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Season 26 powered by Tt eSPORTS


Week 6

Round commencing: -

Schedule deadline: | Result deadline:

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by Gazy (Ringo)



1 - 2 (golden cap)

[Screenshots: A B ]



3 - 2

[Screenshots: A ]

UnitedKingdom Ringo vs UnitedKingdom clanda
4 - 2

SteamID Screenshots: A


Ringo (5) sicko, Eli, Gazy, oJ, static
clanda (6) Predz, b0nes, b0binho, beach, Quantum Plumber, Hei
Unrostered (1) Nicky


  1. Default Date said:

    A default date has been set for this match by ETF2L.
    The default date is: Thursday, 02 March 2017, 21:00
    Please play this match on the appointed time and submit the results.
    If the default date does not suit you, please contact your opponent and ask them to reschedule.

  2. ult1mate said:

    clanda are pretty cool but leo is cooler

  3. koling_pendejo: PIG - E.T.s said:

    ez for ringo

  4. Silver: SUCK said:

    Go Ringo

  5. Broly: T6 - MUUMIT said:

    Roses Are Red
    Violets Are Blue
    Part 2

  6. oJ: CLARTED - YNWA. said:

    can this guy merc please http://etf2l.org/forum/user/103899/

  7. oJ: CLARTED - YNWA. said:

    yerbaby.oJ: ask ur leader if our merc is allowed
    beach_: link me his profile
    beach_: bones is offline until tomorrow i imagine
    yerbaby.oJ: http://etf2l.org/forum/user/103899/
    yerbaby.oJ: bog standard mid
    beach_: aye thats fine
    yerbaby.oJ: cheers

  8. ponche: SSKP said:

    Go Ringo !

  9. Broly: T6 - MUUMIT said:

    Roses are red
    Violets are red
    Everything’s red because
    Ringo slaughtered on this battlefield

  10. oJ: CLARTED - YNWA. said:

    gg was really close

  11. WR: woofwoof said:

    gg was really tense!!

  12. Gazy: REMOVE said:


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