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6v6 Season 40 Preseason Cup: Low Playoffs

Grand Finals

Round commencing: -

Result deadline:

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by joe the brave (Vegan Chaos)



3 - 0

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1 - 3

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1 - 0 (golden cap)

[Screenshots: A ]

European Vegan Chaos vs Italy Gang de' Parchetto
6 - 3

SteamID Screenshots: A


Gang de' Parchetto (5) JackusBrune, master, d1e., lew, YellowG313
Vegan Chaos (6) Matek, BelkaLetyaga, Creamy, joe the brave, Dowel, dempsey
Unrostered (1) tendon


  1. Default Date said:

    A default date has been set for this match by ETF2L.
    The default date is: Sunday, 17 October 2021, 21:24
    Please play this match on the appointed time and submit the results.
    If the default date does not suit you, please contact your opponent and ask them to reschedule.

  2. starboy: BuizPeng said:

    enjoy def win
    tnx for ddos :)

  3. dempsey: Velo - Arti Rush said:

    master : what a coincidence the server gets ddossed right in your favor

    absolute pure copium

  4. joe the brave said:

    we didn’t ddos you… we are still here and would be happy to play a 2nd map, after winning the first one, once you guys calm down

  5. flaresh: anw - -ƒ$- said:

    DDOS effects both teams bro.

  6. joe the brave said:

    [8:46 PM]
    is going on

    [8:46 PM]
    what is this
    is this your server?

    [8:46 PM]

    [8:54 PM]
    want us to get server?

    [8:54 PM]
    you got dw

    [8:54 PM]
    what do you mean
    def win?

    [8:54 PM]

    [8:56 PM]

    [8:56 PM]
    and you ddosed us

    [8:56 PM]
    no we didn’t

    [8:56 PM]
    bcs of that

    opp is giving def win because the server lagged, and they think we ddos’d them

  7. master said:

    dude we were 2 rounds up and 0:00 on the clock on a great position and uber ad then somebody doss the serve and u wiped us how conincidential is that
    we dont wanna play while we are dossed i contact the admins for this stuff

  8. flaresh: anw - -ƒ$- said:

    Just unlucky man.

  9. joe the brave said:

    1) we didn’t DDOS you.

    2) the lag-spike actually favoured you, not us: you had the point with 0:00 on the clock, and we were trying to cap a point we HAD to cap in the middle of a giant lagspike.

  10. joe the brave said:

    copium addiction is a serious problem, and we would recommend that you not only contact the etf2l admins but also a medical professional

  11. master said:

    dude u are crazy the lagpspike DIDNT FAVOUR US at all we had 0:00 on ur clock and u fucking wiped us while we couldn’t shoot you and u won the round r u serious LOL

  12. master said:

    we ad uber ad and better position ur just crazy losing vs openers 2 rounds behind and u ask ur friends to doss us how insane is that LOL

  13. Big Papa MattJ: Mq. said:

    I DDoSed the server
    I wanted Vegan Chaos to win
    It was fun and I dont regret it

  14. dempsey: Velo - Arti Rush said:

    you can hear us laughing like a shakespeare villain as we win through our devilish machinations


  15. Big Papa MattJ: Mq. said:

    well done dempsey
    I have recieved the money on my paypal
    pleasure doing business with you

  16. dempsey: Velo - Arti Rush said:

    not here man, keep it on whatsapp….

  17. joe the brave said:

    at least u guys are putting up more of a fight on this matchpage than u did on clearcut

  18. joe the brave said:


  19. iPhone: *MUMBLE said:

    i get ddos i cry

  20. YellowG313: 哟什 - said:


  21. omega: MAFIA said:


  22. starboy: BuizPeng said:

    gg, enjoy def win in preseason
    tnx cya

    ma t’zhivaya

  23. joe the brave said:

    Did you ever hear the tragedy of Darth Master The Wise?


  24. KO: Choke - -ƒ$- said:

    From a neutral perspective I believe Master needs to give his head a wobble.

  25. iPhone: *MUMBLE said:

    if i would lost to bad server i would request their demos

  26. master said:

    lol seba be saltier that u lost vs me while i offclass

  27. master said:

    full ad for us shitty position for them 2-1 for us matchpoint i get dossed by ur shit friends and i cant shoot a single rocket and u smh wipe us yeah congrats. 3 seasons playing together vs open offclassers and u have to win like that LOL and i am the crazy one in here

  28. master said:

    joe the brave: VGANG – Choke said:
    Today, 22:01

    1) we didn’t DDOS you.

