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Season 3

Division 4f

Week 6

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by asd (Public Enemies)



2 - 0

[Screenshots: N\A ]



2 - 0

[Screenshots: N\A ]

Hungary Public Enemies vs Austria Robert Hartlauer Syndikat
6 - 0


  1. jax0r: rhs - RHS said:

    gg. we really were chanceless today – but we are looking forward to playing against you guys again.

  2. csendesmark: NMI - cR. said:

    THX the game!
    see you again :)

  3. ToMee: NMI said:


  4. AnAkIn said:

    There is 1 missing screenshot of the first Gravelpit, please upload it.

  5. XH8 said:

    Sry we don’t have the missing one, maybe RHS has.

  6. jax0r: rhs - RHS said:


    just took it out of the demo.

    to be honest i think it’s kind of ridiculous that you’re so strict about that – after all i verified the results and especially the gravelpit screenshots don’t really show anything of interest for other clans.

  7. jax0r: rhs - RHS said:


    just took the screenshot out of the demo.

    to be honest i think it is ridiculous that you’re so strict about the screenshots. cR posted 3 of 4, i verified the results and especially the gravelpit screenshots show nothing of interest for other clans.

  8. XH8 said:

    Thx jax0r.

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