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Scout  Div 6 Skill, 6v6

Finland Airact

Posted: | Last Online:

I am a Finnish Scout player looking for a newer team, or any team that is willing to pick me as long as they are fine with me having no comp. TF2 experience and this being the first season of comp. for me.

I cannot quarantee that I can attend every practice session if I have school projects(not that common, but might happen) to do or something like that but I'm actively playing and practicing.

I would like the team to have some practice sessions going on. Nothing ridiculous, but not pure slacking either. Because I have no comp. experience I can pretty much only mention my DM ability, which is supposedly somewhere near div 5 in MGE according to people I've been playing with/talking to.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:26746856 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left Highlander tiimi [Highlander] Airact
Joined Highlander tiimi [Highlander] Airact
Left Syndicate Blue [6v6] Airact
Joined Syndicate Blue [6v6] Airact
Left TBA 2 [6v6] Airact
Joined TBA 2 [6v6] Neep
Left TBA 2 [6v6] Ch3Vy
Joined TBA 2 [6v6] Neep
Left Highlander tiimi [Highlander] Airact
Left Freak Me Out [6v6] Airact
Joined Freak Me Out [6v6] .Zypi
Left World United Hippies Of The Free [6v6] Airact
Joined Highlander tiimi [Highlander] Punkka
Joined World United Hippies Of The Free [6v6] Punkka

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View Div 5/Div 6 3 257


  1. tasKu: e-famous said:

    If you have mIRC, you should try out #gather.fi
    good finnish pickup for new players.

    Also, #pixeltf2.pickup for english pickups.

    Good luck

  2. Airact said:

    I’ll try those out.

    As far as I’ve heard/read/whatever, pixeltf2 pickups pretty much requires you to not suck(Invite system and all that). Is this true or am I wrong?

  3. MInd: [hePPa] said:

    #gather.fi is probably the bes place to go as a finnish player. Pixel pickup requires a skill level of atleast div 5.

  4. skyhigh said:

    great dm skills, just needs some experience in 6v6. pick him! .)