    2) the lag-spike actually favoured you, not us: you had the point with 0:00 on the clock, and we were trying to cap a point we HAD to cap in the middle of a giant lagspike.

    tHe LaGsPiKe FaVoUrEd yOU LOL sure AAHHA how foolish are u LOL

  29. flaresh: anw - -ƒ$- said:

    I think you said enough.

  30. joe the brave said:

    you aren’t crazy, but you are massively embarrassing yourself on an etf2l matchpage. i’d say it’s time to close your internet browser, head back to Master HQ in your clowncar, and find a new thing to get extremely worked up about

  31. master said:

    i am not worked up about anything i am just amazed at how trash u can possibly be that u have to sweat 7 shirts vs offlcassing openers and u have to call ur friends for ddoss in a moment that favours you LOL

  32. master said:

    ofc we won that match so i dont even worry about it but yeah that’s the trrash part (you) that baffles me LOL

  33. master said:


  34. master said:

    sure that was a coincidence that when we are a step away from winning i cant even shoot a thign :/ XD how foolish am i)))

  35. master said:

    i hope for a rematch so if u wanna beat us u can beat us without this bs xd gaming time

  36. joe the brave said:

    master we aren’t going to keep responding to u here but we are also chatting with the admins

  37. dempsey: Velo - Arti Rush said:

    master on his way to the etf2l matchpage after losing 3-2: https://streamable.com/l70t4j

  38. Akio: bF said:

    s22 mid highlander semi finals vibes rn

  39. imectus: BARBER - {G.E.W.P} said:

    gathering of the schizos

  40. Dowel: ORACLE - COGU said:

    If only logs.tf had a wpm stat

  41. Pepy said:


  42. Matek: Choke - -ƒ$- said:

    I request masters demos, no way an open player has aim this nutty!!

  43. joe the brave said:

    there are new york times articles with less comments than this matchpage

  44. cooney: BARBER said:

    i would like to add that master has a fetish for farts which makes 99% of his arguments invalid

  45. tiram: VNC - ONCE said:

    oh nah he tweakin

  46. tiram: VNC - ONCE said:

    @master i am living in your walls

  47. starboy: BuizPeng said:

    сначала ты приглашаешь челов из див2, чтобы выиграть пресезон в лоу, а потом спрашиваешь, куда мать пропала…

  48. one said:

    entire comment section wears helmets to school

  49. oKo said:

    Actually, If you analyse the video that master provided you can clearly see, First of all that both teams didnt have uber, so no full uber add, it was a dry fight for the point. The DDoSS happened the moment that dry fight started, master’s team actually get the first pick and abandoned the point and since there was noone there to block, the point in bagel caps fast, so you can see that they got the point normally

  50. oKo said:

    They didnt use any advantage from the DDoSS nor they could

  51. oKo said:

    You guys just let them have the point and then ask for a pause

  52. oKo said:

    Also, to add
    Every team around 21 had a problem with the servers, We had the same problems playing our div 3 GFs but you didnt see us fighting like monkies over it

  53. tendon: FaZe said:


  54. triple: -ƒ$- said:

    can you guys please stop schizoposting

  55. master said:


  56. joe the brave said:

    master, please stop bullying the admins just because you ragequit, forfeit, and then changed your mind

  57. Matek: Choke - -ƒ$- said:


  58. master said:

    matek keep commenting under my matches because ur making my day everytime xd
    how can u even be salty after months of having lost playoffs vs my offclass when u were mainclassing and playing with ur expensive ass pc and like sub 10 ping)))

  59. joe the brave said:

    everyone get ready for The Legend of Master, Part 2: The Re-Mastering

  60. master said:

    we are in, we are out, we are back in, WILL WE BE BACK OUT?
    lol cant wait to play vs “joe the brave” what a thrill xd

  61. joe the brave said:

    [7:23 PM]
    have a nice evening speak to u later

    [7:23 PM]
    you too

    nature is healing

  62. dempsey: Velo - Arti Rush said:

    this is genuinely one of the most confusing decisions i’ve seen admins make since they decided EASY saying “ching chong” in an official game as trial admin was rectifiable with an apology of “i didnt know it was offensive”

    setting the precedent that a team giving a default win can be overturned is hugely confusing and odd. if the issue is the server lag (which effected multiple teams throughout multiple grand finals) then why is this the only game (to my knowledge) getting replayed? i’ve been playing etf2l for over 4 years and i’ve never seen a team giving a default win get overturned.

    map cup is already over, the playoffs tab for the cup doesn’t even exist anymore. if you’re going to go for a cop-out decision, just nullify the match. honestly baffling.

