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Scout  Div 4/Div 5 Skill, 6v6

Scotland Tearmisu

Posted: | Last Online:

Girl on the platform, smile.
Best smile i've seen for awhile
She must of been about 26? 28? 28.
And her skin looked really really great
She was a natural blonde
She wasn't a natural blonde
But that's what made him fond of her
Girl on the platform, smile.

Just changed the level I want to search at.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:12136492 Add Friend

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Joined still got the badge still got the gun [6v6] MERPY
Left Scotland [National 6v6 Team] sheepy dog's hand
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Joined Infamous tf [6v6] goaty
Left Team Solocap [6v6] Kraken
Joined Team Solocap [6v6] Kraken
Left Hugs.tf [6v6] Tearmisu
Joined Hugs.tf [6v6] squirrel_BVC
Left Satanistic Men Hospitalized [6v6] Tearmisu
Left Its Fun! [Highlander] Predemo
Joined Satanistic Men Hospitalized [6v6] kryma
Left Solstice [6v6] Tearmisu
Joined Solstice [6v6] fyR
Joined Its Fun! [Highlander] Predemo
Left Inferno [6v6] Tearmisu
Joined Inferno [6v6] Tearmisu
Left MAYHEM 6v6 [6v6] Tearmisu
Joined MAYHEM 6v6 [6v6] Coolbeans
Left MAYHEM 6v6 [6v6] Tearmisu
Joined MAYHEM 6v6 [6v6] Coolbeans
Left fnatic always throw [6v6] Tearmisu
Joined fnatic always throw [6v6] laceyk1ng
Left Sloths, Cogs and Logjam [6v6 Fun Team] Tearmisu
Left Sloths and cogs [6v6] Tearmisu
Joined Sloths, Cogs and Logjam [6v6 Fun Team] BigD
Joined Sloths and cogs [6v6] Spike Himself
Left Anyádland [2v2] Tearmisu
Joined Scotland [National 6v6 Team] sheepy dog's hand
Left Team Awesome|Sedgyfergo [6v6] Tearmisu
Left Dingus Party [Highlander] Tearmisu
Joined Last Tear [1v1] Tearmisu
Joined Dingus Party [Highlander] Dowel
Joined Scotland [National Highlander Team] Fenrir
Joined Anyádland [2v2] Tearmisu
Left I Freaking Love Haggis [Highlander] Tearmisu
Left Swedland [2v2] Tearmisu
Left Ya Wee Bawbag [1v1] Tearmisu
Joined Team Awesome|Sedgyfergo [6v6] Vast
Left Dragon Boned Demons(6v6) [6v6] Telepathic Ryuu
Joined Dragon Boned Demons(6v6) [6v6] Telepathic Ryuu
Left The Chaps [6v6] Brassie
Joined The Chaps [6v6] Tearmisu
Left Waifu Warriors [6v6] Pom
Joined Waifu Warriors [6v6] Tearmisu
Left Velox [6v6] Tearmisu
Joined Velox [6v6] Speedfreak
Left Fruit Shop Owners (version 1) [6v6] Tearmisu
Joined Swedland [2v2] Tearmisu
Joined I Freaking Love Haggis [Highlander] Tearmisu
Joined Fruit Shop Owners (version 1) [6v6] Yetin the Cretin
Left pH. Gaming [6v6] Tearmisu
Left Team Colonslash: Crash [Highlander] Oxy
Joined pH. Gaming [6v6] Kalomo <(")
Joined Team Colonslash: Crash [Highlander] Oxy
Left Audere Semper eSport Diamond TF2 team [6v6] Tearmisu
Joined Audere Semper eSport Diamond TF2 team [6v6] Don Vito Corleone
Left Audere Semper eSport Diamond TF2 team [6v6] Don Vito Corleone
Joined Audere Semper eSport Diamond TF2 team [6v6] Tearmisu
Left blaze [6v6] Tearmisu
Joined Ya Wee Bawbag [1v1] Tearmisu
Joined blaze [6v6] Tearmisu
Left CiC Solar [6v6] Tearmisu
Left RTA Highlander [Highlander] LaMqTa
Joined CiC Solar [6v6] emmz
Left Dewdrop [6v6] Tearmisu
Joined Dewdrop [6v6] Tearmisu
Joined RTA Highlander [Highlander] LaMqTa
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View Div 5/Div 6 3 376
View Div 6 0 425


  1. Ghostface: spire said:

    Joined Afraid of Monsters [6on6] Last Tear 2 days ago

    So, stuff isn’t going well with AoM.


