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Soldier  Div 4 Skill, 6v6

Israel playeravatar

Posted: | Last Online:

hello im looking for div 4 team.
im a pocket agressive soli.
can play 4 days a week. friendly and speak good english
what i want from the team is:
mumble or ts
server in tf2
freindly and none ragers
must be 15 years old +++++ not less :D
add me on steam for more info.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:34058321 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left Israel [National 6v6 Team] BraveHeart
Left Israel [National Highlander Team] SorroW
Joined International Special Force [6v6] ShadowG
Left ahvaT hA neshariM [6v6] playeravatar
Joined ahvaT hA neshariM [6v6] matnuN
Left 2kal [6v6] playeravatar
Joined Israel [National Highlander Team] playeravatar
Joined Israel [National 6v6 Team] playeravatar
Joined 2kal [6v6] playeravatar
Left Team Colonslash: Classic [6v6] playeravatar
Joined Division of Justice [Highlander] playeravatar
Left Team Ping [Highlander] playeravatar
Joined Team Colonslash: Classic [6v6] playeravatar
Left Pwning Without Remorse [6v6] Timothy
Joined Team Ping [Highlander] Timothy
Left Pwning Without Remorse [Highlander] s0rex
Joined Pwning Without Remorse [Highlander] s0rex
Left Pwning Without Remorse Highlander Team [Highlander] s0rex
Joined Pwning Without Remorse Highlander Team [Highlander] s0rex
Joined Pwning Without Remorse [6v6] Timothy

Previous Recruitment Posts

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View Div 2 28 1019


  1. s0rex said:

    cool guy good soldier :D

  2. Yarzz said:

    great guy!


  3. BaR: REVERTO said:

    awesome aim awesome brian div 4 material

  4. Random: iveR said:

    10/10 player
    + aim
    + game sense
    + can main call
    in addition, he is very funny and nice to play with :)

  5. omrish said:

    nice guy, great aim – a proper mge opponet.
    got the abillities for playing in mid div4. gl :)

  6. kasabubu said:

    very very skilled
    פוגע מידאירים
    nice guy
    נותן דאבלים
    very funny guy to hang out with on mumble
    פאקינג אווווסומממ יאאאאהההה
    take him fast <3

  7. 4Lon: Doj. said:

    good player can easly handle div 6…

  8. Rdios: REVERTO said:


  9. playeravatar: IsF - Doj. said:

    hh ani prem

  10. Trath said:

    A good player that will be dedicated to his team. Easily div 4

  11. Spride: iveR - SOAS said:

    He has improved so much within the past year, great defensive soldier and fury although i think he his more into aggressive mode, give him a try, even if he sounds like a retard imo.

  12. playeravatar: IsF - Doj. said:


  13. playeravatar: IsF - Doj. said:

    bump againnnn

  14. SorroW: iveR - VDOH said:

    keikaron ho beizim sheli..
    ahla gever, khu oto maer!

  15. playeravatar: IsF - Doj. said:

    sorow ata gay :D

  16. playeravatar: IsF - Doj. said:


  17. playeravatar: IsF - Doj. said:


  18. afro said:

    awesome guy with nice dm, until starts playing with other jews.

  19. omrish said:

    lior tamari taase li yeladim

  20. playeravatar: IsF - Doj. said:


  21. playeravatar: IsF - Doj. said:


  22. playeravatar: IsF - Doj. said:

    bumppo no team yet :P