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ScoutSniperSoldier  Prem Skill, 6v6

Sweden clippen

Posted: | Last Online:

Prem sure got your attention xD

I'm looking for a div 6-4 team to play backup for during s11.
I really only want to play for lolz and play a shitload of sniper.

Add me if you're nice guys looking for a high div backup.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:44082123 Add Friend

Team History

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Left Keso gaming [6v6] clippen
Joined Keso gaming [6v6] Jazzman
Left Saints [6v6] ondkaja
Joined Saints [6v6] clippen
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Joined Grusrus [6v6] clippen
Left aaa [6v6] clippen
Joined aaa [6v6] clippen
Left Forever Fisting In The Dark [6v6] clippen
Left I am fully *fzzzzt* [Highlander] aura
Joined Forever Fisting In The Dark [6v6] stenolov
Left Delete this maffakka [6v6] stenolov
Joined Delete this maffakka [6v6] clippen
Joined I am fully *fzzzzt* [Highlander] unu
Left HordeofQuotes [6v6] mavve
Joined HordeofQuotes [6v6] clippen
Left TeamKlanInavel [Highlander] clippen
Left Quarantine [6v6] clippen
Joined TeamKlanInavel [Highlander] clippen
Joined Quarantine [6v6] clippen
Left HordeofQuotes [6v6] GangsterAlgot
Joined HordeofQuotes [6v6] clippen
Left The Devils Rejects [6v6] clippen
Joined The Devils Rejects [6v6] LillCeder
Left Insane Dutch Killers [6v6] clippen
Joined Insane Dutch Killers [6v6] Miss Blu3y
Left fantomen har krull irl [6v6] clippen
Joined fantomen har krull irl [6v6] clippen
Left Gaming Masters [Highlander] clippen
Left Björnligan [6v6] clippen
Joined Björnligan [6v6] Zebbosai
Joined Gaming Masters [Highlander] nuts__
Left Insane Dutch Killers ² [6v6] clippen
Joined Insane Dutch Killers ² [6v6] Stimpy
Left RIVERSIDE.TF2 [6v6] Stimpy
Joined RIVERSIDE.TF2 [6v6] Jonesy
Left Vi har ingen jaevla JANNE [6v6] clippen
Joined Vi har ingen jaevla JANNE [6v6] clippen
Left heöhöeheö [6v6 Fun Team] clippen
Joined heöhöeheö [6v6 Fun Team] Schis
Left Omnomnom [6v6] freakz
Joined Omnomnom [6v6] freakz
Left Palt Med Smör [6v6] clippen
Joined Palt Med Smör [6v6] clippen

Previous Recruitment Posts

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View Prem 1 813
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View Div 2/Div 3 16 745
View Mid- 0 446


  1. Hat said:


  2. Pinklùùùnnyngen: CotC said:


  3. Fantomen {:): nandos said:


  4. Poop: TSUN~ - [PG] said:


  5. KLar: okie said:


  6. freshmeatt: ‹Con› said:

    I might not be into this kind of jokes, but you have won this time. I tip my hat sir.

  7. skeej: (ETF2L Donator) - UbeR | - Fe | said:


  8. Fantomen {:): nandos said:

    Thanks for the combobreaker freshshit.

  9. arc: iSlam said:

    have fun smashing nerds

  10. kLiPeN_1337 said:

    I want a div 6 team to shoot heads with, add me ffs.

  11. Fantomen {:): nandos said:

    ffs xD

  12. Rdios: REVERTO said:

    ffs xD

  13. kLiPeN_1337 said:

    excuse me for my foul language xD

  14. smziii: (Legendary Ratehacks) - SVIFT said:

    excuse me for my foul language xD

  15. alfa said:

    awesome guy

  16. Benvarmeren said:

    http://etf2l.org/forum/highrec/?recent=361537 No need to say thank you

  17. kLiPeN_1337 said:

    no shitlander, I want to kill div6 tryharders like yourself xD

  18. J3r7y said:

    i would like to join some team as a scout, im pretty good but im from finland and cant talk swedish

    add me trough steam if intrested: Herra. J

  19. J3r7y said:

    i fortgoth to mention im a noob when it comes to playing competitive (what i know div 6 is noob)

  20. schocky: MAFIA said:

    “no shitlander, I want to kill div6 tryharders like yourself xD”

    haha nice one!

  21. rockie said:


  22. blub said:

    lol xD

  23. Jakle said:

    i dont get it