ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 

Announcing Highlander Season 26 and Preseason Cup

Date February 28, 2022

Banner by UnitedKingdom soda

Announcing Highlander Season 26 and Preseason Cup!

All the information regarding Highlander Season 26 and the Preseason Cup can either be found in this newspost, or will be released shortly!

The tier systems that we use will be fully dependent on the final signup numbers.

>>>> Sign up now! <<<<

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Highlander Experimental Cup #9: Wrap-up

Date February 28, 2022

Banner by UnitedKingdom soda

Congratulations to China Super Bing Chilling's KANNONEN! for winning this cup’s Premiership tier!

The winning squad is composed of:

Since the competition is over, we would like to ask you to participate in a poll we made in order to collect some feedback from you. We would be grateful if you share with us what you think about the event, so we can do better in the future! Your response may affect our actions related to the upcoming season as well as future competitions we would like to organise for Highlander off-season period.

>>>> Fill the feedback poll now! <<<<

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Highlander Experimental Cup #9: Playoffs & Tiebreaker Scores

Date February 19, 2022

Banner by UnitedKingdom soda

Welcome everyone to the conclusion of the Highlander Experimental Cup #9.
We hope you enjoyed the matches, and for the teams that made it through, congratulations.

If you find yourself on the list of these teams you are expected to be available. The match dates has been decided for you, but they are a subject of a change as long as the changes are within the deadline. Due to schedule limitations, the matches must be played on time in order not to postpone the next matches.

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Popular places to play competitive TF2 pickup/mix games in Europe

Date February 11, 2022

Banner by Poland bobair

There are plenty of places where people can play competitive TF2 games in Europe, with a wide variety in skill, some in general rules, and ways to get into the game, but the goal ultimately is the same for each service – people enjoying competitive games, regardless of skill level of the players.

By making this post we would like to highlight some European services where you can play competitive games, depending on the gamemode(s) you are interested in.
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I want YOU for ETF2L Staff – ETF2L is recruiting!

Date January 31, 2022

Banner by Poland bobair and Poland supra

ETF2L recruiting!

We are also once again looking for more volunteers to help run and maintain the league. Currently we are lacking workforce in general, so basically we look for admins in pretty much all categories.
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