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Soldier  Div 2/Div 3 Skill, 6v6

Poland alien`

Posted: | Last Online:

Eh…will probably look for a team..Had a good run with you boys, love you all.

About me: would prefer backup team probably, have ping issues & not much time to play :(
So I am 16 y/o, and played soldier in div3 last season (can do both, but would highly prefer to be a pocket), can also do scout in div4 or so, but would prefer not. I'm avaible pretty much everyday but would prefer to play 3 days MAX. I'm here from 19-22:30 CET.
I'd like to be backup in higher div team so I will actually learn something – if you wanna take me you need to be estabilished – NOT up for upcoming projects unless I know you. Also – would prefer team with medic maincaller.

Thanks, and greetings are going to monarchy <3

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:53679752 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Joined 2rus1svetlana [Highlander] Tarduuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
Joined Karmazynowe Bractwo [6v6] Tarduuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
Left div6toohard aka BETON [6v6] alien`
Joined div6toohard aka BETON [6v6] Kitkat
Left Karmazynowe Bractwo [6v6] alien`
Joined Karmazynowe Bractwo [6v6] Tarduuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
Left Super Hiper Ninja Faggots [Highlander] alien`
Left Rule34 [6v6] alien`
Joined Rule34 [6v6] alien`
Left Karmazynowe Bractwo [6v6] alien`
Joined Karmazynowe Bractwo [6v6] alien`
Left twats [6v6] alien`
Joined Super Hiper Ninja Faggots [Highlander] alien`
Joined twats [6v6] alien`
Left Digital Fl0ws [6v6] alien`
Joined Digital Fl0ws [6v6] alien`
Left Karmazynowe Bractwo [6v6] alien`
Joined Karmazynowe Bractwo [6v6] alien`
Left The Vegetables [6v6] alien`
Joined The Vegetables [6v6] alien`
Left no name atm [6v6] alien`
Joined no name atm [6v6] alien`
Left Hedgehogs [2v2] alien`
Left aaa [6v6] alien`
Joined Hedgehogs [2v2] alien`
Left Perilous Gaming: Fun Team [6v6 Fun Team] alien`
Left Perilous Gaming: Community Highlander [Highlander] alien`
Joined aaa [6v6] alien`
Left Karmazynowe Bractwo [6v6] alien`
Joined Karmazynowe Bractwo [6v6] alien`
Left Karmazynowe Bractwo [6v6] alien`
Joined Karmazynowe Bractwo [6v6] alien`
Left yaay [6v6] alien`
Joined Perilous Gaming: Community Highlander [Highlander] alien`
Left Poland [National Highlander Team] alien`
Left Poland( i 1/6 ukraina) [National 6v6 Team] alien`
Left 2rus1svetlana [Highlander] alien`
Joined Poland( i 1/6 ukraina) [National 6v6 Team] alien`
Joined Poland [National Highlander Team] alien`
Joined 2rus1svetlana [Highlander] alien`
Joined Perilous Gaming: Fun Team [6v6 Fun Team] alien`
Left 4Queens [Highlander] alien`
Left Almost banged. [2v2] alien`
Joined 4Queens [Highlander] Radzik
Left Insane Dutch Killers [Highlander] alien`
Joined Almost banged. [2v2] Dosu
Left ,,, [6v6 Fun Team] alien`
Joined ,,, [6v6 Fun Team] alien`
Joined Insane Dutch Killers [Highlander] alien`
Joined yaay [6v6] alien`
Left yaay [6v6] alien`
Joined yaay [6v6] alien`
Left EASY TARGET [6v6] alien`
Left Ninjas highlander [Highlander] alien`
Joined Ninjas highlander [Highlander] fybedi
Joined EASY TARGET [6v6] alien`
Left Ninjas highlander [Highlander] alien`
Left EASY TARGET [6v6] alien`
Joined Ninjas highlander [Highlander] fybedi
Left Woda z kranu [6v6 Fun Team] alien`
Joined EASY TARGET [6v6] fybedi
Left rage.EU [6v6] alien`
Joined Woda z kranu [6v6 Fun Team] Exfane
Left You cant trust me! [1v1] alien`
Left Unusual ownagers! [2v2] alien`
Joined rage.EU [6v6] M2R
Left Guns N`Horses [6v6] alien`
Joined Unusual ownagers! [2v2] alien`
Joined Guns N`Horses [6v6] Exfane
Left Tardus emigrated to Ukraine LOLOLOL [2v2] Tarduuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
Left Guns N`Horses [6v6] alien`
Joined Tardus emigrated to Ukraine LOLOLOL [2v2] Tarduuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
Left OGIEŃ JP [2v2] alien`
Joined Guns N`Horses [6v6] Tarduuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
Left rage.EU [6v6] alien`
Joined You cant trust me! [1v1] alien`
Joined OGIEŃ JP [2v2] alien`
Left Puta Team [2v2] alien`
Joined Puta Team [2v2] alien`
Left Puta Team [2v2] alien`
Left Ja to bym zjadł batona [Highlander] alien`
Joined Ja to bym zjadł batona [Highlander] alien`
Joined Puta Team [2v2] alien`
Left Melange&Balange [Highlander] alien`
Joined rage.EU [6v6] alien`
Left Uber Fail! [6v6] alien`
Joined Uber Fail! [6v6] alien`
Left Uber Fail! [6v6] The Panic
Joined Uber Fail! [6v6] Dziobak
Left Uber Fail! [6v6] alien`
Joined Uber Fail! [6v6] alien`
Left rage! [6v6] alien`
Joined rage! [6v6] alien`
Left Electi a Deo [6v6] lamei
Joined Electi a Deo [6v6] alien`
Left piaskownica [6v6] alien`
Joined piaskownica [6v6] alien`
Left Piaskownica [6v6] alien`
Joined Piaskownica [6v6] alien`
Joined Melange&Balange [Highlander] alien`

