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Highlander Season 16: Top Tiers


Week 1

Round commencing: -

Schedule deadline: | Result deadline:

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by proky (Feila eSports slim shady edition)



1 - 2 (golden cap)

[Screenshots: A ]



1 - 2 (golden cap)

[Screenshots: A B ]

Poland Feila eSports slim shady edition vs European Strong Opinions
2 - 4

SteamID Screenshots: A B


Strong Opinions (8) cloudy, EmilioEstevez, CeeJaey, Villdjack, sek, Toast, Rick May, Eemes
Feila eSports slim shady edition (9) Raipe, mellow, proky, Leila, anni, Hutchy, lilypad, Included_Middle, Vclox_
Unrostered (2) lc50, dima


  1. CeeJaey: (The MvM Guy) - :think: - S-O said:

    would like to play this thursday 22nd 21:15cest

  2. Leila: :3 - :Blinky: said:

    I wait for schedule 6s def date so I can schedule hl for sure

  3. Leila: :3 - :Blinky: said:

    we use lightclaw as def merc

  4. CeeJaey: (The MvM Guy) - :think: - S-O said:

    using dima as default merc

  5. Toast: WEED - S-O said:

    Dima: http://etf2l.org/forum/user/42683/

    Lightclaw: http://etf2l.org/forum/user/120113/

    1 beef each, so lets equal out with 0 warnings for both :DD

  6. ETF2L Staff said:

    Dear teams,
    Please upload the STV for this match.

  7. Leila: :3 - :Blinky: said:

    https://www18.zippyshare.com/v/mencJreK/file.html Couldn’t upload in team admin panel so post it here

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