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Medic  Div 1 Skill, 6v6

Sweden mutant98

Posted: | Last Online:

hey im mutant and i like team fortress 2.
i play this game for 2 years and i need team because my clan rambos dont play anymore :((
i am 13 years old boy and my english is good. I can use mic sometimes but if my mom comes to my room i dont use mic. I can play everyday from 20 swedish time to 21 :)
Im really good in this game i always have best score in all servers. Sometimes second if i start in middle of game :)
I want to play with only best players in this game i want challenge im really good test me :)
we can play in some server and see my score :)
i can play spy too but i think there is better spys than me in this game hehe D:
i got alot good weapons for other classes i can give to my team so we can win easier hehe.
im also very good at hat trading so if team needs help i can teach you to trade to get better weapons for our team and win clan wars :D
add me in steam i want strong team but dont add me if you are not good :)

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:44335438 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left aaa [6v6] alien`
Joined aaa [6v6] mutant98
Left Flame [6v6] Dhs.`
Joined Flame [6v6] mutant98
Left Aftershock Gaming - About 20% cooler [6v6] nyx
Joined Aftershock Gaming - About 20% cooler [6v6] mutant98
Left nasty style [6v6] Nace
Joined nasty style [6v6] mutant98

Previous Recruitment Posts

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View Div 1 2 101


  1. alba: duplo said:

    If you are new to the competetive scene you should apply for div 6. Being good at public means nothing. Trevligt att få in en ny svensk men somsagt. Sök division 6 istället när du inte har comp exp :)

  2. KKR said:

    No don’t listen to alba, you are my god right now. This kid needs more attention from tf2 world, don’t let him die !!

  3. mutant98 said:

    alba i want to play only with the best players and my swedish friend said div 1 or prem are best :)
    i dont care if i lose i still play with best and learn :)

  4. GodOfFail said:

    very good medic,keep up! :)

  5. OG_Loc: ( . )( . ) said:

    mega rofl. you got so epic nickname aswell so i believe ur really pro at this game.
    true talent here :D

  6. Regen: nf. - 9F said:

    Definately worth for a pickup in any high prem team, get him!

  7. kLauS said:

    I would trust this man with my life, I mean he’s so skilled it’s unbelivable.

  8. sobolanu said:


  9. Raikubmx: STR said:

    This guy has great potential, pick him up as fast as you can. These pub medics go quick, for a few keys atleast..

    Hold on one second, this seems to be weird. Right not keys earbuds.

  10. Fr3d' said:

    This Kid born to be Pro let him play whit the best he can be on the best clan ever hes just pro

  11. konr said:

    Add Phrenic http://etf2l.org/forum/user/60520/ his team is looking for a player. Don’t be fooled if he says otherwise he likes to troll sometimes the silly goose.

    PS. NsX has aspergers and is a broken human being

  12. Old_Grandma: OGizzle said:


  13. Regen: nf. - 9F said:

    Nsx indeed seems a bit mad for no apparent reason.

  14. tweekAAaAaAaArn\: ez-sports.ru said:



  15. rts: PrettyGay said:

    NsX on a scale from a refrigirator to banana how mad are you?

  16. NsX. said:

    lol Im mad? k n1 pal

  17. NsX. said:

    as mad as your mum lyke

  18. NsX. said:

    problem bro ????? xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

  19. konr said:

    Idk man you’ve put quite a lot of effort into replying to this kid to say pretty mean shit when you don’t even know the guy and he’s clearly just a kid

    Are you by any chance fingered by your Dad on a daily basis?

  20. Link!: .:ne:. said:

    okay the most retarded person in this rec thread is now NsX and not that mutant kid

  21. NsX. said:

    k mate w/e you say

  22. konr said:

    No one likes you

  23. KKR said:

    NsX https://i.imgur.com/DAa2V.gif

  24. Candy: MEAT said:


  25. cho said:

    it seems this guy is rly good

  26. regen: o7 said:

    This guy is the best Medic to ever come out of this game. I’ve played with him on Valve servers and he is SUCH a good doctor. I can’t come close to his skill, and I main Medic myself. I mean, you should take a look at how he uses that Quick-Fix! SO PRO-LIKE. Always count on him to save you life out there. <3
    And, did I mention he is a trade master? Mutant is a true rarity that is actually kind enough to give you weapons! Free of metal charge! How cool is that!?
    Take this guy to Div1- no, scratch that…take him to Premium and he will own everyone there, you guys are missing out!

  27. Vanilla 涼宮ハル: F! said:

    Christ stop spamming.

    I’m not sure most top players would like to play with you, even if you want to play with them. The transition from public games to competitive games is quite large, and you lack experience, which is a big red flag.

    You seem to think that unlocks (other weapons than the default) matters. We don’t play with unlocks in 6v6 – except for medic unlocks – which everyone already owns.

    Most teams play from 20 -22.15 Swedish time. Convince your parents to let you play longer if you want to commit to a team.

    Topping pub servers isn’t an achievement, most competitive players can do that.

    If you’re serious about playing 6v6, start out in a lower division (6) and learn the mechanics etc. If you wanna play with the best, you have to prove yourself.

    I hope you sound at least 16 on the mic, and act mature for your age. No one likes a kid, just saying.

    Good luck I guess.

  28. Prome said:

    WTF is dis.

  29. Monkeh: .:ne:. - .:ne:. said:

    @NsX: Wow, you really are a nasty piece of work.

