ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


DemomanScoutSoldier  Div 4 Skill, 6v6

European 2oz4u

Posted by SchlossBuschmann: | Last Online:


This team is a monument to the almighty Bushman. Join or I'll get UndeadNóÒb to eat you. (<3)

We seek
[X] 1 Scout
[X] 1 Demo
[X] 2 Sollies

[X] Div4 level
[X] no rage/bitch/be decent etc

Please add Bushman and I'll see where we can fit you in.

That's some shonky business. . .

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  1. cappz: \\/ier ° - -[MG-C]- said:

    bushman prem

  2. medfoo: trick17 said:

    the fuck?

  3. cmd: (ETF2L Donator) - LEGO said:

    lolbear is really cool, and I would like do anything for him, like type how cool he is. He is also talented… and his genatalia are enormous. Emphasizing the genatalia more. Now give me my hat. (All jokes aside these guys are really cool, recommend trialing for them.)

  4. Chicken George said:

    lolbear 2 stronk

  5. SchlossBuschmann: 2oz4u said:

    lolbear prem

  6. KOALA: PrettyGay said:

    best med eu
    best personality eu
    smallest penis eu

  7. KOALA: PrettyGay said:

    lolbear best mexican eu
    btw the above was about lolbear :D

  8. KOALA: PrettyGay said:

    the fuck, why lolbear is asking to post on this rec post while hes not even in the team..

  9. Eric said:

    lolbear is awesome and pro.. and not in this team :(

    Also, inbe4riotaboutbushman.

  10. SchlossBuschmann: 2oz4u said:

    lolbear is in it, just not on etf2l (;

    come at me, rioting bros

  11. Sasuke: ORACLE said:

    lolbear should be enough of a reason for you to join
    if thats not enough then the fact that hes in should be enough

  12. Misregulated said:

    Some good players in this team so far…

    worth trialing for them ;)

    (happy lolbear xP)

  13. uSx: syn^ said:

    lolbear is a great medic and a spammer on steam chat.
    With him, you will have great times.