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6v6 Autumn 2023


Week 7

Round commencing: -

Schedule deadline: | Result deadline:

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by Whip (Begging for a Pegging)



0 - 3

[Screenshots: A ]



3 - 1

[Screenshots: A ]

UnitedKingdom Begging for a Pegging vs Estonia crack house
3 - 3

SteamID Screenshots: A B


Begging for a Pegging (6) Geese Goose, blackcosmogirl, yPsung, gamma, swayze, Whip
crack house (6) ethereal, Matiz993, toco, ryvn, lew, S0rce


  • crack house [Major] Unable to provide a requested demo (not 1st time)
  • crack house [Meta] Collecting 2 Major Warnings



  1. Default Date said:

    A default date has been set for this match by ETF2L.
    The default date is: Thursday, 30 November 2023, 21:15
    Please play this match on the appointed time and submit the results.
    If the default date does not suit you, please contact your opponent and ask them to reschedule.

  2. Vibing: Issue? said:

    will ethereal be noob or not

  3. ETF2L Staff said:

    Dear team “blunt rotation”,

    Please upload the demos of ethereal and Lewdio within 72 hours or face a penalty in accordance with the General ETF2L Rules.
    You have to use the ETF2L demo upload system for archives under 100 MB, third party host links will be ignored.

    Minor Warnings for missing demos can be removed later after talking to an admin, as long as the minor warnings of your team did not stack up to a major warning yet.

    2.1. Every player has to record Demos:

    Demo files can be requested by an admin or any player of the opposing team.

    Admins may request demo files at any time until the end of the competition an official match was played in; a competition is considered ongoing until its wrap-up post is published. Admins may request as many files as they require.

    After a match was played the opposing team can request demo files at any time until 48 hours have passed after an official match was scheduled to start. They can request demos from up to two opposing players, who will then have to provide their demos for all played maps. A team is only allowed to make four demo requests in a single competition.

    Players have to record the entirety of their official matches. Missing segments of any kind (e.g. rounds, halves) can count as a missing recording and may result in a team Warning and an infraction for the player. As a rule of thumb, we advise you to check whether you have a demo file recording whenever you join a server, especially after a connection loss or a map switch. A player whose demo files have been requested has 72 hours to upload them, starting from the time the request was made. The demos have to be provided by the requested players themselves, teammates cannot upload demos for them. All requested demos up to 100 MB have to be uploaded to ETF2L; links to third party hosts will be ignored.

    2.1.1 Penalties for not providing requested demos:

    Failure to supply a requested demo will result in penalties for both the player and their team. If a player fails to supply their demos multiple times while playing for the same team the team will be given a more severe punishment.

    Player penalties.
    – First time: No ban.
    – Second time: Player is banned for two weeks from all ETF2L competitions.
    – Third time: Player is banned for two months from all ETF2L competitions.
    – Fourth time or more: Player is banned for one year from all ETF2L competitions.

    Team penalties.
    – First time: Minor warning that can be removed if the demo is uploaded.
    – Second time or more: Major warning that can be removed if the demo is uploaded.

    Penalties are applied if a requested demo is not provided within 72 hours.

    For any questions please contact us in our discord https://discord.etf2l.org

  4. S0rce said:

    why ethereal??????????????

  5. ethereal said:

    i played this offi with 1 eye and still get demos requested


  6. ethereal said:

    gg cant find product LOL

  7. S0rce said:


  8. toco: 2MNYCHDS said:

    I’d like to thank swayzbury for unintentionally upgrading our roster for playoffs

    Thank you.

  9. ETF2L Staff said:

    Dear teams,

    Team “blunt rotation” has received one Major Warning for failing to provide ethereal’s demos.

    If you are able to provide the demos at a later date, please contact our admin staff on Discord in order to get the warnings removed.

  10. ETF2L Staff said:

    Dear Teams,

    It has come to our attention that team “blunt rotation” broke the skill contribution rule.

    3.7. Skill Contribution

    A team’s active line-up may only consist of a limited amount of higher skilled players that joined after the Provisional Tiers were published. A point system is used to determine this restriction. A player will be given one point for each tier of experience higher than the division of the team the player joins. Highlander and 6v6 experience will count as equivalent between gamemodes.

    A player’s experience will be determined in accordance with rule 2.7 Player Experience

    In 6v6 teams have a limit of 1 point.
    In Highlander teams have a limit of 2 points.

    Breaking the rules:
    – Teams breaking the skill limit by +1 will receive a Minor Warning for the first offense. Further offenses will result in a default loss.

    – Teams breaking the skill limit by +2 or more will have their match results reviewed. The circumstances of the rulebreak will be considered when the deterimining punishment.

    Please contact League Admin Staff on [ETF2L’s Discord server] if you need your case to be reviewed. The lengths of inactivity will be taken into consideration when making decisions.

    Note: Cups (pre-season cups, one-day cups, nations’ cup etc.) do not count towards skill contribution.

