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Season 30 powered by STN-Trading and scrap.tf!: Main Tiers


Week 7

Round commencing: -

Schedule deadline: | Result deadline:

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by magistr (Neko Team)



1 - 5

[Screenshots: A ]



0 - 5

[Screenshots: A ]

Russia Neko Team vs Russia neperedatslovami
0 - 6

SteamID Screenshots: A


neperedatslovami (6) fral, diesel, Yume Bitsu, dima, Sapsan, neperedatslovami
Neko Team (6) markerunreal, gunguyemo832, Sighel, magistr, Kantemirovets, Quinso



  1. Default Date said:

    A default date has been set for this match by ETF2L.
    The default date is: Thursday, 12 July 2018, 20:00
    Please play this match on the appointed time and submit the results.
    If the default date does not suit you, please contact your opponent and ask them to reschedule.

  2. Magistr: Nein said:

    we request yume bitsu’s and neperedatslovami’s demos

  3. Magistr: Nein said:

    from both maps

  4. oddbar said:

    is that zoom-wh reference?

  5. disc0 b0y said:

    shas bi s wh protiv neko team gonyat

  6. disc0 b0y said:

    rofl kto dymaet chto on s chitami budet protiv nih igra))))))))))

  7. Yume Bitsu said:


  8. Quinso said:

    krome perdeja v luzhy budet chto-to eshe? demki, naprimer…

  9. disc0 b0y said:

    konesh bydyt, uzhe ne perviy raz)))

  10. Baclan: BOT - hb said:

    Players who do not know how to play, play best in the open, and now they played with cheats. Ban these players, they have nothing to do in the ETF2L

  11. disc0 b0y said:

    eshe odin low skill priletel

  12. diesel said:

    we request Sighel’s and MarbleOutsider’s demos

  13. diesel said:

    rusnya ne ymeet normalno proigrivat eto norma

  14. oddbar said:


  15. subhuman said:

    4Head русня 4Head

  16. diesel said:

    samui xydshui medic RU Baclan chto-to visral))))))))))))))

  17. fral said:

    soglasen s dieselem

  18. fotor said:

    Players who do not know how to play, play best in the open, and now they played with cheats. Ban these players, they have nothing to do in the ETF2L

  19. diesel said:

    Players who do not know how to play, play best in the open, and now they played with cheats. Ban these players, they have nothing to do in the ETF2L

  20. subhuman said:

    Players who do not know how to play, play best in the open, and now they played with cheats. Ban these players, they have nothing to do in the ETF2L

  21. Despair: traphouse said:

    Players who do not know how to play, play best in the open, and now they played with cheats. Ban these players, they have nothing to do in the ETF2L

  22. fral said:

    Players who do not know how to play, play best in the open, and now they played with cheats. Ban these players, they have nothing to do in the ETF2L

  23. Sh4rpyy: ADO - 128 said:

    Players who do not know how to play, play best in the open, and now they played with cheats. Ban these players, they have nothing to do in the ETF2L

  24. zgd said:

    чо за свалка опенов, вводите в курс дела

  25. disc0 b0y said:

    Players who do not know how to play, play best in the open, and now they played with cheats. Ban these players, they have nothing to do in the ETF2L

  26. znach: DIRECTOR - kz said:

    Players who do not know how to play, play best in the open, and now they played with cheats. Ban these players, they have nothing to do in the ETF2L

  27. znach: DIRECTOR - kz said:

    Players who do not know how to play, play best in the open, and now they played with cheats. Ban these players, they have nothing to do in the Etf2l.

  28. Cpt.Chet said:

    Players who do not know how to play, play best in the open, and now they played with cheats. Ban these players, they have nothing to do in the ETF2L

  29. oddbar said:

    Check it, this guys from casual lol. Only one way to win – cheats.

