Highlander Season 10 powered by Tt eSPORTS - Premiership Tier
Week 7
Round commencing: -
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by ETF2L Staff
Feila eSports slim shady edition
The Bureau
0 - 6
The Bureau | (9) 1pt, Scriptzon, Zafus, kuli, Chronos, Just1s, Rick May, MatteX, scrambled |
Feila eSports slim shady edition | (7) Teatime, Leila, Munky, Hutchy, Yumppu, MS, Afirax |
Unrostered | (2) HartzFartz, WML |
- The Bureau [Minor] Unable to provide a requested demo (1st time)
- Map 2 (cp_gullywash_final1): First Person by Leila (62 Downloads)
- Map 1 (koth_product_rc8): First Person by Leila (60 Downloads)
- Map 2 (cp_gullywash_final1): First Person by HartzFartz (59 Downloads)
- Map 2 (cp_gullywash_final1): First Person by 1pt (56 Downloads)
- Map 1 (koth_product_rc8): First Person by 1pt (57 Downloads)
- Map 1 (koth_product_rc8): First Person by HartzFartz (53 Downloads)
- Map 2 (cp_gullywash_final1): Source TV by kuli (34 Downloads)
- Map 1 (koth_product_rc8): Source TV by kuli (39 Downloads)
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I think for us the best is thursday 21. if other days we can play only 21
We cannot play on Thursday as Just1s needs to do work for an assignment in on Friday, we can play any day before then though. Wednesday 21?
A default date has been set for this match by ETF2L.
The default date is: Wednesday, 04 May 2016, 21:00
Please play this match on the appointed time and submit the results.
If the default date does not suit you, please contact your opponent and ask them to reschedule.
u gon die kid
But I will die with honour :^)
lol georgebaii in prem? NotLikeThis
we allow http://etf2l.org/forum/user/104328/ as a merc
it’s prem, you can use whoever as merc
bottom mid heavy in prem lets go
http://etf2l.org/forum/user/50117/ we use him as well
gully: http://logs.tf/1385394
via: http://logs.tf/1385439
gg, good experience of getting thumped, more work to do next season I suppose, i’ll do my best :)
you’re getting thumped in mid m8 dno why you’re letting yourself play prem
why are salty mid players posting here?
one’s a UGC admin who complains where people shit talk him for no reason EleGiggle
request demos of 1pt and Just1s
I forgot people do this. Requesting the demos of leila and hartz then :^)
there will be no demos from me #BlameMM
HartzFartz: yahoo is such a tryhard, he goes offline in steamfriends so he doesnt get shittalked by me
23:49 – don’t touch my grinder 8): how did george do
23:50 – scrambled <|:^): erm
23:50 – scrambled <|:^): he wasnt great
23:50 – scrambled <|:^): but he fitted the team well
23:50 – don't touch my grinder 8): wow rekt
I mean, there’s asking for demos, and then there’s checking the STV and requesting the players demos that didn’t display a p-rec message.
Oh well, look on the brightside. Hartz’s demo will be amusing because of the loadouts and Leila’s will be comedy gold, we can all sit around and watch it later :)
I wont say what is comedy for people
Good job I’ve got that covered :)
just1s died after the round ended, I beat he deleted his pov because of it. 8)
Yup, definitely because of that. Your skill was just too gr8, so I couldn’t even walk away :)
Feila eSports finanzieren durch DROPS have received 1 minor warning for failing to upload Leila’s demos.
The Bureau receives a major warning, since this is Just1s’ second failure to upload a demo, and therefore he will be banned for two weeks. This warning can not be removed.
No comedy evening I guess :o
I love the fact that we’re all more bothered about not getting to watch Leila’s demo than receiving warnings :’)
rip bureau playoffs :o
I assume that the whole thing about getting the warning removed for using an unapproved merc went no where?
I mean I was a verified rostered bureau player for the entirety of the game, and bureau still had a default merc available to use should they have needed.
