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Scout  Div 5/Div 6 Skill, 6v6

Germany easyGame

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Hey folks,
my name is easyGame and I'm looking for a ETF2L 6s team for season 14!
My competetive TF2 journey began last UGC highlander season as a spy. I played mainly in steel but also merced in plat, where I did very good.

A couple of months ago I discovered how much more fun 6v6 is and I started playing scout more often. I played a lot of lobbies and started mixing and suddenly scout became my new main class. I got into a Division 5 Wireplay Team, where I currently play from time to time.

I am very dedicated to TF2, it is the best game ever for me and I want to improve and become better and now I want to start out in ETF2L more seriously. I train daily my aim on DM servers (MGE occasionally) and watch/read a lot about 6s, especially scout-theory and play mixes and lobbies as often as possible. I also asked really good players for advice and spam then basically daily with stupid questions (shout out to smzi :P )

2 Months ago I had like 30 hours of scout, I passed 200 hours the last days… this is the good side of a lazy students (no-) life :D

So what can I offer:

– nice openminded guy
– a lot of time for TF2 and a lot of motivation to improve
– my scout play is div 5 worthy when I compare myself to scouts from this skillevel. I put div 6 as well since I am not very expierenced in ETF2L 6s and don't want to overestimate myself
– I am a beast spy (old main class ~800hrs of backstabbing) and a semi-good sniper –> If you need a pick I am your man :)
– really a lot of motivation to become good

If your team is english/german speaking, shares the same dedication and motivation to improve then you should talk to me!

Feel free to add me!


tl;dr: looking for motivated team, to improve together

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:83562069 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left AbsolventenMitGeld [6v6] Trine
Joined AbsolventenMitGeld [6v6] Trine
Left easyLife [1v1] easyGame
Left International Special Force [6v6] easyGame
Joined International Special Force [6v6] ShadowG
Left who is? [6v6] easyGame
Joined easyLife [1v1] easyGame
Joined who is? [6v6] easyGame
Left Erdnuckels 2 Black [6v6] easyGame
Left grigri [Highlander] easyGame
Joined Erdnuckels 2 Black [6v6] easyGame
Joined grigri [Highlander] easyGame

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View Div 4 23 1069


  1. feeling blue: ist doof said:

    Should be capable of div5 at the moment but remember: He puts a lot of work into his game and he WILL get better, so pick him up fast.

  2. Griffin said:

    he’s skilled and a funny guy, he will be a good choice for a high/mid div6 team, good luck.

  3. cho said:

    good aim

  4. Moosetorpedo said:

    worst spy eu sometimes can click on people as scout