ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


HeavyScout  Div 6 Skill, Highlander

Sweden Robots in Disguise

Posted by Wave Man: | Last Online:

Team <WtR> is starting a Highlander-team and we are currently seeking a Swedish player for the position as Scout or Heavy. We prefer if you are 18+, but exceptions could possibly be made by trial. We use Mumble for communication so you should obviously have a mic and a relatively positive attitude. Experience from competitive in any way is always a plus, but not a necessity, and preferably least 100+ hours TF2.

Last, but not least, you need to follow the theme, which means choosing a robot master to have as your nick and avatar.

If interested, either contact Wave Man (killeye290) or Metal Man (eropsycho).

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  1. Flahrety / Jokern: idk? - tv. said:

    Vad menar ni med att välja en robot master? Skulle vela traila som heavy

  2. Wave Man: <WtR> - <{RiD}> said:

    Vårat tema är att alla är en robot master från Mega Man-serien

  3. Wave Man: <WtR> - <{RiD}> said:

    Bump, for great justice!

  4. Doubledigits said:

    Add me please. Interested in the heavy spot