We got a major anyway because just1s didn’t upload a demo in season 7, 1 1/2 years ago too. But yeah, game started at approx 21:15 cet, so scrambled was verified by the start. I would have just written he’s default merc otherwise. Seems an odd thing to get a warning for, likewise we get a warning for pause abuse vs premtech despite maito not trying to get one. Stong opinions paused vs us mid push on last and although I feel it’d be unfair for them to get a minor warning for that too, I feel there are double standards seeing as we got one in an exact same situation…
The fact that Feila decided to go through the stv in order to find the 2 players that had no p-rec message is also completely out of the spirit of asking for demos. It should be to learn things tactically or to investigate cheating, whereas they deliberately do this in order to try to get us deducted points, which is just disgraceful seeing as we were incredibly polite and reasonable both prior to the game and for the entire duration. Teams shouldn’t be able to/allowed to abuse the demo request system in such a way
I can’t say anything nice about Bureau. They’re a team which on multiple occasions have shown their true colors to the competitive community: They care more about winning than actually playing. Strong Opinions is the stronger team, but if problems occur and forces SO to (for example) take a pause, Bureau will try their best to gain points from it. In conclusion: SO 6-0 Bureau, but Bureau will play dirty to get points.
looks like you got a taste of your own medicine tbh
can you give any examples of bureau doing that ATX?
because over the last 2 seasons and UGC I can’t.
also I suggest that people should use prec_notify 2 in order to stop people being dicks like that with the demo request system, 1pt had to record the demo manually and that’s why his demo was requested.
@atx, your continued shit talking of so many people is why I deleted you on steam. Then since this you decide to shit talk me and my team like you have done many times about things that don’t concern you at all, it’s annoying and immature. There has never been once when I’ve tried to get a default and I’ve never denied mercs in an official and I’ve always let teams have as many pauses or anything they’ve possibly needed during or before games. You know absolutely nothing on the matter and yet again you are just shit talking about stuff *yawn*
Scrambled 28th April 2016 at 3:38 pm Reply
Now, me rushing to defend The Bureau may be seen as hypocritical to an extent, but I’m getting 2 conflicting stories here.
According to the side I heard, Khazul could be referencing 3 games.
Game 1: vs PremTech. A pause was called in death chat, as just1s timed out. PremTech never saw the pause call. Hardly clawing for points. Should also point out that Bureau allowed PremTech many pauses and 3 mercs.
Game 2: vs Samsung Galaxy Gang. SGG shown up 2 hours late, the default was claimed about 1 hour and 30 minutes after the game was supposed to start. Again, not exactly clawing for points.
Game 3: vs WASP. The server that was reserved by WASP ran out mid round of an official, both teams contacted admins asking for advice on what to do during the official, and the admin response was that Bureau would be allowed to choose whether or not to restart the round or carry on with the time that had been set by The Bureau on offence. Bureau originally decided to restart, but when WASP complained they agreed to just go with the original time.
stop crying scrambled,u noob anyway
Lets make things clear.
Leila requested demo becouse detoed ask joe to request it, so u cant blame them for it.
As a team we think that we deserve more playoff spot than premtech or berau, so in thise case such things happen sometime.
To be honest the fact that the demo request system was blatantly used in order to secure a playoff spot is even worse.
Sorry about the shit talk feila, we thought you were just being dicks to us.
oh really,so we dont need follow the rules? he dont recording demos. why?
2.4 Every player has to record Demos
so stop shittalking and go away
Everyone makes mistakes here and there Detoed, I don’t think its fair to scrutinize a team and pick up on every mistake they make.
Rules are there for a good reason. I think its clear in this instance that the rule did not fulfill its function correctly.
I’m not arguing about following the rules, just1s should have recorded his demos and he normally does. But doing something like that is completely disrespectful when as you very well know detoed, I and we’ve only been in really good sports when it’s come to allowing things and helping out wasp in the past in officials or whatever and we’ve seemingly got on well
ok its ur mind, so who care coz Premtech have easiest chance for going to playoffs so idk why we talking about all this
I guess if you thought that Bureau really did play dirty to get points, this would be a taste of our own medicine.
People were very upset when they heard that Bureau went around “playing dirty” (and rightly so), but now you do it and you’re saying that we shouldn’t care?
@scrambled, I don’t think detoed or anyone who knows anything really thinks we’ve played dirty. But yeah, trying to fuck over another team and just1s in order to maximise one’s chance of playing in the playoffs is clearly playing dirty
lol what we do? we just ask about requesting demos, is this unfair?
can somebody see any whines about what happened there?
