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6v6 Season 42: Low Playoffs

Semi Finals

Round commencing: -

Schedule deadline: | Result deadline:

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:



5 - 1

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5 - 1

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6 - 0

SteamID Screenshots: A


$AINT BLACK (4) Olo, eth4n, T.J aka Kacperski75, f4t
SICK LAUGHTER (6) nagle, tinder samurai, fontar, Dutchman, cj, zherii
Unrostered (2) keicam, arth


  1. ETF2L Staff said:

    Welcome to the Season 42 Low Semi Finals!

    This match will be played as a best-of-three.

    Maps will be decided using the following Map Elimination System:

    Both teams need to agree on who eliminates first. If the two teams cannot agree, they need to perform a heavy fist fight. The winner of this heavy fist fight can decide if he wants to start of if the other team should.

    Team A bans a map
    Team B bans a map
    Team B picks a map
    Team A picks a map
    Team B bans a map
    Team A bans a map
    The remaining map is the decider

    Good luck for both teams!

  2. cj: ..d1ck said:

    Maps are gullywash, metalworks, sunshine

    I have repeatedly tried to message their leader, he just ignores me, says we’re going to play at Wednesday on a German server, we agreed to play Wednesday as they can’t do any other day apart from Saturday. No negotiation over the server either, he just said that they’re playing on a German server only and that’s that. He is now saying we’re playing at 20, which we didn’t agree to, and has said he will block me until Wednesday 20 cest, upon when he will send me the connect

    We allowed this guys mercs and we thought be more flexible as a result but they’re not agreeable to anything, constantly ignoring messages to talk about times to play etc

    We can’t play earlier than 21 either due to irl work commitments, we could probably sort this out if the leader actually spoke to me but there is nothing I can do

  3. cj: ..d1ck said:

    Best regards,

    Charles Jike

  4. f4t said:

    dude u sent me pyro blowing other pyro and another pyro putting his finger in his ass + u kept typing me that u are the best, everyone loves u and respects u and these “bitches” have to. i will unblock u to send u the german server ip. we cant play on any day at 21 and u agreed to wed before. im not even reading what u typed up there lmao

  5. f4t said:

    forgot to add that when I have tried to negotiate about the server u just ignored that and kept typing that u love dutch servers and u want dutch server so stop making a victim of yourself.

  6. f4t said:

    keicam/pan maciek was allowed to merc as scout + we are going to use sickboyrari as a default merc on demo

  7. cj: ..d1ck said:

    I’m trying to negotiate now and you have refused all contact, when we tried to talk about the server your initial response was “no we’re playing on a German server”, I asked you to compromise with a map each on a different server, and you straight up ignored me. I didn’t flat out say we were playing at 21, you just assumed we were playing at 20 which we never spoke about either, you can’t just say “we’re playing at 20 and that’s it, I will unblock you then”

    Also failing to recognise that we did you a favour with your mercs

    If you can’t play Wednesday we can most likely play Saturday. We could even play Friday. We just need the time pushed back because people have work, we have played at 21 all season, and when we played at 20:30 it was our guys day off

  8. alov said:

    you denied me cj :D

  9. cj: ..d1ck said:

    I denied you because every time you play you carry them

  10. f4t said:

    You did not any favor with mercs, I’ve sent you keicam which is a low scout and theres no point on rejecting him lol. I’m not doing any contact with you because when I tried it you have typed some weird shit to me and didn’t take it seriously so I’m not going to do it again

  11. cj: ..d1ck said:

    You could have played with 5, which we found out last game would have been aids

    The only weird thing was the pyro gif because it’s funny

    https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/962010898954866758/1001245566505844769/IMG_6430.png None of what I have said here is weird

  12. f4t said:

    yeah here u send messages from today and out of context. I don’t even give a shit and I won’t waste my time on unblocking you and sending screenshots of your earlier messages, c u on offi lol

  13. cj: ..d1ck said:

    Those messages are from today AND yesterday, if you want I will gladly post the whole chatlog

    The only weird thing was the pyro gif

    As soon as you got everything you wanted, maps, mercs, etc. you stop responding and say you’re blocking me “until you need to message me” not to actually talk about when you can play


    Again you ignoring me for no reason when talking about the server

  14. fontar: ..d1ck said:

    one of the 2 scouts you proposed to merc for you that we denied went on to play for a div 2 team that same day. We also allowed keicam

  15. f4t said:

    last thing I wanna add is that I might agree to play the offi on dutch server if u agree to play at 20 on wed

  16. cj: ..d1ck said:

    we don’t agree to that time, that isn’t what we discussed whatsoever. In fact, it wasn’t discussed at all, because all you did was ignore me, trying to get a default win

  17. f4t said:

    We are thinking right now about playing the offi at 21 on saturday or friday but only if you allow ALOV to merc on any class – it’s not sure yet as I need to wait for my team to answer and it’s late already

  18. cj: ..d1ck said:

    We don’t allow alov

  19. cj: ..d1ck said:

    We won’t allow anymore mercs, not with all the bs you’re trying to pull, we just want to play and you’re default hunting

  20. f4t said:

    I’m not def hunting, I told you we can do this only on wed @20

  21. cj: ..d1ck said:

    No you didn’t, you said “we’re playing at 20 on Wednesday and I’ll block you until then”

