ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


MedicSoldier  Div 1 Skill, 6v6

International The Last Resort

Posted by huhystah: | Last Online:

Looking for backup medic and a full-time ROAMING soldier.

You should note that we need someone who could be around at any time, because our current medic Diegoo can be unavailable for one day, for two days or even for a week.

You should also be able to play at division 1 level, if you're some talented gamer then as well contact me or Septique for more information

And i almost forgot, you should be able to main call!

P.s. Justice league is so bad that they can't even make their own recruitment post ://

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  1. Septique said:

    We need someone with good basic skills and healthy attitude. This is a nice chance for a lower division medic to get exp from div1 games. You would most likely play 1-2 pcws per week. Contact me or huhy in irc #etf2l or add us in steam. Cheers.

  2. huhystah said:

    Do not add me on steam, because my friend list is full. You can spam Septique all the way

  3. TBE pez: SUAVY - ; said:


  4. aksu said:

    Good team!

    ps. Septique is a notorius ladyboy and Diegoo beats people with his baton

  5. Septique said:

    By lower division, I mean div2-3.

  6. AnimaL said:


  7. Septique said:


  8. Tarkus: aHn said:

    gl :> wolve noob

  9. Old_Grandma: OGizzle said:

    Oh nice, you guys copying us

  10. wolve: [d¿s] - LEGO said:

    Well done huhy copying someone else’s recruitment post.

  11. Thalash: wG - S-O said:

    Nice try Huhy!

  12. MR JOHNSON: (^-^)v said:

    Nice team, good cohesion and every possibility to become a very good team. Nice mix of players, talent and experience, should do well.

    Even if they apparently steel other people’s recruitment posts..!

  13. Thalash: wG - S-O said:

    Thiefs! but yeah as Vero said, really nice guys and definitely top 3 in div 1.

  14. TviQ: ft. - 007 said:

    All they are missing is that sexy roamer that justice league has

  15. huhystah said:

    bump, looking for a soldier as well now

  16. Septique said:

    Luzzu has some irl stuff, so he cant continue anymore. Big loss for us. We need someone fast so message me or huhy

  17. Snyyppis: RLM said:


  18. Mark: Phase said:

    Take me – good soldier.