  30. Yume Bitsu said:

    ez hype

  31. Yume Bitsu said:

    http://logs.tf/2069445 – prolands
    http://logs.tf/2069472 – process

  32. gunguyemo832 said:

    rofl na rofle, veselo zhivem

  33. lmg: dm+5 said:

    da esli islam nam proigral, kak on mog viigrat’ protiv neko team, delo pahnet pisunami

  34. diesel said:

    esli bi mi igrali etim rosterom vi bi vsrali tozhe

  35. lmg: dm+5 said:


  36. lc50: OCHOBA said:

    ура рак в коментах

  37. oddbar said:

    Ne, islamka opyat’ bi livnula )

  38. diesel said:

    smisla livat net kogda diesel bitsu i neperedavat slovami v time

  39. diesel said:

    eto vi zaplachete kodga mi vas iz play off vikenem etim rosterom))

  40. oddbar said:

    Mmm, vse troya 2-3 nedeli nazad zaregani, vot eto lol

  41. diesel said:

    i ti nikogo iz nih ne znaesh((((((((((((((((((

  42. lmg: dm+5 said:

    nu dva-tri alta na chiti zumu B)

  43. diesel said:


  44. Xidy said:

    Good hacks guys

  45. diesel said:

    xidy dlya tebya luboi srednyi scout budet chiterom)))) tebya dazhe oddbar nazval odnim slovom))))))))

  46. gunguyemo832 said:

    tebe ctho delat’ nechego, Bac9H? tu tyt uzhe 2 chasa sidish i zhelchyu brizgaeshsya

  47. Xidy said:

    diesel kto ti takoy?

  48. diesel said:

    multiclass skilovik

  49. diesel said:

    tyt delo ne vo mne a tipa ti kogo to chitakom nazval eto smeshno prosto)))

  50. Xidy said:

    Ya mogy pa3li4it 4NTEPA OT XOPOhOGO CKAYTA

  51. diesel said:

    kak esli ti dazhe na open uroven ne igraesh

  52. Xidy said:

    Ti v komade bil abyzoi mol4i

  53. diesel said:

    top damage na 2 kartax okay

  54. diesel said:

    ya kak raz delal chto i dolzhen bil

  55. Xidy said:

    Prosto ya ne BNHOBAT, 4to tvoy lybimiy ISLAM igraet ne 4ectno

  56. Xidy said:

    Top damage, i vce?

  57. diesel said:

    nu nash medic umer 6 raz, a vash 20+ tak chto

  58. Xidy said:

    Eto vco 4em Mojesh poxvastats’

  59. diesel said:


  60. Xidy said:

    Potomy 4to oni yje ne xoteli igratb c 4itepami

  61. Xidy said:

    Mne interesno gde tebya ISLAM nashel

  62. diesel said:

    nu ya ne videl chiterov ya videl ploxix scautov v enemy team kotorix po kd perestrelyali

  63. Xidy said:

    Tpi nedeli na3ad tolbko 3apegalcbya

  64. diesel said:

    da ladno

  65. diesel said:

    razve eto pokazatel

  66. Xidy said:

    Bo3mojno glas mgeshnika ne dal tebe eto yBidetb

  67. diesel said:

    razve ya mge igrok

  68. Xidy said:

    Ne moya eto vina, 4to ti ne mojesh yBidetb 4itepa

  69. diesel said:

    eto vina vashix scautov kotorie ne umeyut igrat mid i delaut neponyatno chto

  70. Xidy said:

    Ya BEDb ne 3nay gde on tebya nashel

  71. diesel said:

    pri chem tut ya kogda delo vobshe v vas

  72. Xidy said:


  73. Xidy said:

    Esli vi ne mojete CbIGPATb 4ECTNO, mi tyt ne kak ne vinovati

  74. diesel said:

    vse bilo chestno sigranniy sostav s bolee horoshimi dm igrokami perestrelyal enemy team v kotoroy scouti nichego ne delali

  75. Xidy said:

    A 4to im nado bilo, delatb protiv 4itepov

  76. diesel said:

    o chem ti govorish kogda u vas v time na scaute spy main i kakoi to chel iz hl))))))) tebe eshe povezlo chto u vas 1 soldat i demo umeyut igrat

  77. Xidy said:

    Ya govory istiny, ya ne vinovat, 4to tovya malenkya golova ne mojet eto prinyatb

  78. diesel said:

    istina bivaet otnositelnoy i absolutnoy)))) uchi obshetvoznanie

  79. Xidy said:

    Prosto ti peshka ISLAMA, kak i vce octalnie

  80. diesel said:

    ne vizhu smisla v etom predlozhenii ot tebya

  81. Xidy said:

    Dymai poka 4to ti ne poymesh eto, no pano ili no3dno ti poymesh eto

  82. diesel said:

    ya znayu odno chto protiv team gde nety adekvatnix dm igrokov osobenno scouti neperedat slovami i zoom ne stali bi igrat s chitami))) potomy shto chitov kak takovix i net a protiv takoy team s chitami esli bi byli to eto zashkvar a ti ponyat etogo ne mozhesh))))))

