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Season 27: Mid Playoffs


Round commencing: -

Schedule deadline: | Result deadline:

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by DigyB (rudeboys on the block)



1 - 3

[Screenshots: A ]



1 - 5

[Screenshots: A ]

Finland Dolmio Family Sized Lasagne fans vs European rudeboys on the block
0 - 6

SteamID Screenshots: A B


Dolmio Family Sized Lasagne fans (6) quibinary, ombra, Charlie, Insanity癇, Doughy, aph
rudeboys on the block (6) Enzo, wildpiggie, Copper, DigyB, over11dose, Acecle


  1. ETF2L Staff said:

    Welcome to the Season 27 Mid Semi Finals

    This match will be played as a best-of-three.

    Maps will be decided using the following Map Elimination System:

    Team A bans a map
    Team B bans a map
    Team B picks 1st map
    Team A picks 2nd map
    CRUNGE eSports picks 3rd map

    As the higher seed CRUNGE eSports can decide if they want to begin the pick/ban as “Team A” or if rudeboys on the block have to.

    Good luck for both teams!

  2. MERPY: GHOST said:

    plunge esports vs virtual reality sportsmenship. whos wonna gin it? find out netx on the tv show. LES GET IT HOMEBOY LES FUCKIN GO

  3. Klassy: wG - gandhi is said:

    someone get smeagol out of this thread please ty

  4. Gazy: PANZER said:

    ez for crunge tbh

  5. Broly: T6 - MUUMIT said:

    i think charlie wins these and ombra hacks….

  6. Charlie said:

    yman wins these

  7. Hannes: yerbaby said:

    2-1 in maps for CRUNGE if ombra carry. 2-1 in maps for Ruedebouys if ombra rip.

  8. Charlie said:

    ombra is our only good player

  9. Charlie said:

    16:35 – Acecle: we ban product
    16:36 – 5/7 charlie [*]: we ban gully
    16:37 – 5/7 charlie [*]: we pick snake
    16:37 – Acecle: we pick badlands
    16:37 – 5/7 charlie [*]: gran decider

  10. Racso: chumtoad. said:

    Go Rudeboys =D

  11. Klassy: wG - gandhi is said:

    Good luck to both teams, sad i’ll miss this match.

  12. gatsan: BIOCHEMIST said:

    who do i support?
    GO CHARLE either way

  13. Maximus said:

    Go Copper!

  14. seeds: xodijkrgoi said:

    this is gonna be a good game

  15. AustinN: SC - GRAHAM said:

    Casting this game with myself and Agenspice @ https://www.twitch.tv/austinnls

    Agenspice: unless i get mugged or something i should be able to

  16. Charlie said:

    With what stv? Ombra doesn’t like people watching so we’re not giving it out

  17. DigyB said:

    That sounds kinda dodgy tbh

  18. Bliss: DMX - BRIT said:

    With what stv? Ombra doesn’t like people watching so we’re not giving it out

    tell anti-cheat staff and then they could watch STV maybe? Sounds dodgy AF

  19. Bliss: DMX - BRIT said:

    [email protected] : Clark said ombra was hacking and I’ve actually thought about it

  20. seeds: xodijkrgoi said:

    i dont think theres anything wrong with not wanting to be watched, it puts a lot of pressure on someone to know that theyre being constantly observed

  21. DuMmTm: TFTV - COGU said:

    its competitive i think pressure is kind of to be expected, and its not like the audience in any way impacts the game. If you dont like being watched thats your thing but theres just so far you can get with that, imagine the drama if a prem player would say that. let alone the fact that people can just watch the stv demo afterwards anyways and if you dont have a problem with that but with people watching the stv live than what is actually your problem

  22. Charlie said:

    Lmao u all dumb

  23. DuMmTm: TFTV - COGU said:

    lmao im dumm not dumb

  24. Chef Excellence: GlueEater - (°)> said:

    “how do we prove our point?”

