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Highlander Winter 2023

Division 3


Round commencing: -

Schedule deadline: | Result deadline:

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by ETF2L Staff

Default Win

Hungary Habib's Special Forces vs European hopebusters
0 - 6

SourceTV: https://www.twitch.tv/mikelangeio

SteamID Screenshots: A B


hopebusters (9) Citrus, Fin, Exe_Red, Rawlop, mojo, lolevont, Kicri, Spoon1337, ult
Habib's Special Forces (10) axel, Lupe, Dantovich, Krad, spawncamper., kristof, szanitecc, NightFall, Zake, fidus


  1. kristof: L2:7 - HSF said:

    Kristóf — Today at 10:14 PM
    We want to be B
    what is your ban?
    mojocfc — Today at 10:16 PM
    ban proplant
    Kristóf — Today at 10:31 PM
    ban steel
    pick upward
    mojocfc — Today at 10:35 PM
    pick vigil
    Kristóf — Today at 10:37 PM
    ban cascade
    mojocfc — Today at 10:37 PM
    ban warmtic
    product decider

  2. Baclan: BOT - hb said:

    🎙RU Cast by Eniere & Beatris – https://www.twitch.tv/miss_beatriss

  3. kristof: L2:7 - HSF said:

    ENG Cast sponsored by #pizdaaim by mikey-mr.cactus-frager https://www.twitch.tv/mikelangeio

  4. bala: TLR - HSF said:

    na had szoljon

  5. WalkeR1337: C9 said:

    VP 🤍🧡 BatulinS 🤍🧡 Lu 🤍🧡 spyrro 🤍🧡 Perfect1ks 🤍🧡 VP

  6. CacTus said:

    Hopipláza trade map

  7. CacTus said:


  8. kristof: L2:7 - HSF said:

    gg “guys” wp

  9. Citrus: OCHOBA said:

    ggs, pls no toxic from both sides

  10. kristof: L2:7 - HSF said:

    @citrus idk who messaged me “nice joke clown” after i said “ggs”. braincheck pls

  11. CacTus said:


  12. mojo: C9 said:

    @kristof idk who messaged me “ttv/mekilageio its shorter” braincheck pls

  13. mojo: C9 said:


  14. CacTus said:


  15. Spoon1337: C9 said:

    ggs,don’t be rude pls,be frens.

  16. szanitecc: CCP said:

    ggwp, it was a nice game

  17. kristof: L2:7 - HSF said:

    ye no toxicity, but your leader started to be kinda retarded :/, maybe he cant lose or something

  18. mojo: C9 said:


  19. fidus said:

    ggs ❤️
    btw and yes be nice to other people

  20. kristof: L2:7 - HSF said:


  21. mojo: C9 said:

    @fidus 🙏

  22. ETF2L Staff said:

    Team “#freehaze” has received a default loss because of a player in the team being banned for cheating.

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