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Soldier  Div 5 Skill, 6v6

Turkey Griffin

Posted: | Last Online:

Hey, I'm 19 years old from Turkey and looking for a team for next season. I'm so hardworking player and always willing to improve myself about everything at this awesome game.

I played pocket in my previous teams but also can play roamer as well (I played in a div5 team's pcw/scrims for about 2-3 weeks as roamer even against to div3-5 teams there was no problem with it.) So now I want to kick some ass in div5 for season14…
And of course, I'll want something from your team that like at least 2 days of a week pcw/scrims (There can be no problem with doing pcws with higher division teams, it's always necessary to see our mistakes for my opinion), always keen to win, to be on top sth like that. If you have a server and mumble, it'll be good.
I'm always online in weekends and on weekdays I usually can be online at 22.00-3.00 (by "gmt+2" i mean.)

You can add me for any question, trials etc…

+ I want to thank woiz, InQ and end3r from Maroon team. They helped me so much and they are so friendly, funny guys :)

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:66190193 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left reggiN //eSports// [6v6] Griffin
Joined reggiN //eSports// [6v6] Tamir
Left Virtual Saxophone Transmissions [6v6] Griffin
Joined Virtual Saxophone Transmissions [6v6] Nudl
Left Turkiye [National 6v6 Team] Griffin
Joined Turkiye [National 6v6 Team] h3x
Left Turkiye [National Highlander Team] Griffin
Left Leaf Bird [6v6 Fun Team] Griffin
Left B. [1v1] Griffin
Left Turkiye [National 6v6 Team] Griffin
Left x_^ [6v6] Griffin
Joined x_^ [6v6] Phrenic
Joined Turkiye [National Highlander Team] turkuaz
Joined Turkiye [National 6v6 Team] h3x
Left Turkiye [National Highlander Team] Griffin
Left Equilibrium Squad [6v6] Griffin
Joined Turkiye [National Highlander Team] turkuaz
Joined Leaf Bird [6v6 Fun Team] h3x
Joined Equilibrium Squad [6v6] Tour
Left Heavy D and the Boyz sponsored by Biggie [6v6] Griffin
Joined Heavy D and the Boyz sponsored by Biggie [6v6] Lyrete
Left Revolution -aka wtf2 [6v6 Fun Team] Griffin
Left Turkey [National 6v6 Team] Griffin
Joined Turkey [National 6v6 Team] h3x
Left Turkiye [National Highlander Team] inferius
Left Spidermans [6v6] Griffin
Joined Spidermans [6v6] Incredible
Left hypnotize gaming [6v6] Griffin
Joined hypnotize gaming [6v6] Griffin
Joined B. [1v1] Griffin
Joined Turkiye [National Highlander Team] Griffin
Joined Revolution -aka wtf2 [6v6 Fun Team] Griffin
Left Davai Davai! [Highlander] Griffin
Left Default Win e-Sports / GOLD [6v6] Griffin
Joined Davai Davai! [Highlander] Griffin
Left Çılgın Köfteler [2v2] Griffin
Left seferoğulları [Highlander] jaracule
Joined Çılgın Köfteler [2v2] Griffin
Joined Default Win e-Sports / GOLD [6v6] Griffin
Left Default Win e-Sports / GOLD [6v6] Griffin
Joined Default Win e-Sports / GOLD [6v6] Griffin
Left Maroon Team [6v6] Griffin
Left dieseL [1v1] Griffin
Joined seferoğulları [Highlander] Griffin
Left Trolling Bunnies Team JESUS [Highlander] Griffin
Joined dieseL [1v1] Griffin
Joined Maroon Team [6v6] Griffin
Joined Trolling Bunnies Team JESUS [Highlander] Griffin
Left Trolling Bunnies GREEN [6v6] Rei
Joined Trolling Bunnies GREEN [6v6] Griffin

Previous Recruitment Posts

View Skill Classes Views Added
View Div 2/Div 3 11 699
View Div 3/Div 4 13 694
View Div 3/Div 4 14 1323
View Div 3/Div 4 19 720
View Div 4 4 279
View Div 3/Div 4 20 834
View Div 5/Div 6 8 443


  1. Raccoon. said:

    why not , div5 teams :).

  2. inferius: Dline said:

    Hmmm what can i say about this guy??? So he have exp and brain, he have nice aim also polite guy he can play d5 easly.Or mb low d4. GL MAN!

  3. ExpLosion said:

    He’s a really good Soldier , he can play easily div 5 , He is friendly , he have good aim …

    Pick Him up :)

  4. wnk1ee said:

    he fixed his mic FINALLY !! he is dedicated and a okay player pick him up for trials!

    Good luck in finding a team

  5. cbt: [DLF] said:

    Nice aim, good game sense and now he has his mic again! WHAT MOAR DO YA WANT!

    Pick him up!

  6. undone said:

    We’ve played a bunch of matches together. and i can say that he is willing to improve himself in a good way.. practicing everyday and the sure thing is he will definitely fit a div5 team. good luck

  7. Griffin said:

    Oh thank you all :) wnk1ee, i bought a new mic about 2 months ago man so my voice is so sexy now :D i couldn’t remember all but okey my old mic is very bad :P want to play with you some mix or merc and you gonna hear my new voice lool *-*

  8. Katerfas: FSVL said:

    Last time I heard him, he had a sexy voice, yay. :>
    p.s. don’t tell the police

  9. Ceymoure said:

    Very keen and has potential. Pick him up! =Q)

  10. Kidemli said:


  11. Griffin said:

    Thx :)
    Katerfas bro, my father is a policeman *-* then what’s up :D

  12. Griffin said:

    bump! still lookin

  13. woiz said:

    very good solly and good aim pick him!!