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6v6 Season 40 Sponsored by Mannco.store


Week 7

Round commencing: -

Schedule deadline: | Result deadline:

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by scatmo (Twenty-Seven EU)



0 - 5

[Screenshots: A ]



0 - 5

[Screenshots: A ]

European ZHESTKIY vs European Twenty-Seven EU
0 - 6

SteamID Screenshots: A B


Twenty-Seven EU (6) WFlash, Oshunter, doby, Zemi, scatmo, So||o Wo|o
ZHESTKIY (6) Gibuswagen, voilio, YYYEBOK, nnnn, disc0 b0y, 1TY3
Unrostered (1) R.R.


  1. Default Date said:

    A default date has been set for this match by ETF2L.
    The default date is: Wednesday, 08 December 2021, 20:30
    Please play this match on the appointed time and submit the results.
    If the default date does not suit you, please contact your opponent and ask them to reschedule.

  2. disc0 b0y said:

    https://etf2l.org/forum/user/128074/ def medic merc

  3. 1TY3: DIRECTOR said:

    gg lost to spanish clowns

  4. Oshunter: CENTO said:


  5. 1TY3: DIRECTOR said:

    say thanks for our teamleader that we are not playing any scrims for like 1-2 weeks and u r playing this game 24\7

  6. 1TY3: DIRECTOR said:

    unlucky you will lose in playoffs to us but okay u won week 7 grats!!stay happy :))

  7. Vorobey: VVV said:

    >complains about no scrims for 1-2 weeks
    >played a scrim yesterday vs us, lost, said “not playing seriously”

    smooth brained

  8. 1TY3: DIRECTOR said:

    i dont even have to say that you denied all good mercs))))

  9. 1TY3: DIRECTOR said:

    vorobey (russian open player who ruined our grand finals in s37 low and missed 24 pistol bullets) please dont even talk to me and stop licking their ass thanks :)

  10. disc0 b0y said:


  11. ProDG: EF said:

    @disco boy tell that to your player, he’s the one who started crying

  12. 1TY3: DIRECTOR said:

    ProDG: Bingqilin said:
    Today, 21:37

    @disco boy tell that to your player, he’s the one who started crying
    why are you even checking this site for 24\7 to see did we won or no?maybe because you are so afraid of us and because im saying straight facts? LOL

  13. disc0 b0y said:

    They don’t listen to me

  14. ProDG: EF said:

    someone sent it in the discord cause you started crying lmao it’s pretty pathetic tbh

  15. 1TY3: DIRECTOR said:

    since when saying straight facts means crying?u r dumb or what?

  16. 1TY3: DIRECTOR said:

    75hours per 2 weeks of panda mge made your brain melt………….

  17. ProDG: EF said:


  18. 1TY3: DIRECTOR said:


  19. Spanns: :3 - DBLE said:


  20. slowmotion milk: VVV said:

    it war..

  21. Akio: bF said:

    russians never learn.

  22. 1TY3: DIRECTOR said:

    brits never learn.

  23. sage: (ETF2L Donator) said:

    ez for spain

  24. fenix said:


  25. wonder: 哟什 said:

    not big surprise

  26. alov said:

    why cry for an offi vs really good team

  27. 1TY3: DIRECTOR said:

    a really good team that plays 3x times worse than yeti global

  28. DuMmTm: TFTV - COGU said:


  29. Doby said:

    sage firmame las tetas boludo

  30. Ukoj: *MUMBLE said:

    why u hate 27/2 they play good i like them :D

  31. 1TY3: DIRECTOR said:

    they just dont deserve and dont know the reasons why we actually lost,i only respect your team and compound here

  32. SIA said:

    lmao, the spanish team is by far the best of what you quoted.

  33. 1TY3: DIRECTOR said:

    Say that when we will get our old players back and actually try to play offi not like a funny scrim against +w team.Oh yes also we should play 1000scrims per day aswell

  34. Fancy: MANDEM - HOUSE said:

    the spanish team is cracked tbf they are better than 50% of d2 teams

  35. Un4given: GANJA said:


  36. alov said:

    keyreal salty?

  37. 1TY3: DIRECTOR said:

    who r u

  38. 1TY3: DIRECTOR said:

    ah i see


  39. disc0 b0y said:

    Russians never surrender prepare guys

  40. alov said:

    nothing weird on the screenshot
    you’re mad because enemy team was scrimming and you “weren’t” and you have to be dick about it

  41. 1TY3: DIRECTOR said:

    why are you even talking here this is so funny you are not even in playoffs but you tried so hard for these 3 seasons of losing mid

  42. saltyy: L_? said:

    keyreal gotta get real

  43. imectus: BARBER - {G.E.W.P} said:

    keyreal gotta get real

  44. Pepy said:

    keyreal gotta get real

  45. imectus: BARBER - {G.E.W.P} said:


  46. Pepy said:


  47. 1TY3: DIRECTOR said:

    eu clowns gotta get real

  48. imectus: BARBER - {G.E.W.P} said:


  49. Pepy said:


  50. 1TY3: DIRECTOR said:

    pepy (season37-38-39 all low)

    salty ( he is playing with vorobey,i dont have to say more)

    imectus (grinding ammomod for years and losing to nelly,having 150dpm in tf2c lobby)