If bureau didn’t let you have your way there probably would be.
u now decisive factor was our match vs u when we won
No, there was no whining. That was a game you guys won fairly, congratulations but is completely besides the point of this conversation
Berau thought that 10 min is bad time to defend, best way to win that round woulde be trying to restart it, and get better time, yes?
that was a dirty game, it didnt happened but the fact that u wanna that happen doesnt make u clear
Bureau got every point this season fairly also, just so happens that we got one more point than you this season.
We all whant to win , we use rulles to do so, natural election is here.
The rules also allow the Bureau to choose whether to restart or not, maybe they should have.
We both went and asked admins what was to be done in the situation where the server time runs out. We were told we could restart the round if the attacking team desired, we decided to do this but as you guys argued we decided to go with what you guys wanted to do despite it not being your decision to make as we didn’t want to upset you guys as we’d always got on well. I don’t see how that was dirty in any regards
“The rules also allow the Bureau to choose whether to restart or not, maybe they should have.”
Are u retard? we ask u about it and u agree before this that we just need to end. “Klefsas : We can attack on another server; Popcorp lft : it’s possible ; вмѕ | Chronos ❤ Mayinka : yeah”
The point was catman, that yes you guys used the rules but are definitely acting outside of the spirit of the rules and are abusing a system designed to find cheaters. Not to get teams deducted points or to hurt one’s playoff chances
Can people not act sportsmanlike???????
no scrambled no, u forgot that stinson said that, u cant do what u whant to do, u will continue the match u wont restart it, do u forgot it?
No chronas the situation had a different storyline. U wanted a restart of a game, and u prove your right to do so with admin decision, but if we wont found new admin to prove that we can continue our match, we woulde have to restart it.
Not true, one admin said go along with whatever if that’s whag you guys want and another said that it’s our choice. We went with your choice to make things amicable with you
U AGREE before change server that we just need to end without restart
Regardless, we were the ones who decided we would stop arguing and go with what the other team wanted. Besides the point too, but I guess there is not really any way you can address my previous comment
If u woulde like to be good to us,(1) u wont write admin becouse u know how things are done in such situations. (2) admin gave u opportunity to chose and u chose what we dont whant. If u think that was a clear game, sorry i dont think so.
which arguing?are u fuckin kiddin me? U AGREE to end game
We did not know what happens in this situation, it isn’t exactly a regular occurrence. We initially went with what you didn’t want and what we did before you guys argued and as a result of not wanting to upset you guys we agreed to go with what you guys wanted. No one mentioned this problem again and since we’ve all got on well until you guys decide to behave like this now
U agreed BEFORE change server , coz we end a round, so idk why we should restart it
We didn’t…
Restart it that is
“Klefsas : We can attack on another server; Popcorp lft : it’s possible ; вмѕ | Chronos ❤ Mayinka : yeah”
And you did. After speaking to see what the appropriate thing to do is and being told it was our choice, we went with your choice. This is also completely out of context and doesn’t address my message at 17:35
all this drama just to see who gets beaten by HP in playoff Dx
@seal xD, yeah it would seem so. But we feel that unless premtech wins 6-0 tonight then it’s our right to get beaten in the playoffs and it shouldn’t be the subject of wasp trying to use the demo system to get us losing points ;)
guys,u have 2 minors before this game, its our fault too?:)
How is this relevant to the current situation? Your team had discovered a method of figuring out people who didn’t record demos (unless they had their prec set to “prec_notify 2”). You then chose two people who didn’t have the message in the chat, Just1s and I, unfortunately he fell victim to your tricks.
no detoed, these are not your fault and also besides the point :)
1pt, we just ask about requesting demos, is this unfair? :)
Chronos the thing is not in what u decided to do after our admin said that we gonna continue match. The thing is in your wish to restart a game.
yahoo we want to play from the start
yahoo we dont want that, we want to restart the round
yahoo then default to us
Klefsas I said that we will attack and if it will be faster than 10:17 so we will take round. And you agreed with that
вмѕ | Chronos ❤ Mayinka we start entire thing again
Klefsas Why?
Klefsas You agreed with me
вмѕ | Chronos ❤ Mayinka our decision
That’s SO Steve! | ETF2L.org: Tell Bureau I’m ordering them to play this round as normal, if they fail to push in 10:17 you win
THAT what admin said to u.