  22. cj: ..d1ck said:

    We would like to play Wednesday only

    We would be willing to drop to 20:30, but even that makes our irl schedule tight, I think that is a fair compromise given the circumstances

  23. cj: ..d1ck said:

    Also, during our official we could play perfectly fine at 20:30 last time with no issues. Now it’s hard for 2 players in their team to play past 21 unless it’s on a weekend, with a different merc. We do not accept any more mercs

  24. f4t said:

    yeah there were problems because of which we had to pause lol

  25. cj: ..d1ck said:

    If the guy above could speak hieroglyphics this is what it would look like. It’s also funny how you continue to deny this while your co leader is messaging me trying to repair the situation

  26. guapdaddy4000: tB TJ said:

    GRUDGE MATCH LET’S GO someone better cast this shit and keep the chat visible lmao

  27. f4t said:

    actually I made a mistake last comment – im pretty sleepy. the pause happened during our last offi against other team but still worth mentioning

  28. Liko: ︻芫═一☺ - buud$cult said:

    keyreal gotta get real

  29. cj: ..d1ck said:

    We agreed on Wednesday with your merc (you told me actually and then blocked me). Now however, you would like to reschedule to the weekend, which is stupid considering we already agreed to Wednesday, all the evidence in the chat logs btw. If we can both compromise (we are compromising by playing at 20:30 and allowing your merc), this could go a lot smoother and we can play

  30. cj: ..d1ck said:

    You already have 2 mercs. If YOU want to reschedule we will not allow anymore

  31. eth4n: ADO - AVN said:

    Situation changed and we cant play wednesday. We can only play saturday or sunday any hour.

  32. cj: ..d1ck said:

    So we agree to Wednesday, then all of the sudden the day before “our situation has changed”, and you can’t play. And now you can only play at the weekend? We agreed to Wednesday, we all have plans at the weekend now. Your other leader organised this for wednesday

  33. cj: ..d1ck said:

    We had agreed on Saturday to play on Wednesday – and now the day before they can’t?

  34. nagle: ..d1ck - pog said:

    Good afternoon all,

    There seems to be some tension here so I asked my dad and he said we have to play Wednesday 20:30 or 21:00. I have cricket practice on saturday (all day, and I get very tired from it) and church on Sunday, followed by a charity baking event in the afternoon, and I volunteer at a local food bank in the evening. Plus we all have school on Monday – Let’s be sensible here and meet at the previously agreed time and date. If anyone has any other suggestions, please reply here or feel free to contact CJ on Steam.

    Dziękuję, panowie,


  35. f4t said:

    Only thing about date that I have agreed to is the day, not hour. Idk why eth4n agreed to play it at 20:30 on our last offi, ask him

  36. f4t said:

    also idk what eth4n is talking about wed is fine, but only at 20.

  37. f4t said:

    If it’s fine with you we can also play this next week

  38. cj: ..d1ck said:

    https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/962010898954866758/1001245566505844769/IMG_6430.png A conversation of you TELLING me when the official is going to be played, no discussion whatsoever, so by this you must have thought the official was going ahead at 20, no discussion surrounding the time whatsoever

    We’re not playing next week

  39. cj: ..d1ck said:


    Ethan telling us you can’t play Wednesday. So which is it? I’m sure you can play 30 minutes later than 20?

  40. f4t said:

    dont bother eth4n he is on drugs

  41. f4t said:

    we can play on wednesday

  42. cj: ..d1ck said:

    Do you both talk to each other? You know what time we would like to play a lot, you’re giving no compromise at all

  43. cj: ..d1ck said:

    https://i.imgur.com/W3vXujB.png I continue to try and talk to them – no response

  44. kejhalb: CCP said:

    playoffs moment

  45. april: ..d1ck - pog said:

    Ayo things gettin hairy up in here 😩🤚😩🤚


  46. cj: ..d1ck said:

    The enemy team has agreed to play tomorrow at 20:30


  47. cj: ..d1ck said:

    Never have I been through such an ordeal to get a match organised

  48. Kemor said:

    I hope this ends in a Default Win, doesn’t even matter for who, just to complete the true polish playoff experience

  49. Frager said:


  50. nagle: ..d1ck - pog said:


  51. cj: ..d1ck said:

    connect; password “tv”


  52. wonder: 哟什 said:


  53. Morbus: juice - p9's said:


  54. muuttolintu said:

    dude u sent me pyro blowing other pyro and another pyro putting his finger in his ass

  55. Habina: sirkkels said:

    dude u sent me pyro blowing other pyro and another pyro putting his finger in his ass + u kept typing me that u are the best, everyone loves u and respects u and these “bitches” have to. i will unblock u to send u the german server ip. we cant play on any day at 21 and u agreed to wed before. im not even reading what u typed up there lmao

  56. muuttolintu said:

    yo can you show me the picture, asking for a friend

  57. alov said:

    @muuttolintu i got it, dm me ill send u

  58. eth4n: ADO - AVN said:

    https://etf2l.org/forum/user/132944/ def merc

  59. cj: ..d1ck said:

    cmon man

  60. cj: ..d1ck said:

    https://logs.tf/3236236#76561198044171545 – metal

    https://logs.tf/3236199#76561198044171545 – gully

  61. nagle: ..d1ck - pog said:

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=efGQLkvUxV8 def merc

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