  83. diesel said:

    i kak bi admini uvidyat chto chitov nikakix net)))

  84. Xidy said:

    Yctal yje ya, ckolbko tebe ne govoril bi npavdy, no ti bydeh govorit svoe

  85. diesel said:

    ny posmotrim kto prav bil v itoge

  86. diesel said:

    prosto sama logika gde igrat s chitami protiv team kotoroya prosto slabee po dm

  87. diesel said:

    nikto bi ne stal

  88. Xidy said:

    My posmotrim

  89. diesel said:

    ya ponimau chto vam obidno posle vashix zayavleniy chto vas ne viigraet ni odna ru team iz opena a v itoge tak proigrat eto zadenet vashe samolubie no obvinyat v chiterstve eto zaskvarno

  90. neperedatslovami said:

    Bütün yaxşı və müsbətdir

  91. Yume Bitsu said:


  92. fs said:

    ВНИМАНИЕ! В комменты упала термоядерная РЖОМБА. Радиус ржаки 35 км!

  93. Yarosh: RZHMB said:

    koroche vi dolbaebs

  94. fral said:

    чисто поржать ничего большего

  95. ETF2L Staff said:

    Dear team Neko Team,

    Please upload the demos of Sighel within 72 hours or face a penalty in accordance with the General ETF2L Rules.
    You have to use the ETF2L demo upload system for archives under 100 MB, third party hoster links will be ignored.

    2.4 Every player has to record Demos

    Demos can be requested by an admin or any player of the opposing team.
    Admins may request demos up to the end of the competition the match was played in (until the wrap up post is published). They can request as many demos as they require.
    The opposing team can request demos up to 48 hours after the match was scheduled to start. They can request demos from up to 2 players, who will then have to provide their demos for all played maps.
    A player whose demos have been requested has 72 hours to upload the demo, starting from the time the request was made. All requested demos up to 100 MB have to be uploaded to ETF2L. Links to third party hosters will be ignored.
    Failure to supply a requested demo will be punished.

    2.4.1 Penalties for not providing requested demos

    Failure to supply a requested demo will result in penalties for both the player and their team. If a player fails to supply their demos multiple times while playing for the same team the team will be given a more severe punishment.

    Player penalties.
    – First time: No ban.
    – Second time: Player is banned for two weeks from all ETF2L competitions.
    – Third time: Player is banned for two months from all ETF2L competitions.
    – Fourth time or more: Player is banned for one year from all ETF2L competitions.

    Team penalties.
    – First time: Minor warning that can be removed if the demo is uploaded.
    – Second time or more: Major warning that can be removed if the demo is uploaded.

    Penalties are applied if a requested demo is not provided within 72 hours.


  96. gunguyemo832 said:

    ВНИМАНИЕ! В комменты упала термоядерная РЖОМБА. Радиус ржаки 35 км!

  97. oddbar said:


  98. DEATHMACHINE said:


  99. lmg: dm+5 said:

    kto-to huevo skripti uzal

  100. Yume Bitsu said:

    ez openov pobil, gl

  101. slowtown: NMDM - 5 гривень said:


  102. Despair: traphouse said:

    пацаны забрали опен

  103. Xidy said:


  104. lmg: dm+5 said:

    da ti dashe fresh pobit’ ne smoshesh bez skriptov

  105. Baclan: BOT - hb said:

    RIP xD

  106. fotor said:

    RIP xD

  107. disc0 b0y said:

    RIP xD

  108. Despair: traphouse said:

    RIP xD

  109. rm said:

    RIP xD

  110. fral said:

    RIP xD

  111. neperedatslovami said:

    E6y499 PyCH9

  112. danissimo said:

    K P A C U B O XD

  113. Snowstorm said:

    Мге-опен с альтами связался,
    Других опенов бить бесстрашно подался…
    Все с этих пор к нему внимательны были:
    Вставили бан, костыль подарили.

  114. Baclan: BOT - hb said:


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