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DemomanSoldier  Div 5/Div 6 Skill, 6v6

European Trolling Bunnies GREEN

Posted by Rei: | Last Online:

Well, we are looking for soldiers and demomen for our team, We'll be playing on division 6.


Not a rager
Being able for trainings
Willing to improve
Being mature

What we can offer:
Our own TF2 War Server also Mumble
Friendly and mature players – also non-rager
All of us, willing to improve
Coaching from higher division teams

Team Profile

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View Div 5 3 191


  1. kaizer said:


    Looking for roamer soldier(s) too. :)

  2. Bondye: PxE- said:

    trial ne zaman ank 1.5 saattir bekliyorum emre

  3. runy: eX. said:

    http://etf2l.org/recruitment/132177/ would be great if i would hear some news from you

  4. kaizer said:


  5. Tetrahedron said:

    I would sure want to try some scrims with you as a Medic. I have 1400 hours experience, 240 TF2lobby as a Medic and demos if you want to see them. In any case, just send me a message.

  6. Just1s: AVN said:

    I could tryout for backup soli, but the problem is I don’t have much experience in 6v6(all my 6v6 experience is from lobbies) So I would need mentoring for tactics, rollouts and etc. :)

  7. extazy said:

    Add me on steam, guys :=)

    ~Bump + Updated

    We got our medic spot, just looking for backup demomen! Also soldiers! :))

  8. Sapphira said:

    Add me =)
    I can do a okay demo-I know the rollouts- I play demo in highlander Crysomemore.
    I’ve done alot of 6s mixes as demo and I have around 120 lobbys.
    I can aslo play roaming or pocket soldier. I used to be roaming in 6s.
    I have 100 demo hours–115 soldier hours.
    Might not be way to talkative the first time. But I will get used to it.
    I have 1200 hours of tf2.
    I speak fluid english (although not brittish)
    Id prefer a demo spot. But your call- just add me if interested.

  9. icaruZ said:

    got through to tbg, they told me they are only looking for subs, change your fucking post then!

  10. Demopan Civil: vc - 9 ☆ said:

    I got 850 hours of TF2, decent aim and can play as both Demo and Solly. Can speak of mic with no problems.

  11. Xenomy said:

    hello , im willing to try out as Soldier , i match every requirements.

    steam name : mr_muffins

    add me if ur intrested

  12. Getasu said:

    Hello im interested in the soldier spot i can be roaming or pocket doesn’t matter :)
    I have over 600 hours of tf2 and I have good aim, but I don’t have experience from 6v6 but i’m sure you can learn me :)
    add me: Getasu