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DemomanScout  Div 4 Skill, 6v6

Sweden Grusrus

Posted by Speedfreak: | Last Online:

So, we're a new swedish team (not russian as the name would suggest).
Seeing as we're looking for swedish players, i'll write this in swedish
Vi behöver; 1 scout och 1 demoman.

Vad vi är/har:
Ett nytt team som hoppas på att avancera genom divisionerna.
Trevliga grabbar.
Ganska experienced.
Skön mumble atmosphere.
Mumble och warserver ((Hiperz NL)<3 xoxo Dwarf <3)

Vad vi vill att du ska vara:
Relativt experienced.

Kontakta mig (Speedfreak) så kan vi vidare diskutera detaljer etc. God dag.

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  1. T0m.: (ETF2L Donator) said:

    Ät skit och dö din jävla fitta

    gl guys.

  2. alba: duplo said:

    They are nice guys, speedfreak is keen as fook, caps aka dAGNER is 2stronk and funny, and dennia is badäss

  3. Ond kaja: .:[aAa]:. said:

    div izon

  4. . said:

    dennia is best div 5 tryhard

  5. Herr_Pyromatic: .:[aAa]:. said:

    11:56 – Herr Speed! mixx/merc: bump my teams recpost
    11:56 – Herr Speed! mixx/merc: or no more mge

    Not horrible people.

    Except for speedfreak who cant ultiduo for shit.

  6. Speedfreak said:


  7. sing8d: RIP BaR RIP BaR said:

    Tjenare, är intresserad av scout positionen.
