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Highlander Season 9 powered by marketplace.tf - Premiership Tier


Week 2

Round commencing: -

Schedule deadline: | Result deadline:

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by CeeJaey (Strong Opinions)



0 - 3

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2 - 1

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European Highpander© vs European Strong Opinions
3 - 3

SteamID Screenshots: A


Strong Opinions (9) Thalash, cloudy, EmilioEstevez, CeeJaey, Korv, Steve!, Toast, Seal, Raptor
Highpander© (9) tracker, Astt, Hildreth, Grenja, Polk, Goreston, Doom, Spreijer, Muuki



  1. cloudy said:

    gl hf

  2. Steve!: S-O said:

    gl hf

  3. CeeJaey: (The MvM Guy) - :think: - S-O said:

    Tuesday 10th or Sunday 15th work best for us

  4. Default Date said:

    A default date has been set for this match by ETF2L.
    The default date is: Sunday, 15 November 2015, 21:00
    Please play this match on the appointed time and submit the results.
    If the default date does not suit you, please contact your opponent and ask them to reschedule.

  5. Pistolvania said:

    Please someone cast this

  6. Muuki: sirkkels - GG said:

    read the newspost ayy lamo rofl porfl zofl

  7. Piddox: Fe | said:

    Should be great game! Also:
    Piddox placed 11.00 keys on Strong Opinions.

  8. Toast: WEED - S-O said:

    gg wp, GL

  9. Jon: ETF said:

    VoD: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZJ8aygYuaL0

  10. Grenja: //rawr said:

    shoutout to our sponsors at snipersightlines.tf

    Good games.

  11. Raptor: BTWFC - S-O said:

    GG! Hope to see you again in the playoffs!

  12. Spreijer: CONCORDIA said:

    shoutout to our sponsors at McDonald’s_fries.

  13. Muuki: sirkkels - GG said:

    they are flavored with salt

  14. Steve!: S-O said:


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