ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


Scout  Div 6 Skill, 6v6

Sweden Teddie

Posted: | Last Online:

Looking for semi-active team that mainly plays for the fun. Ive no experience in etf2l but played competitve L4D at the highest level at the time.
I occasionally merc for a div 3/4 team and do reasonably well, div 6 shouldnt be a problem.
Got a mic, mumble, teamspeak etc.
If you think Im what youre looking for please hit me up on steam!

Have a nice day. //Teddie

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:24448348 Add Friend

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Left Runescape Gold Pharmas [Highlander] nsgy
Joined Runescape Gold Pharmas [Highlander] Teddie

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  1. Dahlbeck said:

    Didnt know you put up a recruitment post oh well, Teddie is higher than div 6 and we both know that. Good aim good gamesense hes been mercing for my team a lot and i can clearly see some good gameplay from him. pick him up if you want a stable scout, just sayin.

  2. fluffy: Pinturillo - William said:

    Awesome guy, great DM and can easily adapt. Can top div 5 if put in the right team, lycka till brorsan!

  3. BeaVerN said:

    Good guy, good dm can easly handle top d5 and even in to d4.

  4. Narzak said:

    Can definitly beat div 6 easily, good scout, good sniper. He has a good gamesense and aim. Also, great personality.