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Soldier  Div 6 Skill, 6v6

Israel Tempest

Posted by r1xO.: | Last Online:

Looking for div6 players for now.
Add me if you interested to join our clan add "HANDSHARK" to talk.
Looking for EU players / israelis
We have:

-Not rage
-Full Active
Add me to talk.

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  1. barEEE said:

    I have talked with them on steam, They sound like a serious guys.

  2. GodOfFail said:

    heh,what the heck,give them a shot.

  3. Old_Grandma: OGizzle said:

    hashem echad

  4. Handshake .<3 said:

    Gof, sometime you can be a bit more nicely?

  5. GodOfFail said:

    i thought i was…

  6. Handshake .<3 said:

    oh okay np.

  7. kasabubu said:

    with a mature player to lead them they should do well, any way tbh , haimehh should not call.
    good aim but almost no game sense :) I really hope for the best for you guys , try not to trail the playes on mge , its NOT COOL

  8. Handshake .<3 said:

    MGE? -_- we never did it before kas

  9. Handshake .<3 said:

    btw kas, you trying to do everything to not let my clan get players and play huh?

  10. poxie said:

    get erectus!

  11. Handshake .<3 said:

    @ lol poxie

  12. muháwK.: wookie - VDOH said:

    bup. willing to contact you in few hours

  13. muháwK.: wookie - VDOH said:

    i wanted to say bump. but never mind

  14. wampee said:

    oh my

  15. wampee said:

    p.s : sorex is awesome <3

  16. xTimeE: Doj. said:

    if you need unusuals and nice hats you should join them

  17. HANDSHωARkS' said:

    @xtime lol

  18. cimota said:

    add me on steam, pls

  19. Tarkus: aHn said:

    hameht is scammer ;/

  20. t4urus said:

    yesh eze ehad korim lo naruto taasu lo test be MGE

  21. HANDSHωARkS' said:

    hhhhh. hu bikesh me a clan aze “Haze” ve hu gam bikesh me “SAGIXLMAN” she yahnis oto le dplay XDD

  22. HANDSHωARkS' said:

    ve ani gam lo oev “hovevei anima” 8)

  23. GodOfFail said:

    Dplay is awesome,stfu.

  24. cimota said:

    thx for giving me a chance… If you will change your mind then add meh again…

  25. HANDSHωARkS' said:

    GodOfFail, Did I said something wrong about “Dplay” ?

  26. omri said:

    makot balan

  27. wampee said:

    How about NO

  28. benleo said:

    still in need?