Attention Premiership Highlander Teams: koth_lakeside_r2 has been changed to koth_lakeside_f2. please use this version of the map instead for your Scrims & Officials.

6v6 Season 41: Open Playoffs

Quarter Finals

Round commencing: -

Schedule deadline: | Result deadline:

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by Refleks (Local Issues)



0 - 3

[Screenshots: A ]



0 - 5

[Screenshots: A ]

Russia ¿div13? vs Sweden Local Issues
0 - 6

SteamID Screenshots: A


Local Issues (6) BribalStorm, Acrobatmorf, ziggokill, Refleks, Toodles, Phara
¿div13? (6) Rz., vsn, ysshi, spice kot, starboy, s0ha.


  1. ETF2L Staff said:

    Welcome to the Season 41 Powered by Copenhagen Games: Open Quarter Finals!

    This match will be played as a best-of-three.

    Maps will be decided using the following Map Elimination System:

    Both teams need to agree on who eliminates first. If the two teams cannot agree, they need to perform a heavy fist fight. The winner of this heavy fist fight can decide if he wants to start of if the other team should.

    Team A bans a map
    Team B bans a map
    Team B picks a map
    Team A picks a map
    Team B bans a map
    Team A bans a map
    The remaining map is the decider

    Good luck for both teams!

  2. starboy: RUS said:

    product, snakewater, process

  3. Korra: MGE - AirN said:

    GL gamers

  4. Sothis: :flag_rs: - CCP said:

    ez for refleks

  5. shinso said:


  6. Vibing: Issue? - AirN said:


  7. Luka Enderman: :flag_rs: - CCP said:

    so ez for refleks

  8. DuMmTm: TFTV - COGU said:

    watch this match here

  9. vsn said:


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