Highlander Spring 2023 Preseason Cup
Grand Final
Round commencing: -
Result deadline:
Results submitted:
by yak (ANGLO 2025)
Cult of 256
ANGLO 2025
2 - 7
SteamID Screenshots: A
Cult of 256 | (8) wiita, saltyy, GOZ, masuj, buko, sinr, CAR DOOR, Vclox_ |
ANGLO 2025 | (7) Kunonai, Shaddow, Dimms, BigZZZ, Heatburn, yak, Cyanic |
Unrostered | (3) Haiva, Spanns, dempsey |
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Welcome to the Highlander Spring 2023 Preseason Cup: High Grand Final!
This match will consist of one map, played as usual to first to 3 wins (if it’s a KOTH) or in a BO3 ABBA if it’s a stopwatch map.
Maps will be decided using the following Map Elimination System:
Since Cult of 256 finished higher than ANGLOSPHERE during the group stage, they get to decide if they wish to be team A or team B.
Team A picks a map
Team B picks a map
The remaining map is the decider
Good luck for both teams!
A default date has been set for this match by ETF2L.
The default date is: Sunday, 07 May 2023, 21:00
Please play this match on the appointed time and submit the results.
If the default date does not suit you, please contact your opponent and ask them to reschedule.