Previous Recruitment Posts

View Skill Classes Views Added
View Div 3/Div 4 11 339
View Div 3/Div 4 1 92
View Div 2 31 912
View Div 4 20 676
View Div 4/Div 5 13 213
View Div 5 14 511
View Div 4/Div 5 20 511
View Div 5/Div 6 5 253
View Div 6 11 403
View Div 6 0 148
View Low+ 0 206


  1. xTimeE: Doj. said:

    Funny dude and got good skills with is rockets GL

  2. Fishy said:

    great guy great soldier, friendly funny, never heard him rage, even with me dropping more than skeej on a train map on a bad day^^ good comms/english, great pick up he’ll fly off the shelf!

  3. KKR said:

    hehe gimbus

    Great dude, good solly and a kurwa. Pick him fast plz

  4. caned: MEAT - LEGO said:

    Great guy, very mature for his age & beasts dem rockets. Also good to have in mumble, shared so many laughs these past couple months I can believable :D

  5. demsii: EPA said:

    dat teamhistory..

  6. alien`: POLAKI - ez-sports.ru said:

    Most of them arent 6v6 teams, and I am not clan hopper, dont worry ;)

  7. BaR: REVERTO said:

    that guy is awesome!

  8. Rdios: REVERTO said:

    Most amazing kurwa in the fucking universe grab him till hes hot!

  9. TBE pez: SUAVY - ; said:

    best polish player

  10. Jaicas.: TEZC said:

    Best polek , who speaking pa litovski . GL

  11. Süsü said:

    Really good guy! Very good roaming soldier. Good luck to the search ;)
    Monarhy the best ;)

  12. Rdios: REVERTO said:

    pez d1!

  13. Fodi said:

    Dont let the history foul you: he really is dedicated and does everything for the team that worths it. GL!

  14. atomic said:

    pretty good

  15. alien`: POLAKI - ez-sports.ru said:

    Bump, can merc in upcoming cup :p

  16. Nivzeh: ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ - 2strong said:


  17. Drozdzers said:


  18. mimzyy: (è_é) - Otter said:

    he asked me to bump it! so i did

  19. TBE pez: SUAVY - ; said:

    may I ?

  20. Rdios: REVERTO said:

    pez still d1!

  21. ColDas: )) said:

    Biggest noob ever.

  22. alien`: POLAKI - ez-sports.ru said:

    Thank you coldas :D

  23. MARIANO ™ said:

    Good soldier and nice guy with a specific sense of humor :D

  24. DIEVAS1 said:

    idzi naxui 4mo

  25. bìester said:

    cool guy gl :)

  26. atomic said:

    very keen gamer, gl

  27. caned: MEAT - LEGO said:

    This guy is so keen, you won’t find a better tf2 player

  28. alien`: POLAKI - ez-sports.ru said:


    bump :(

  29. alien`: POLAKI - ez-sports.ru said:


  30. alien`: POLAKI - ez-sports.ru said:

    bump :/