  2. Jonny said:


  3. konr said:

    You’re like a supercharged version of the old me. I have absolutely no idea if you really are this level but going from div 5 to 4/3 is a bit odd. Maybe from div 5 to 4, but where on Earth is the 3 coming from?

  4. Pom said:

    bro, u so impatient.
    anyway he’s a solid scout with the dm and such.
    his comms are pretty good.
    needs encouragement and a solid scout partner.
    nice guy with the best accent ever.

  5. Kiss Kiss: 8{ - 8D said:


    Your recruitment posts never fail to raise an eyebrow. Indeed, such is your infamy that this was linked to me from a third party who will remain anonymous. It has been a while since I have played with you, in fairness you may have improved a lot. I somewhat doubt it. The impression your team and recruitment history leaves is not good. Seems like you are constantly looking for a ladder up and quite predictably all you can find is snakes.

    gl I guess.

  6. Pynklùùùnningen: CotC said:


  7. Ghostface: spire said:

    That chart is so retarded Kiss Kiss I’m not even gonna get into it, but, since when does ETF2L have 8 divisions??

  8. Kop: [CiC] - CiC said:

    nice kid but ur age is showing here, 14 is it? I dont have any issues with u at all, but ur patience has screwed u more than once now and ur feeling that ur too good, im sorry but u deffo are not div 3 or even near, i merced for definative who are div 5(im only a div 4 demo) and u killed me 1 time in the whole map(this kill was with 12 seconds left and it made me rage u killed me), i think u got 5 kills overall, u need to realise ur a div 5 player and get a team u enjoy playing with and just play, stop trying to run before u can walk. This is not a troll post, im hoping u see tthis as constructive critisism.

  9. MEGAMIDDIE said:

    not even close to div3, doesn’t stand out in div5 at all, could push div4 with a team who would carry him

  10. frix: LG said:

    I doubt about div3. Maybe div4 I guess


  11. Acky: EASY - Labi said:

    I remember last tear to be literally like last tear, his voice is much mature now though lol, though interestingly enough what I find is that he actually thinks he is that good at scout, I mean d6/5 failed as demo/medic, SO IT MEANS HE MUST win as a scout, but whoknows, myby stuff has changed, last tear now might be an alright lad who doesnt cry, rage, scream, shout, hit a wall or stuff like that nowadays, but that is how I remember him the last and only times I played with him. :) I may be wrong though maybe he is a good player, though future trialers, I suggest to give him a little while before you can properly see what he is like. ;p

  12. Tearmisu said:

    Basically, the last time I tried to push for Division 3/4 I was told that I didn’t have enough experience to push for it. I listened and went to get experience in Division 6 and 5. I thought 100 days was good enough. Therefore i would like to continue to push for Division 4 and possibly Division 3. If you think I need more time in the lower divisions tell me. I’ve been going through a bad spell as Scout the past few weeks but I hope the worst of it is over.

  13. Daleth: ti. - [PG] said:

    add r7an

  14. MEGAMIDDIE said:


    It’s not simply about experience, you don’t go, oh, okay I’ve been here 3 months now, next division. You have to make improvements, that’s the point of experience.

    And even so, how can you possibly think, okay, played some officials in div5, lost like every map, folded, created a new team (who I’ll admit I know almost nothing about) which lasted like a month, I’m obviously now good enough for div3. How does that work? You’re supposed to be like good in div 4 before you go div3.

    Rage mad jelly wobbly jelly mad rage.

  15. Yetin the Cretin said:


  16. Kop: [CiC] - CiC said:

    Indeed Last tear but with experience u also have to learn from it, unfortunately u have not yet, Again as i said im not trolling u at all, u want advice i can give u it, when i played u last u was never with ur other scout, u were still doing the same mistakes u was making when u was in CiC solar, u was never with ur scout partner, u was always running randomly into places u had no idea about and getting totally screwed, 4 of ur 5 kills were when u went sniper, im a perfect example about experience jeez, i have done 3 seasons in div 4 now but that doesnt mean i can go play in div 2 or 3, i still make silly mistakes that hold me back etc.

