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Season 25 Preseason Cup

Open D

Round 2

Round commencing: -

Schedule deadline: | Result deadline:

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by ETF2L Staff

Default Win

Switzerland Belastend vs Denmark Omicron eSports
6 - 0


  1. Default Date said:

    A default date has been set for this match by ETF2L.
    The default date is: Tuesday, 30 August 2016, 20:00
    Please play this match on the appointed time and submit the results.
    If the default date does not suit you, please contact your opponent and ask them to reschedule.

  2. WML said:

    hi i am popkern, i get touchy feely over a preseason cup. this matters to me cus if i lose my ego drops by 1000, i am undefeated on etf2l since s10 hl and to lose now would devastate me, i had planned to acquire 7 upgrades to my team to roll high and as soon as i lost keenness they abandoned me and left me to die. so pls, lemme acquire def win to keep the streak and my life alive


  3. UltimatePopcorn.: Popsy said:


  4. Popkern: BE. said:

    why do you care so much about losing george

  5. WML said:

    why do you care so much that you close your rec post after I stated facts kern

  6. Popkern: BE. said:

    Edgeward you’re the biggest two faced idiot on this website, while I was on Muffin Crunchers you were saying how good I was etc, I was outperforming everyone on that team and it wasn’t fun losing while knowing I could be doing better, so I did better and joined Cryy’s team Veritas (no I didn’t make the team for a carry – cryy got me on pyro because he values my ability as pyro) after I left you make stupid remarks behind my back, we both joined mumble and sorted our differences. But today you get stupidly triggered after losing a 6s official which I say nothing during the game to bait you into saying these things, but still hear from friends which played with you that all you were doing was shittalking me while the others were trying to have fun, nice one.

    All you say is that I got carried and would be a bottom mid pyro, then why did I perform well all the way through mid, post-season top high scrims I was doing well. You’ve played against/with me 2-3 times at most and I bet during those I was performing fine too, you just dislike me for whatever reasons, think of something logical for once in your life. I could a high team as pyro right now, I have offers, teams I won’t be leading which debunks them theories about how I wouldn’t be high without leading a team. Edgeward you talk the talk but don’t walk the walk as they say. Nice one reaching mid playo– oh wait sorry, you couldn’t even get that far.

  7. Brian: (Senior Anti-Cheat Admin) - :Blinky: said:

    Whilst I don’t really care for drama, you cant deny that popkern has done just as well in high scrims as he did in mid, which kinda disproves any shittalk about his skill. It’s up for debate whether you think Veritas could have had a better pyro but looking at it, I doubt it. As a side note Veritas didn’t abandon Popkern, they simply just switched to the Feila team I assume due to the group having more experience than the Veritas group. If they abandoned him they would have left on their own, not by the leader.

    Also related to the cup, We lost the first map 3-1 and we gave the default win to them as we weren’t going to have time for the 2nd map due to the 3rd cup game (which ended up being a default win, rip). They most likely wouldn’t have lost the game if we didn’t give them a defualt as they were all over us on the first map so I dunno why you’d think that popkern would be scared about losing man.

    You’re both chill lads so don’t take offense at anything I say, just really stupid thing to be fighting over.

  8. WML said:

    Stop making it look like it was over one official, everyone has had to deal with this for 5 months now, everyone talks about how annoying popkern is behind your back whenever someone brings it up in mumble. And you performed well in mid because like I said before you got a majority of the ubers/heals in games and most of your frags were wm1 degreaser frags. Also begging other people to tell me to unblock you just so you can shittalk further away from public eyes is childish.

  9. Firefly: SENS said:

    idk why u care George it’s bout that time where u quit tf2 for the 10th time or smth

  10. WML said:

    Bottom line is we’re both as bad as each other in hindsight and it feels fucking glorious to get this beef off my chest and probably the same for you too.

    Ty and bb


  11. WML said:

    Firefly didn’t you know no one can quit this fucking game :^)

  12. Popkern: BE. said:

    Seriously give up, everything you say is out the ass. Ask anyone on my team and I didn’t get the majority of heals or ubers, look through all the logs of our officials in mid and I get average heals most of the time, can’t see the ubers I get but neither can you so not sure why you even mention this, you obviously don’t watch the STV of all my games. Also, bring up how people talk shit about me all you want, they can come here and I’ll put down what they say just like I’m doing with you, because it’ll always be some low mid player shit talking, don’t you realise how dumb that is Edgeward? I’ll always be better than you, fuck off.


  13. Popkern: BE. said:

    “both as bad as eachother” yeah keep saying that buddy LOL

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