ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


ScoutSoldier  Div 4/Div 5 Skill, 6v6

SouthKorea WAHAHA~ ξ(゜ヮ゜)ξ

Posted by quartz: | Last Online:

Hai there! We are a nice and friendly team called Cyantrips. We love to laugh on our mumble channel and we are part of the awesome Trolling Bunnies community. Due to some personal reasons our both scouts and a soldier had to leave and we are very sad for it since they were all awesome folks. For that reason we are now looking to complete the team again.

So, if you have a mic, can speak English easily and fluently, are mature enough and can laugh and make others laugh a lot don't hesitate to contact me and we will sort something out I'm sure! :)

What we are looking for:
– 1 Scout
– 1 Pocket ( Who can maincall if possible)


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View Div 5/Div 6 3 299
View Div 4/Div 5 6 491


  1. StorMy: Dplay said:

    Me and my friend want to join the clan, i add the leader.

  2. IcemanHotty: ML said:

    Hey i am tf2 player for 2years and more. i have over 3000h in tf2. I play in competetive as soldier, scout, but i wanna be Soldier Pocket now. I know English, i mean i tell good info but in normal talks i have problems sometimes ;/ I have game sense, just need people with that game sense. ADD ME for more info if needed ;p

  3. Total said:

    I’m a tf2 player from sweden that have played for 1.5 years, i have 1221 hours on tf2. I main scout but can play soldier if needed. My major problem is that i’m not to old but i’m not a little idiot. I would like to join the team beacuse you seems chill. i will add you on steam.

  4. Traktor said:

    Hey , i form czech rep. I have 1300hours ,play soldier more 2years. I play every day 19:00-21:30 Europa Time line. :) English speak is mid. add on steam.

  5. QuartzS said:

    We are now looking for soldiers :)

  6. QuartzS said:


  7. galrux said:

    New players, friendly team.

  8. zc0rpn: ≈wind≈ said:

    Hi, i would love to get into etf2l. I have ~1200 hrs on tf2. Im not a very experienced comp player , though i already played a few matches, mainly as soldier. Im playing a lot these days, but i will have to cut that down a bit, but should be available nearly every evening from sunday – thursday, its varying on the weekend.

    Just add me on steam if you are interested.

  9. EsDeeKay said:


  10. EsDeeKay said:

    “are mature enough” scrap that, i’m in the team.

  11. M4GhmA said:

    Hi… I’d like to apply as a scout. I am also a good spy, hoovy and pyro and a deasant sniper for offclass situations. My english is close to perfect and I have low div 4 high div 5 exp in a highlander team.

  12. undone said:

    Hey there ! I am 20 years old and i can be online every single hour in a day. I have a pretty good aim , i guess. I was roaming in div6 and i love to roam actually. If you need a real agressive soldier , try me out !