  63. Diarr: TB said:

    “full ad for us shitty position for them 2-1 for us matchpoint i get dossed by ur shit friends” -Master
    “Paranoid thinking typically includes persecutory beliefs, or beliefs of conspiracy concerning a perceived threat towards oneself.”
    From Wikipedia

  64. joe the brave said:

    btw, in case this match page ever goes down, i have now saved this page to wayback machine, as i am sure it will be useful reference material for both DDOS historians and psychologists in the future


  65. Diarr: TB said:

    yea in case the same villans that ddos’d the game ddos this site to get rid of the evidence

  66. joe the brave said:

    yea exactly thanks Diarr

  67. joe the brave said:

    btw, we are playing the match tonight at 21. we accept tendon as demo merc

  68. tendon: FaZe said:

    hi i want to have fun

  69. cyrax: ADO - FaZe said:

    joe how the fuck are you still open low after like 10 seasons

  70. joe the brave said:

    joe how the fuck are you still open low after like 10 seasons

  71. Matek: Choke - -ƒ$- said:

    joe how the fuck are you still open low after like 10 seasons

  72. eron: -ƒ$- said:

    they have guaranteed playoffs mr cyrax

    …oh wait wrong match page sorry

  73. joe the brave said:

    cyrax is another iconic match page goblin and i for one am delighted to see him make an appearance

  74. master said:

    @cyrax it’s not like i also am doing much better with this division climbing stuff xd

  75. oKo said:

    Master, if you did all that crying to end up losing today, you will be a joke that will be kept alive for ever

  76. oKo said:

    Especially on a PSC

  77. ETF2L Staff said:

    Dear Teams, Vegan chaos & gang de’ parchetto

    It has come to our attention that during this match the server encountered issues leading to the match not being played. Under the circumstances you have until Thursday, 21st to play this match.

    For any questions please contact us in our discord https://discord.etf2l.org/

  78. Snowy said:

    cammino come quel negro
    uptempo a garibaldi
    Se sta troia vuole fottere, tu dille che sto a napoli
    Lil Kaneki napoli sta troia non ha angoli
    goddamn stiamo pluggando piccoli spari

  79. master said:


  80. dempsey: Velo - Arti Rush said:

    “It has come to our attention that during this match the server encountered issues leading to the match not being played”

    Cant wait for admins to post this again in 3 days after master lost another GC.

  81. Big Papa MattJ: Mq. said:

    Server DDoSed successfully one more time.
    Vegan Chaos victory status : secured.
    Returning to HQ.

  82. rae said:

    u guys blow

  83. joe the brave said:

    we accepted tendon, ggs gl in season master and glad we got to replay

  84. Diarr: TB said:

    Returning DDOS bots back to aimbotting on koth_harvest. Mission status: complete. Making a joke out of Master: complete.

  85. qBowN∼: op_sqd said:

    every1 can win every1 can lose

  86. YellowG313: 哟什 - said:

    ggs you guys put up a good fight

  87. Luna: monke - yur said:

    Lol to easy for VG

  88. tendon: FaZe said:

    Returning DDOS bots back to aimbotting on koth_harvest. Mission status: complete. Making a joke out of Master: complete.

  89. joe the brave said:

    Returning DDOS bots back to aimbotting on koth_harvest. Mission status: complete. Making a joke out of Master: complete.

  90. Creamy: .be said:


  91. Matek: Choke - -ƒ$- said:

    matek keep commenting under my matches because ur making my day everytime xd
    how can u even be salty after months of having lost playoffs vs my offclass when u were mainclassing and playing with ur expensive ass pc and like sub 10 ping)))

  92. joe the brave said:


  93. Creamy: .be said:

    It was closer when you didn’t have Lewdio, take notes.

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