    You do need experience and u need to learn from ur mistakes and try ur hardest to change ur ways, if u carry on as u are u can go get 10 seasons of experience but u will still only be div 5/6 skill level. If u wanna talk more im on steam

  17. Trane said:

    So much use of the letter u.

  18. Hank: FAINT said:

    how can u even say that its not going well with AoM when u have only been with them for 3 days? well to the point, i think u dont have experience for div4 or higher so i would recommend u to find a mentor to tell u what u are doing wrong and work on what your doing wrong.

  19. DjShrew said:

    Wont get good, never stayed on class long enough to get good. just liked to do nothing as sniper!

  20. Yetin the Cretin said:

    Good scout, good comms.
    Has the ability to reach div 3 level with the right team and commitment.

    Watch some of this:


    and some of this:


    Watch them again and good luck.
    atm div 5/4 imo and plays a mean guitar so div 4.

  21. konr said:

    konr-AA-: calm the fuck down
    konr-AA-: and stop trying to jump divs
    konr-AA-: fucking play in div 5 with people you like and have fun
    konr-AA-: it’s a game
    Last Tear: Okay
    konr-AA-: The most fun I have ever had
    konr-AA-: Was with an old team of mine
    konr-AA-: .idk?
    konr-AA-: and one of the biggest mistakes we made was to try to play div 1
    konr-AA-: If we had chilled out and played div 2 instead
    konr-AA-: And chilled out
    konr-AA-: It wouldn’t have folded so easily like it did
    konr-AA-: I’m reforming that team now
    konr-AA-: And I don’t care what div it is
    konr-AA-: The best way to improve is to play with people you ENJOY playing with
    konr-AA-: Fucking stop caring about losses, wins etc
    konr-AA-: You don’t even need to be in the season
    konr-AA-: Just play and have fun
    Last Tear: Okay, thanks for the advice
    konr-AA-: No problem

  22. Spike Himself: TC said:

    Last Tear don’t do this! :( You’re a nice chap but rating yourself div4/3 just turned you into a giant teenangst-magnet..
    Be patient and play where you feel at home! Div climbing will come with (a lot more) experience ;)

    konr-AA-: calm the fuck down
    konr-AA-: and stop trying to jump divs
    ^ lol

  23. Oxy: TC.Express said:

    Experience and getting good are linked. But people move up at different rates.

    I spent a million days in div 5/6 and last season I really stopped caring about ‘getting good’ and started to relax with people who I liked. Suddenly I’m playing in div 3.

    Just relax and take a serious season with people you enjoy the game with. I think this means I agree with konr, which is a rare occurrence.

    Gl, you can do it :)

  24. konr said:

    I’m the best person to fucking give this advice tbh. I did exactly the same thing when I was around this level and tbh it was dumb. Not entirely sure how you could say you disagree with me on things when you have no idea what I think about anything at all, but okay.

  25. tweek\: ez-sports.ru said:

    what a speech, konr
    *touched my heart*

  26. Tearmisu said:

    Changed what level I want to search for. Seems more appropriate.

  27. Yetin the Cretin said:


  28. Spike Himself: TC said:

    konr, you accidentally phrased that in past tense! :P

  29. konr said:

    Spike I still remember you saying “there are better scouts than me in ETF2L” and I was like “WHAT SERIOUSLY HOW?!!?” in Paradise Gaming.

    gl last tear

  30. emmz: [CiC] - CiC said:

    I think you ought to calm down just a little bit, i am gobsmacked on how many teams you have been in since ~CiCSolar and it doesnt look good. I think with a lot of mentoring, maybe stick in a team for a while and get experience you will eventually move up. I have been in div 6 for as long as i remember though it doesnt mean im div 5 (lol) but i was happy where i was, happy within the team i was in and stuck with it. I have quite a bit of experience but again not enough to go any higher.
    I hope you are able to find a decent team, you are willing enough to play and that does score you points in the long run, calm the team jumps a bit and you will do alright.

  31. Se1en: My name is ! said:

    I am INTERESTED add me on steam.