  51. imectus: BARBER - {G.E.W.P} said:

    keyreal (russian, anime pfp, 5’3”, no bitches, no game, wack hairline)

  52. Pepy said:

    keyreal (russian, anime pfp, 5’3”, no bitches, no game, wack hairline)

  53. saltyy: L_? said:

    keyreal (russian, anime pfp, 5’3”, no bitches, no game, wack hairline)

  54. 1TY3: DIRECTOR said:

    pepsi,sasalty,emocto – legendary trio

  55. 1TY3: DIRECTOR said:

    pepy (season37-38-39 all low)

    salty ( he is playing with vorobey,i dont have to say more)

    imectus (grinding ammomod for years and losing to nelly,having 150dpm in tf2c lobby)

  56. Pepy said:


  57. Igov Драгови: koto - 800A said:

    alt 4 2 times and press enter

  58. 1TY3: DIRECTOR said:

    2 dutch crackheads and 1 yellow teeth brit are trying to attack russian vityaz

  59. Pepy said:

    keyreal, remind us about your country’s terrible, declining economy

  60. imectus: BARBER - {G.E.W.P} said:

    keyreal, remind us about your country’s terrible, declining economy

  61. 1TY3: DIRECTOR said:

    yeah my country is shit but i got lucky and im very rich in real life,also should i remind that you are living in the worst european country ever? btw your country has more problems with the state than Russia

  62. imectus: BARBER - {G.E.W.P} said:

    yeah my country is shit but i got lucky and im very rich in real life,also should i remind that you are living in the worst european country ever? btw your country has more problems with the state than Russia

  63. Pepy said:

    yeah my country is shit but i got lucky and im very rich in real life,also should i remind that you are living in the worst european country ever? btw your country has more problems with the state than Russia

  64. 1TY3: DIRECTOR said:

    pepy “5,2” 100kg of fat,anime pfp…………..

  65. 1TY3: DIRECTOR said:

    KEYREAL: amm0 – qweqwe said:
    Today, 19:09

    yeah my country is shit but i got lucky and im very rich in real life,also should i remind that you are living in the worst european country ever? btw your country has more problems with the state than Russia

    imectus: COCK said:
    Today, 19:10

    yeah my country is shit but i got lucky and im very rich in real life,also should i remind that you are living in the worst european country ever? btw your country has more problems with the state than Russia

    Pepy: ADO said:
    Today, 19:10

    yeah my country is shit but i got lucky and im very rich in real life,also should i remind that you are living in the worst european country ever? btw your country has more problems with the state than Russia

  66. 1TY3: DIRECTOR said:

    imectus when tf2c fragmovie ?

  67. imectus: BARBER - {G.E.W.P} said:


  68. Pepy said:


  69. imectus: BARBER - {G.E.W.P} said:


  70. 1TY3: DIRECTOR said:

    european “people”

  71. saltyy: L_? said:

    unreal? more like keyreal

  72. 1TY3: DIRECTOR said:


  73. Spanns: :3 - DBLE said:

    yeah my country is shit but i got lucky and im very rich in real life,also should i remind that you are living in the worst european country ever? btw your country has more problems with the state than Russia

  74. disc0 b0y said:

    you guys made him angry he didnt care about winning but u made him mad so u all will be destroyed

  75. Igov Драгови: koto - 800A said:

    he doesn’t care about winning but he cares about winning mge against players under 2300 elo?

  76. 1TY3: DIRECTOR said:

    since when do i care about winning on mge lmao,im not even playing this shit that much like you do?The thing is you are just a walking bot everywhere

  77. 1TY3: DIRECTOR said:

    igov dragovich your name says that you are a fanboy of russia bruh……….

  78. laiky: YN - SUCK said:


  79. shinso said:

    disc0 b0y: amm0 said:
    Today, 17:39

    Russians never surrender prepare guys


  80. imectus: BARBER - {G.E.W.P} said:

    since when do i care about winning on mge lmao,im not even playing this shit that much like you do?The thing is you are just a walking bot everywhere

  81. imectus: BARBER - {G.E.W.P} said:

    you guys made him angry he didnt care about winning but u made him mad so u all will be destroyed

  82. 1TY3: DIRECTOR said:

    go grind tf2c

  83. sebben said:

    Imectus your iq is like your genitals

  84. YYYEBOK: RUS said:

    I’m leave team cuz I’m ashamed after lose to this cringe

  85. disc0 b0y said:

    good luck alone in hell!

  86. 1TY3: DIRECTOR said:


  87. znach: DIRECTOR - kz said:

    ебать ты насрал вантуз харош

  88. 1TY3: DIRECTOR said:


  89. Blanc: 43 said:

    this is still going LOL

  90. disc0 b0y said:


  91. Alex: mape - Ese said:


  92. Fancy: MANDEM - HOUSE said:

    you can only find a 90+ comments matchpage if russians lose

  93. alov said:

    >losing to good team with excuses
    >points out my achievements (first full season, 23 points)
    >answering to copy paste messages

  94. jean paul gaultier: G6 said:

    AloneInHell said:
    Yesterday, 22:55

    I’m leave team cuz I’m ashamed after lose to this cringe

  95. Arelelele said:


  96. danny said:


  97. disc0 b0y said:


  98. jean paul gaultier: G6 said:

    смеется тот кто смеется последним парни

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