Evolution Virtual Cry [6v6] Bets!
Left Name with no team [6v6] Bets!
Joined Iraocumata [Highlander] Bets!
Left Verdadeira Legiao Highlander [Highlander] Bets!
Joined Name with no team [6v6] Bets!
Joined Verdadeira Legiao Highlander [Highlander] Bets!

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  1. Rudd said:

    Good medic, good personality, doesnt rage, eager to learn

  2. sky.pt: TTS said:

    +1 , great guy