ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


DemomanMedicScout  Div 4 Skill, 6v6

European pH. Gaming

Posted by Twister: | Last Online:

Okay, I've finally sorted out what I want, *sorry if you have added me for trials regarding a previous rec. post, this is the final, fixed version*

Demo(backup): Confident with rollout abilities, Smart Calls, Good positioning, Active, Dedicated, A little rage is fine but make sure it's productive towards team play and save it for after the game, Confident with the class (can't stress that enough)

Scout: Be able to work with Leif, Good aim, Off-classing is not a must but is beneficial, Dedicated, Active, Smart Calls

Soldiers: Not a must but it would great if you could play both pocket and roamer, Pocket should be able to protect the medic, if the scouts need help the Roamer should be clever enough to lend a hand, I'd prefer if the pocket has quite an aggressive play style, Smart Calls, Dedicated, Active,

Medic: Needs to have good positioning and healing ability, if you can main call don't be afraid to do so, an aggressive play-style is a bonus, dedicated, active, smart calls

What I can offer:
Mumble Server
War Server
Community Support <3
Great atmosphere on mumble
Up for a laugh but serious face in game
We don't rage
Dedicated and active

That's all, contact either me or Leif on steam for trials

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One Comment

  1. 1lDuc3: Bonk! said:

    shit came up, can’t trial today