    @Mutant98: Good luck, read what vanilla wrote and please don’t expect to play in anything other than Division 6 to start with. The jump from public TF2 to competitive is HUGE!

    Watch some demos or some casts on vanillatv to get to grips with how the 6v6 game works, http://www.vanillatf2.org/media/ , some good stuff to watch there.

    Have fun fella.

  30. smziii: (Legendary Ratehacks) - SVIFT said:

    allways good to see that people get baited by those simple trolls

  31. Calme said:

    This rec post is EPIC

  32. Caeli: #T4F said:



  33. Leif said:

    Lol NsX you’re the most retard person I can remember posting on this forum. Your comment is actually even more retard than ond kaja one’s

    Also this recruitment post is a pear.

    GL for your search, Monkeh pretty much said everythign already

  34. Leif said:

    pearl* I meant

  35. Speedfreak said:

    Nsx, it’s onle a gaem y u heff to be mad? Btw, best/most hillarious rec post since alba’s, GL mate.

  36. ZartZu: [ewe] said:

    He bet Dyna, insta div 1

  37. Coco: [d¿s] said:

    Vanilla nicest guy eu, still don’t think this guy is legit tho :D

  38. Socky: RG-eSports said:


  39. mutant98 said:

    NsX.: if you are one of the best why dont you on youtube?

    i beat him with scout i wanna play scout too now with best players add me steam :)
    nsx give me good server where we can play 1v1 scout you test me there!

  40. Warmetal: Suse said:

    “I can use mic sometimes but if my mom comes to my room i dont use mic.” etcetc

    Everything on his post tells it’s a troll. Am I the only one seeing this?
    Well: http://dagobah.net/flash/successful_troll_2.swf

  41. r7an: -9w- said:

    you should give the guy a chance, I mean commanderx plays div1… oh wait.. sorry..

  42. Vanilla 涼宮ハル: F! said:

    oh its this

  43. Awpteamoose said:

    I’d like to learn some hat trading.

  44. mutant98 said:

    im still searching for good team
    classes i can play now:

    medic: my favorite and im really good with this
    scout: i like play 1v1 in that one server nsx give me i think i can be one of best scouts soon if you give me time :)
    soldier: i like this class but i need time to learn jumps so i can play div 3 i think hehe.
    engineer: i always get good frags when i build sentry and hold last point in games.
    spy: im beginner but i still kill many people :)

    i dont wanna play other classes they are too boring :(

  45. backy said:

    u guy are such a trolls))) good rus tf2 players trolling mutant98))) STRONG RUSSIA !!!))))) cmon troll noobs))))) coz u are better then them COMRADES)))) strong russia))))))))))))))))))

  46. konr said:

    https://i.imgur.com/jahV7.jpg <- NsX

  47. theozmkay: ez-sports.ru said:

    https://i.imgur.com/jahV7.jpg <- konr

  48. konr said:

    https://i.imgur.com/jahV7.jpg <- theoz

  49. WLAN-Kabel: [CWC] said:

    best rec post ever! xD

  50. wrex said:

    https://i.imgur.com/MMfJP.jpg <- no idea

  51. Rdios: REVERTO said:

    wrex youre ugly stop posting pics of you

  52. wrex said:

    okay :( https://i.imgur.com/r3RJx.jpg

  53. Messiah said:

    https://i.imgur.com/MMfJP.jpg <- gaylord (fixed*)

  54. GodOfFail said:

    kids ya ain’t know what sexy is till u see wrexy boi

    also lol@post.

  55. wrex said:

    danke msh, didnt know it yet

  56. Rdios: REVERTO said:


  57. Decoy said:

    he wrecked havoc in a pub i played earlier, def prem, hes the next best thing that has happened to TF2 since it went F2P

  58. Sketch: MM said:

    Holy shit gonna trial this guy

  59. Ond kaja: .:[aAa]:. said:

    Can compete at a top prem level.

  60. Setlet said:

    To be honest, I wouldn’t be surprised if this guy could handle div1 as a medic. Being a medic isn’t hard. You can learn how to dodge in pubs. You can learn to position well in pubs.

    This guy probably doesn’t have gamesense. But, if you don’t maincall, who cares? I’m pretty sure by just following other players he will do fine. And if he did bad, I’m pretty sure he will learn all the tricks in a week or so.

    Inb4 “prem-div1” medics prove me wrong. This theory is already proved by “wicked” (Played in div6, played a single lobby, got picked to div2, didn’t play bad).

  61. sheepy dog's hand: (Cutest boy in TF2) - F! - Pander said:

    NsX. WORKING THIS WEEK: sheepy
    NsX. WORKING THIS WEEK: are you the div 1
    NsX. WORKING THIS WEEK: from scotland
    Sheepy: yea
    NsX. WORKING THIS WEEK: cant believe im talking to you
    NsX. WORKING THIS WEEK: my hero

  62. Muuki: sirkkels - GG said:

    setlet are you troll or just silly?

  63. ~GG~: Covenant said:

    :D LOL’d rly hard after reading this post

  64. h1: :3 - BM said:

    mind is blown.

  65. Permzilla: (Legend) - (☞゚ヮ゚)☞ - WiK? said:

    haha div1 sheepy XDD

  66. wrock: vier said:

    epic trollpost nr.1^^ gw

  67. Ond kaja: .:[aAa]:. said:

    No, he is really good actually.