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Season 4

Division 4d

Week 2

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by Pamppu (cvx)



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Finland cvx vs Germany Trick17
4 - 1

SourceTV: tf5.cvx.fi:27020

SteamID Screenshots: A B


cvx (6) kimsku, MunQQi, compton, Pamppu, Akhiv, GJ
Trick17 (7) Keeper, cold fire, 4ltair, black, Sensenmann, Wolv, amigol


  1. GJ: cvx| - cvx| said:

    Is 25.1. 20:00 CET fine for you?

  2. Bl4cK: trick17 - trick17 said:

    hi, this date would be perfect for us.
    If something changes and we cannot play that time, I´ll contact you.

  3. Bl4cK: trick17 - trick17 said:

    hey GJ, would 21:00 CET also be ok for you?
    same day, just one hour later.

    we would be glad if you could play at 21:00 cet as well.

  4. GJ: cvx| - cvx| said:

    Sorry, after discussing with my troops, we can’t play 21:00, many of us has work/school at Monday and has to go sleep early. So Sunday 20:00 is still preferred. If it don’t work out for you, we must reschedule for another day.

  5. Bl4cK: trick17 - trick17 said:

    well, I understand that, we also have to get up early. I guess it´s ok to play at 20:00, falling asleep in school/work is not that good :)
    so cu online at 20:00

  6. compton: cvx| said:


  7. GJ: cvx| - cvx| said:

    gg :)

  8. Pamppu: brz - cvx| said:


  9. cheffi: cvx| - cvx| said:


  10. Sensenmann said:


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