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Highlander Season 12: Preseason playoffs

Semi Finals

Round commencing: -

Schedule deadline: | Result deadline:

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by Bloodis (Feila eSports slim shady edition)



1 - 2 (golden cap)

[Screenshots: A B C ]



0 - 2

[Screenshots: A B ]

Poland inVision vs Poland Feila eSports slim shady edition
1 - 5

SteamID Screenshots: A B


inVision (10) brick, alba, bo4r, adamracek, Tercio, Just1s, Drezzo, sek, Kostil, credu
Feila eSports slim shady edition (9) VoidTrinity, proky, chooper, Leila, MARS^, Hutchy, Menty, Bloodis, Detoed.


  1. Bloodis: (Legend) - (๑╹ω╹๑ ) said:

    We would like to play this match on Monday or Tuesday at 21:15.
    We cannot play on this Wednesday.

  2. STiNGHAN: arctis said:

    I think I should add admin to team, would be much easier

  3. Aoshi: (Legend) - .be said:


  4. Leila: :3 - :Blinky: said:

    Leila- I love my team :) <3: hey
    Leila- I love my team :) <3: ban maps now
    STiNGHΔN: who's starting?
    Leila- I love my team :) <3: u can
    STiNGHΔN: ban product
    Leila- I love my team :) <3: we ban coalplant
    Leila- I love my team :) <3: we pick upward
    STiNGHΔN: sec lemme finish lobby, can't focus now
    STiNGHΔN is now playing Team Fortress 2. Click here to join.
    STiNGHΔN: we pick borneo
    STiNGHΔN: ban badwater
    Leila- I love my team :) <3: so we ban steel
    STiNGHΔN: so gullywash decider
    Leila- I love my team :) <3: yes
    STiNGHΔN: k

  5. foungi: 0fo - 0FO said:

    lul stinghan smh

  6. Nightmare said:

    gogo invision

  7. dReamyyy said:

    nightmare traitor FeelsBadMan

  8. Cryyy said:

    Hallo Daniel!

  9. Nightmare said:

    I’m not the traitor, you guys kicked me from feila!!11!

    Tho because of that I got into prem, so no hard feelings :3

  10. dReamyyy said:

    Hallo Roel!

  11. Fire: SENS said:

    gogo Feila

  12. Clark: Arti Rush said:

    Casted by Chando & Buck824 @ https://www.twitch.tv/buck824

  13. dReamyyy said:


  14. Just1s: JUMP said:

    Thank god you won

  15. extrasolar: officer - TC said:

    >win high
    >dont get in prem


  16. STiNGHAN: arctis said:

    gg xD

  17. Cryyy said:


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