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Highlander Season 24: Top tiers


Week 3

Round commencing: -

Schedule deadline: | Result deadline:

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by Clark (Super Dickmann's KANNONEN!)



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Brazil Gaeta eSports : Never-Dying Fire Monkeys vs Luxembourg Super Dickmann's KANNONEN!
0 - 6

SteamID Screenshots: A


Gaeta eSports : Never-Dying Fire Monkeys (9) HaZz, Odin., TBourdon, Big Papa MattJ, hondjo, scar, Loopy, borz, buko
Super Dickmann's KANNONEN! (9) redlix, Clark, JackyLegs, Mayh, gedu, Murpheey, Rick May, pozker, mezzo




  1. Big Papa MattJ: Mq. said:

    we would like to play sunday 21:15 saturday 21:15

  2. Big Papa MattJ: Mq. said:

    ggs, great game

  3. Clark: Arti Rush said:


  4. ETF2L Staff said:

    Dear teams,

    it has come to our attention that some players from Gaeta eSports : Never-Dying Fire Monkeys used wrong nicknames during the official.

    4.1. Premiership players must always use their ETF2L nicknames during officials

    All players who play a match in the Premiership tier must play with their ETF2L nickname. Team tags and sponsorship additions are allowed, but the nickname should be displayed exactly as is on ETF2L. Each incorrect nickname will warrant a separate Minor Warning; a team can receive this punishment multiple times per game.

    Therefore 2 minor warnings have been issued to Gaeta eSports : Never-Dying Fire Monkeys.

    For any questions please contact League Admin Staff in our Discord: https://discord.io/ETF2L

  5. Rick May said:


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