ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


ScoutSoldier  Div 1/Div 2 Skill, 6v6

European randomname

Posted by Warden: | Last Online:


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View Div 1/Div 2 9 1093
View Div 2 3 135


  1. TBE pez: SUAVY - ; said:


  2. Tardus: ez-sports.ru said:

    top russes. gl

  3. Daleth: ti. - [PG] said:

    it’s not rage without galant :(

  4. Warden said:

    daleth, maybe :(

  5. Buffalo Bill: TDR » - T⑨ said:

    +1 Daleth, needs more Galant to be Rage.eSports

  6. ell: (ETF2L Donator) said:

    uuh fuck yes more galant http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DaKUbkqGqXc&t=4m21s

  7. Warden said:


  8. Askior: swimp said:

    Bump, we’re currently looking for 2 soldier who can fukcing handle div 2 add me

  9. Askior: swimp said:

    Bump :O

  10. Askior: swimp said:

    Here we go. We’re still searching some soldiers, who can handle div2/1, are looking for a drunked leader, and a frenchie (So HAAAARDCORE).

    Feel free to add me for real, i’ll not eat you :o

    PS: Warden is looking for a fulltime mate scout, but add him, not me :D

  11. mortiii: vertex » said:

    nice guys! best of luck to all of you

  12. Askior: swimp said:

    still looking for soldiers (btw we get a d3 slot, but qe’re still looking for d2 sol at least)

  13. Askior: swimp said:

    Touch the sky dude :D add me :)

  14. TBE pez: SUAVY - ; said:

    warden div1 rest div3/4

  15. Kazachu: GD said:

    did you ever play with Bee Pez ? He’s an old prem div player

  16. Warden said:

    btw still need med and solly ^_^

  17. EDIMKzAr said:

    darky is rly nice guy :).

  18. Warden said:

    for sure ^_^

  19. AeZ!: TP said:

    da bump