But yes u coulde continue saying that bloodis is more powefull and his decision is better, but u dont do so, BUT THE FACK THAT U WANNA RESTART GAME IS IN THE CHAT LOG and only becouse steave saved us thise story ended like it ended
Acknowledge the problem. Figure out what it is that’s causing you to hold a grudge. …
Share your feelings. A grudge can form when an issue isn’t fully confronted. …
Switch places. …
Accept what is. …
Don’t dwell on it. …
Take the positive. …
Let it go. …
As for last word i woulde say that thise situation was not a revenge lt ls a cold calculation.Any team woulde get same shit as u if they woulde be in same situation.
I dont blame for such thing and i dont give a fuck about such situations. If u ask my team chronos they woulde say that u done not good. Maybe your thughts were clear but we dont found them clear.
Any team in prem made such shit that why TC are not prem.
Klefsas also said that you guys would default us too, and this is Yahoo talking not me
Yes, we made that decision on the grounds of an admin saying it was our initiative to do this. The admins disagreed, we didn’t want further conflict so we went with what you wanted and not what we wanted to avoid further conflict. I have said it was our initial decision to restart, as we were told we could by admin, I have said this throughout. But then we decided to just do what you guys wanted. However, after the game and ever since there has only been good will coming from me and seemingly you guys
Well fair enough, you guys don’t care that you are abusing the rules to suit your own ends and are being unsporting. We are annoyed by this as it’s completely against the spirit of the rules that are meant for catching cheaters, not for getting points removed from another team
Etf2l rules are not strong side of thise league. I hope the community asks for making it better is not as hard as adding and new flag.
Just a clarification that a major penalty is not given if the last demo request(s) of the player is for a different team. As The bureau has accumulated 3 minor penalties with the minor, the major warning stays and cannot be removed.
emjoy, thought have to wait for email from admins
Please never change, Highlander. :^)
comedy gold, idk why wasp is trying so hard they are not getting playoffs anyway
So if a minor warning is removed for whatever reason the major warning cannot be removed for any reason???
Cus we requested these minor warnings to be removed before the major was given :/
Every one of our minors was just bs, seems like admins are really keen to jump down our throats for stupid things, feels very biased like there’s some favoritism.
scrambled, u crying again, u got ur minors from a lot of matches,u not follow the rules in game and when u got trouble with this u tell smth about that.
can another wasp played shit talk me please I can’t understand this one.
Well pretty much the only proper warning was the 3rd one and that one was still because of rule abusing.
It funny how ppl don’t really care about rules, but as soon as they can get gain from it they start following the rules word by word :)
people getting mad about HL in 2016
That`s just sad, guys…
^ Exactly
You could have prevented that all by a) recording demos
or b) not getting any minor warnings before
I also doubt that admins are biased, they just do their job.
Maybe you should just understand the rules better and if you don’t, you should ask an admin :)
That was a lovely night read, thank you very much. I was almost disappointed thinking this regular season would finish without a proper drama, but luckily it didn’t <3
a) Its not as if we intentionally didn’t have one player record a demo as he removed p-rec for MM, our mistake, sure.
b) The prior minor warnings were just bs.
Should point out that the prior warnings were both down to admin discretion, so its not a case of understanding rules correctly.
And they were both for very nitpicky things that didn’t affect the outcome of matches or etf2l services or anything of the sort. Literally only issued as a big fuck you to the Bureau.
This then followed on to allow WASP the opportunity to misuse the ETF2L demo request system to secure a playoff spot.
This is a chain reaction of bullshit for the bureau that could have been stopped at any stage by an admin.
zakroi eblo uzhe
Detoed.: WASP said:
Yesterday, 17:15
ok its ur mind, so who care coz Premtech have easiest chance for going to playoffs so idk why we talking about all this
I had a really strong laugh
Man and I thought a Mid Heavy in Prem would be the only drama on this match page…
HartzFartz, ;)
that is some classic drama.
Love me some e-drama.
Just1s should record next time son. Whole thing can be avoided.
That being said if Wasp got into playoffs despite winning less points, it would have been a bit of an injustice really. Right team is in playoffs, hope this Russian kid knows how to record in our game. :D