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Scout  Div 4/Div 5 Skill, 6v6

Germany Radon

Posted: | Last Online:

Hey Pals,
I am Radon, 17 y/o from Germany as you can see.
I am interested getting back into a competitve TF2 Team.
2 Months ago, i stopped playing and took a break. At that point my skill level was around Div4, maybe actually higher. So as an effect of the lack of playing, my aim is kinda off, but thats fixed in within 2 days.
I am a kind person, i respect decisions and take critcism by heart, so i can improve as quick as possible.
I am expecting a team that is showing presence, respect/tolerance and is willing to improve. I dont care if you have a server, although a mumble/ts3 server would come in handy.
As i said i was div4 as a scout. People know me for good sniping and good flanking in the right moments. I am a friend of suprises and of offclassing :P
I am also willing to play other classes as demoman and soldier (roamer), i know the rollouts and as i have to freshen my aim anyways, i could do that too ( it sounds like i cant aim, no thats not the fact its just more about prediction and hitboxes :) )
Well, have a nice day!
Marc A.k.a Radon

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:42211716 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left Erdnuckels [6v6] Irene
Joined Erdnuckels [6v6] Radon
Left Intoxicated [6v6] Pricee
Joined Intoxicated [6v6] Radon
Left Team Colonslash: Dinosaurs [6v6] Fallen
Joined Trolling Bunnies Team JESUS [Highlander] wnk1ee
Joined Team Colonslash: Dinosaurs [6v6] Radon
Left MTF.Gaming [6v6] Royal
Joined MTF.Gaming [6v6] Royal
Left Sense [6v6] Radon
Left Radon Und Pirateer [2v2] Radon
Joined Radon Und Pirateer [2v2] Pirateer
Left Blood and Water [2v2] Radon
Left Highlanders of Doom [Highlander] Pirateer
Joined Sense [6v6] Lynn
Joined Blood and Water [2v2] Twitchy
Left Sense2 [6v6] Radon
Joined Highlanders of Doom [Highlander] Patters
Joined Sense2 [6v6] Patters
Left Sense [6v6] Lynn
Joined Sense [6v6] Lynn

Previous Recruitment Posts

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View Div 4/Div 5 19 630


  1. Raikubmx: STR said:

    Good guy. Give him few days and he should be back in business :)

  2. Jigz said:

    Great guy with some excellent gamesense, calls and good aim (when you get it back^^)
    Could easily push d3 with any class you decide to play once you get back into the game!

  3. Coleman: TEZC - TEZC said:

    Really nice guy and a good scout. Will do well if given the right environment to play in.

  4. Rdios: REVERTO said:

    Mittwoch, 5. September 2012
    14:20 – Radon! LFT/sct: Du
    14:20 – Radon! LFT/sct: Wirst
    14:21 – Radon! LFT/sct: für mich
    14:21 – Radon! LFT/sct: Commenten
    14:21 – Radon! LFT/sct: WEIL
    14:21 – Radon! LFT/sct: bitte :s

    Ist eig net so kacke d4 sollte drin sein.

  5. Rdios: REVERTO said:

    Great guy gud sniper and scoot give him sometime and a good partner and he´ll do well in d4.

  6. Marc - Radon: tB TJ said:


  7. reservoir_dog: TC.Express said:

    Bump for Marc.

    He is out of the game for a few weeks but he is going to keen it up. :) Needs to stick with his main class, shows much talent so no need to switch.

    Good luck man :*

  8. Radon: tB TJ said:

    Thanks :)
    (just another bump :S )

  9. BonkerZ said:

    Remember Radon from the toy fort servers and the like. even though last time we spoke it was unpleasant i throughly reccomend him to any team, he is quick to learn and is alot of fun to have in mumble.