    “Idk just call them stupid and hope they cry.”

  25. Klassy: wG - gandhi is said:

    if rb is hosting they can choose to give out stv if they want to, but if one team would not like to give out the stv then who cares. If anyone is so interested they can watch the stv demo after

  26. Klassy: wG - gandhi is said:

    the amount of people starting drama over a mid semi finals game is astonishing

  27. WML said:

    You know you’ve done enough practice on dm servers when people fire hackusations left, right and center. Ombra is legit people need to stop gushing needlessly over this for the sake of drama out of boredom.

  28. AustinN: SC - GRAHAM said:

    All this drama cos me and agenspice wanted to cast this game for fun and cos people wanna see it, thats the only reason we asked for stv…..

  29. DuMmTm: TFTV - COGU said:

    Grand Finals will be casted on tftv most likely anyways might as well get used to it early but oh well

  30. Charlie said:

    you didnt ask LOL

  31. ToemaS_: wG said:

    @DuMmTm: baguetteXD, when you say you ” its not like the audience in any way impacts the game. If you dont like being watched thats your thing” if you had a choice to masterbate live or “off stream” which would you prefer, would you not feel pressure to please the crowd?

  32. AustinN: SC - GRAHAM said:


    Kem: yo
    DigyB: whats up?
    Kem: Can u give me stv for the game tonight when u have it cos Agen and I are casting it
    DigyB: ya sure i will send it to you when i get it
    Kem: Cheers and GL
    DigyB: ty

    Before you said no to us getting it

  33. Charlie said:

    ok, well youre not getting it either way, thanks for this detail

  34. Y$$$: Beyond PL - UP said:

    they have every single right to say no. dont be a spastic if one team doesnt want THEIR game casted, just deal with it and dont cast. the only one who can watch this is me

  35. Charlie said:

    he cannot watch.

  36. Y$$$: Beyond PL - UP said:

    (i can) he only says that for ombra

  37. maksimov said:

    ur all retarded

  38. Copper said:

    Toemas comparing playing video games to masterbation smh

  39. Charlie said:

    hes got thousands of hours doing both

  40. aph: SKΣDDA said:

    name jeff

  41. Charlie said:

    i will be streaming pocket POV from twitch.tv/charlietf2 if u really want to watch!!! pls no enemy gamers cuz thats not milhouse

  42. Gazy: PANZER said:

    what is this turbo autism

  43. Charlie said:

    lol gaz

  44. Foz: (ETF2L Donator) - 124 - -Xe- said:

    ombra to pound

  45. Y$$$: Beyond PL - UP said:


  46. Matthes: TLR said:

    mega [*]

  47. Charlie said:


  48. DigyB said:


  49. Copper said:


  50. Charlie said:

    legit cutting yman was only mistake [*] yman [*]

  51. crunge|charle1 said:


  52. Klassy: wG - gandhi is said:

    not fair frysk casted this so ombra choked smh

  53. Charlie said:


  54. crunge|charle1 said:

    coz love you sizeable amount

  55. crunge|charle1 said:

    2% homo

  56. crunge|charle1 said:

    that match was not milhouse

  57. aph: SKΣDDA said:

    gg time to loathe my skill

  58. maksimov said:

    Y$$$ – 06/27/2017
    maksimov called me a decent player FeelsGoodMan
    @maksimov we are going to win mid

    Y$$$ – 06/27/2017
    maksimov what will you give me?
    WHEN we win

    Y$$$ – 06/27/2017
    its us or midnight

    Y$$$ – 06/27/2017
    what will you give me when i win?

    lightclaw bet 2 refs that crunge would not win mid and yman has given him the 2 refs so its all fine

  59. lc50: OCHOBA said:


  60. Doughy: SKΣDDA - BRIT said:


  61. Anguish said:

    both of these charlies are cringe gamers hahahah

  62. Gazy: PANZER said:


  63. Y$$$: Beyond PL - UP said:

    Yman would have won these

  64. Charlie said:

    the not me charlie is my friend from school lol

  65. Charlie said:


  66. Frysk said:

    too easy for digyB + 5

  67. crunge|charle1 said:


  68. lc50: OCHOBA said:

    i had to do this

  69. crunge|charle1 said:

    egs d

  70. Y$$$: Beyond PL - UP said:

    charle: CRUNGE said:
    Today, 21:56

    legit cutting yman was only mistake [*] yman [*].

    i think that says it all

  71. Charlie said:

    Is true

  72. 31: ceo said:

    nto even a close match i expected a bit more from crunge but i think ego lost them the game :D

  73. 31: ceo said:

    nonetheless congrats rude boys.

  74. Charlie said:

    Good to see swell have their brains swelling with supreme KNOWLEDGE

  75. Klassy: wG - gandhi is said:

    why did charle call us bad on his stream D’=

  76. Charlie said:

    Us = rude boys – klassy, not with

    Also when we play THAT bad it’s a bit different…

  77. Klassy: wG - gandhi is said:

    if u think i carry this team i guess i can understand u going into this so arrogantly. People have been sleeping on this team thinking that ive been carrying them through mid when that is far from the case as seen last week and this one. Say what you will but you coming into this match sleeping on this team without me is probably the reason you crumbled into playing bad then playing like shit from the first round.

  78. Klassy: wG - gandhi is said:

    rather than*

  79. Copper said:

    Klassy is shit and we give him every users. He is a detriment to the team, always off-classing and going spy/sniper. He baits team and never plays point , while i always have to always do the capping.

  80. Klassy: wG - gandhi is said:

    im a nice guy and crunge should RESPECT the rudeboyos

  81. Maximus said:

    Cooper never gets users :(

  82. Copper said:

    fuck autocorrect tbh

  83. streep36: (ETF2L Donator) - notdoggo - KAAS said:

    Klassy did the right thing by not playing with KaoS LOL

  84. Frysk said:

    Klassy is shit and we give him every users. He is a detriment to the team, always off-classing and going spy/sniper. He baits team and never plays point , while i always have to always do the capping.

  85. DigyB said:

    Klassy is shit and we give him every users. He is a detriment to the team, always off-classing and going spy/sniper. He baits team and never plays point , while i always have to always do the capping.

  86. Frysk said:

    also klassy is correct he didnt carry rudeboys, rudeboys was carried by DIGYB

  87. Twisty: [DA] said:

    Klassy is shit and we give him every users. He is a detriment to the team, always off-classing and going spy/sniper. He baits team and never plays point , while i always have to always do the capping.

  88. Klassy: wG - gandhi is said:

    this better be spammed harder than racsos pissdrinking promise in the GFs

  89. streep36: (ETF2L Donator) - notdoggo - KAAS said:

    Klassy is shit and we give him every users. He is a detriment to the team, always off-classing and going spy/sniper. He baits team and never plays point , while i always have to always do the capping.

  90. Enzo: chumtoad. said:

    Klassy is shit and we give him every users. He is a detriment to the team, always off-classing and going spy/sniper. He baits team and never plays point , while i always have to always do the capping.

  91. Pawelino said:

    Klassy is shit and we give him every users. He is a detriment to the team, always off-classing and going spy/sniper. He baits team and never plays point , while i always have to always do the capping.

  92. Racso: chumtoad. said:

    i fucking called it

  93. Y$$$: Beyond PL - UP said:

    not gonna lie, i did too.

  94. lc50: OCHOBA said:

    Klassy is shit and we give him every users. He is a detriment to the team, always off-classing and going spy/sniper. He baits team and never plays point , while i always have to always do the capping.

  95. Kosuke: A51 said:

    digyb to win mid tyty

  96. mak FP: soon... - hp said:


  97. Klassy: wG - gandhi is said:

    this must be the most commented match page this season

  98. MERPY: GHOST said:

    yeah this was shit

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