    This is not the first time, therefore a Major warning has been issued.

    For any questions please contact us in our discord https://discord.etf2l.org

  11. ETF2L Staff said:

    Dear teams,

    Due to getting 3 Major Warnings team “blunt rotation” has been dropped from the competition.

    1.6. Warnings may lead to point deduction and/or removal from a competition

    General System:

    3 Minor Warnings – 1 Major Warning
    1 Major Warning – deduction of 1 point
    2 Major Warnings – 1 Meta Warning, deduction of 3 points
    3 Major Warnings – expulsion from the current competition
    Minor Warnings:

    Incorrect/missing screenshot (1st time, removable if the screenshot is provided later)
    Using an unregistered player
    Violating a competition’s merc clause
    Violating the Pause Rule (1st time)
    Using a banned weapon
    Use of non-English language (note: other languages are allowed if both teams are from the same country)
    Unable to provide a requested demo file (1st time, removable if the file is provided later)
    Flaming (1st time)
    Not showing up for an official match (plus a Default Loss for that particular match)
    Any other rule break (1st time)
    Major Warnings:

    Incorrect/missing screenshot (after 1st time, removable if the screenshot is provided later)
    Any attempts of fraud
    Unable to provide a requested demo file (after 1st time, removable if the file is provided later)
    Violating the Pause Rule (after 1st time)
    Flaming (after 1st time)
    Cheating (plus a possible reduction of extra points and banning of the player involved, case-by-case basis)
    Any other rule break (after 1st time)
    Three Minor Warnings stacking up to a Major Warning makes the Minor Warnings in question no longer removable.

    To have Warnings related to missing screenshots and/or demo files removed, please contact the league admins on [ETF2L’s Discord server] after submitting them on the website.

    For any questions please contact us in our discord https://discord.etf2l.org

  12. S0rce said:


  13. Asyashi said:

    I’d like to thank blunt rotation for unintentionally upgrading our roster for playoffs

  14. S0rce said:

    have fun

  15. pijuka: CENTO - pills said:

    low players follow the rules challenge

  16. S0rce said:

    so true bestie

  17. wavy: CAKE said:

    unlucky gg

  18. lew said:

    whats the point in ratting this hard and ruining szn for us ur just gonna get rolled in qtrs and if u dont ur gonna lose to pole stack like n1 such talented and crazy players (bottom of my shoe bhahahhaha i farmed u noobs product bahahaha)

  19. young lit.fam: arctis said:

    ︻芫═一 PEW

  20. S0rce said:

    ︻芫═一 PEW︻芫═一 PEW︻芫═一 PEW︻芫═一 PEW︻芫═一 PEW︻芫═一 PEW︻芫═一 PEW︻芫═一 PEW︻芫═一 PEW︻芫═一 PEW︻芫═一 PEW︻芫═一 PEW︻芫═一 PEW︻芫═一 PEW︻芫═一 PEW︻芫═一 PEW︻芫═一 PEW︻芫═一 PEW︻芫═一 PEW︻芫═一 PEW︻芫═一 PEW︻芫═一 PEW︻芫═一 PEW︻芫═一 PEW︻芫═一 PEW︻芫═一 PEW︻芫═一 PEW︻芫═一 PEW︻芫═一 PEW

  21. ethereal said:

    Rat players.

  22. hawaii: G^ - said:

    LOL sit noobs

  23. S0rce said:

    why so toxic buddy

  24. Fnutek: RAH said:

    Lol crazy. blaming other team for your own incompetence. gg

  25. ethereal said:

    You have absolutely 0 idea what you are saying yet you went to comment something

    And it has nothing to do with half of you guys lol

  26. toco: 2MNYCHDS said:

    fnutek dont speak when you know nothing

    we’re so back

    all of you are little rat twigs I bench your deadlift pr noobas

  27. Frager said:

    Welcome back guys!

  28. S0rce said:

    Lol crazy. blaming other team for your own incompetence. gg

  29. hawaii: G^ - said:

    guy with 100 seasons played and on 4 rosters tryna tell people hes built. lol. lmao.

  30. toco: 2MNYCHDS said:

    the fuck does that have to do with anything, you’re actually room temp iq
    post physique

  31. Geese Goose said:

    lmao ur ugly

  32. toco: 2MNYCHDS said:

    stop I might cry 🥲

  33. toco: 2MNYCHDS said:

    also I swear I’m not some cunt usually but the people coming in these match comms to celebrate after false warnings can slob on my knob

  34. Geese Goose said:

    Alright, sorry, didn’t mean it, people are just celebrating cause your team have the reputation of being toxic asses.

  35. toco: 2MNYCHDS said:

    beef settled, so wholesome

  36. S0rce said:

    only 1 of our teammate got us 2 flaming warning noone else was toxic :p

    i dont get why you guys think being toxic to the toxic team is better than being the toxic team itself

  37. hawaii: G^ - said:

    good gains dude, keep it up

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